The flowers are usually red, orange, or yellow and are usually fragrant. Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica) is another plant that likes moist soil. Regular Joe Pye Weed can grow up to six or seven feet tall, which is too much for my garden. Clematis virginiana, or Virgin's Bower, is a beautiful native vine with white flowers that twines around vertical supports. Transplant in spring to early summer only. Clumping habit. Moist, average soil. Height: 5-12'. Find out how to care for them and the characteristics of different cultivars. Adding a little peat moss to the soil when planting, and mulching lightly are beneficial. Nice beside ponds or streams or in any area that stays fairly moist. Part shade. The roots are shallow, so chunks can easily be pulled up and inflicted on your friends when it gets too big. Clean up all dead foliage around plants in March to discourage borers. Height: 2-3'. Layers of peeling bark, attractive if plant is pruned to expose. Choose a sunny site with at least 6 hours of sun, with fertile, well-drained soil and some support, such as a trellis, tree or post. Deer resistant, but protect until well-established and sizeable., Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) - FULL SUNTO PART SHADE, Moderate growth. Good drainage. You will find them in various sizes and colors, including red, white, and pink. Moist but well-drained, rich soil. Some species bloom in spring; others, in mid-to late summer. Deep roots allow for underplantings of shrubs and wildflowers. Learn what plants are native in your area. Must have adequate moisture until well-established. Well-drained, acidic soil. Blooms crimson, star-like flowers in summer. Width: 1'. Mix with asters and ironweeds for nice color contrast in meadows and borders. Deer resistant, but protect until well-established and sizeable., Sweet Azalea (Rhododendron arborescens) -MORNING SUN, DAPPLED LIGHT, PART SHADE, Deciduous shrub. Self-sows. Deadhead after flowering to prevent self-sowing. Blooms creamy white in flat-topped clusters in early to mid-summer. Combine with sunflowers, goldenrods, silphiums and other yellow composites for nice color contrast. Part sun. Cut back in summer when foliage deteriorates. Nice near a patio or second story window. A tall, graceful species. Morning sun to bright shade. Width: 30'-50'. Self-sows aggressively. Clematis ligusticifolia is a vine that grows to about 20 feet. Width: 12". Attractive foliage. Height up to 30'. Glossy, dark green foliage turns shades of deep red in early fall. Both need five or six hours of sunlight. The purple passionflower prefers rich soil with well-drained soil mixed with organic matter such as compost or manure. Division of clump after bloom may also spur strong new growth. Feet in the Shade, Face in the Sun. A total of 534 moth and butterfly species are supported by oaks. Height: 3-5". Height: 2-3'. Buy nursery-propagated native plants. Sun to part sun. Well-drained soil. Hummingbird and butterfly plant. Moist, rich soil. Things are slowing down, but there will be a few new flowers still to come in September. Acorns provide food for variety of birds and mammals and cavities provide den, nesting, and roosting sites for birds. Add a little organic fertilizer in spring. Goldenrods play important roles in native ecosystems, stabilizing soil on hillsides and banks, providing excellent nectar sources as well as food and shelter for wildlife. Leaves are basal rosettes. Moist, average soil. Width: 3'. Combines well with Wreath Goldenrod, Wild Ginger or Bloodroot. Best used for naturalizing, especially on banks. Yellow, 2-3" wide, daisy-like flowers from mid-summer to fall. Soil moisture: Moist. Description. Will grow on steep, rocky banks. Hardy kiwi vines grow as far as 15 feet tall and are evergreen, meaning they dont lose their leaves during the winter months. Divide every 3 years. These roots help the plant climb up trellises and other structures. Water very regularly throughout the first season. That is 37 percent of Pennsylvanias total wild plant flora. Blue-black fruits taken by wildlife in late summer. Height: 8'. Deadhead to prevent. A nice companion to yellow-blooming meadow species and other blue-purple late bloomers such as Joe-Pye-Weed and ironweeds. Examples of this group are: Clematis florida and its cultivars, C. 'Nelly Moser', C. 'Niobe', C. 'The President'. Average soil. Deer resistant, Sensitive Fern (Onoclea sensibilis) PART SHADE. Spreads too quickly for a planned border. Width: 3-4'. Moist to dry, rich soil. Twiggy, with blue-green foliage. Deadhead to prevent. Having both male and female plants (dioecious) a number of varieties have been recognized, mainly ranging from north to south. Plants may be affected by thrips and mildew over the growing season. Moist soil. Self-sows. Average to dry, moderately rich soil. Multiplies steadily. Native plants include: There are approximately 2,100 native plants in Pennsylvania. Pale yellow, tubular flowers about " long in spring. The plant can be grown in Pennsylvania as long as it has at least four hours of sunlight per day and a soil temperature between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Check the native status of this species for your area via the USDA Plants Database here . Height: 3-10". Clematis is a vine that can be grown on walls, on pergolas or in containers. Clumping habit. Foliage mottled. Botanical Name: Clematis ' Brother Stefan'. Rain garden plant., Blazing Star (Liatris spicata) - SUN TO PART SUN, Bright, pink-purple blooms on tall spikes in summer. Moist, fertile soil. Height: 3-5'. Culture as for Helianthus decapetalus, above. Cut back if affected by thrips or powdery mildew. Rain garden plant. Deer resistant., Dwarf Larkspur (Delphinium tricorne) - PART SHADE, Spring ephemeral. Deadhead to prevent. Will not tolerate drought. Part sun. Plant in a moist but well-drained soil with roots in a cool shady place and foliage in the sun. There are more than 300 species and hundreds of hybrids of clematis. 3. Light: Sun, Part Sun. Width: 4-8'. Foliage benefits from extra water. Most clematis are hardy in USDA Hardiness Zones 4 to 8 and native to North America. Click on the green bars below to see the many plants that are native to our area. It ranges from Manitoba to Nova Scotia southward and from New England to Georgia. Height: 1-2'. Subtle yellow blooms along stems in spring. Use for naturalizing in a meadow or wildlife garden, especially a butterfly garden as the plants are excellent nectar sources. Often grows on slopes., Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) - SUN OR PART SUN, Purple and green blooms in summer followed by interesting seed pods. Part sun in spring. There is no shortage of common names for this vine . Benefits from cutting to the ground each year after leaves drop in fall. Height: 3-7'. Shadier rain garden plant. Do not remove native plants from the wild. Blooms white in spring. Rust may disfigure leaves but plants survive. Best for naturalizing by a pond or stream. Width: 12". Carefree. Height: 3'. Extensive woody rootstock takes several years to develop. Stalks often twisted around other stems. Intermingle with large-leaved groundcovers such as Bloodroot or Wild Ginger, or with ferns to add height. Leaves widely spaced in levels along stems producing an appealing architectural effect. Divide every 5 years. Edible, red berries in fall often remain on plants through winter. Part shade. This plant is usually found on floodplains. Moist soil. Needs space as it spreads aggressively on rhizomes. All Rights Reserved. I have two Arborvitae trees at the corner of the house, planted by someone a long time ago. Part shade. Clematis virginiana can be propagated by seeds, root cuttings, or vegetative cuttings. Its pitchers fill with water and it feeds by digesting the small insects that fall in. Blooms early summer. Part shade or dappled light. Invasive species compete directly with native species for moisture, sunlight, nutrients, and space. Self-sows. Height: 3-7". Part shade. Excellent nectar source. Climbing roses grow best in full sun, but they can tolerate partial shade conditions. Nice interplanted with taller species, or under trees and shrubs, but does not like competition. Dig and divide bulbs after foliage declines in fall., Twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla) - PART SHADE, Blooms white, very briefly, in early spring. Part shade to shade. A species to brighten the woodland garden in fall. Whole plants can be moved. Height: 2-4'. Moist, near-neutral, rich soil. Part shade. It is a clematis of the original and silhosa type. Width: 2-3'. Goat's Beard (Aruncus dioicus) PART SHADE, Golden Alexanders (Zizia aurea) PART SHADE. The flowers of climbing hydrangeas are also very large, sometimes as large as grapefruits. Height: 2-4'. Forms colonies. Must have good drainage. See Monarda clinopodia, above, for cultural information. Large leaves shaped like those of a maple tree. Medium to large tree. Also nice in pots. Deciduous, suckering shrub/small tree. Striking in borders or near a pond or stream. Morning sun to bright shade. Hybrid clematis that have been developed using scarlet clematis include bicolor pink- flowered 'Duchess of Albany', above, and red-sepaled 'Gravetye Beauty', opposite. Takes time to develop into sizeable clump, but rugged and long-lived. Moist soils only. Deer resistant., Swamp Rose Mallow (Hibiscus moscheutos) SUN TO PART SUN, Large, white or pink flowers with darker centers in late summer. Mulch to protect shallow roots. Spreads to form large mats. Note this is the default cart. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Do not disturb roots once established. Width: 4-5'. NVS maintains a standard set of species code abbreviations that correspond to standard scientific plant names from the Ng Tipu o Aotearoa - New Zealand Plants database. Nice contrasted with it, or with the yellow of goldenrod. Clematis aristata varieties Three varieties, 'blanda' from Victoria and Tasmania, 'longiseta' from Queensland and 'dennisae' from Victoria however it is the species C. aristata that seems readily available. Most likely, the plant will flower at a different time than normal. Requires moist, but well-drained, open ground. Sun. Deadheading prolongs bloom. Height: 4-8". The plant can be grown in Pennsylvania as long as it has at least four hours of sunlight per day and a soil temperature between 55 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Nodding Onion (Allium cernuum) SUN TO PART SUN, Dainty, with slender, grass-like leaves and nodding, purplish-pink flowers on wiry stems in July and August. White flower heads in late spring to early summer. Oriental clematis prefers riversides, rocky slopes, roadsides and similar open, sunny habitats with well-drained soils. Moist, rich soil. Width: 3-4'. Clematis virginiana is an evergreen vine that grows to a height of 20 feet. Be sure to get the entire taproot out or it may resprout. 3. Besides looking stupid, if you keep cutting off the new growth, you won't get the cones. American bittersweet is easy to care for because it is not fussy about its environment or soil type. Examples of this group are: Clematis terniflora (sweet autumn clematis), C. 'Gipsy Queen', C. 'Jackmanii', C. 'Ville de Lyon'. Foliage pale green and finely divided. Spread: 12" or more. Can be an aggressive self-sower. Suckers less and produces more fruit if grown in sun. This is a good plant for moist soil. Use for vertical impact in large borders or as a screen. Width: 1-2'. Lovely under deciduous trees. Dig and divide older plants when they begin to go dormant.. Deer resistant., Wood Poppy (Stylophorum diphyllum) - PART SHADE. Large, bold leaves. Drier, leaner soils produce shorter, less floppy plants. Cut back in March. Avoid digging close to plants because roots, if damaged, are easily infected. Moist to wet, rich soil. Grows naturally in clumps in wet places. Second, they are unlikely to escape and become invasive, destroying natural habitat. Height and width: 10-16". Third, they support wildlife, providing shelter and food for native birds and insects, while exotic plants do not. Part shade. Part sun. Height: 6-15'. Height: 2-3'. Height: to 30'. Emerges blue-gree, turns brownish-red in fall. 2023 Stauffers of Kissel Hill. Grows in tufts. Sun to part sun. Nice with ornamental grasses, other coneflowers, Blazing Star, ironweeds or Culver's Root in a meadow or wild garden. It's beautiful and butterflies like it. Carefree. Learn more about native plants. Moist to wet, moderately fertile soil. Height: 3'. Shadier rain garden plant. Width: 2-4'. ellow, 2-3" wide blooms from mid-summer to fall. First, these plants are better adapted to soils, moisture and weather than exotic plants that evolved in other parts of the world. The American one is also called Eastern White Cedar. Paired leaves pierced by the stem. Use in mixed plantings and for naturalizing, especially on dry, rocky banks. Delicate-looking but tough. Height: 1-3'. Remove of outer twigs in winter. Deadhead to prevent. Older individuals will go dormant after flowering. Shiny, bright green leaves. Be sure to water your Campsis radicans regularly throughout the growing season, but dont overwater it as this will cause root rot. Rain garden plant. Shadier rain garden plant. Shadier rain garden plant. Good native substitute for Japanese pachysandra. Part shade. Height: 2-5'. Well-drained, acidic soil. Height: 4-5'. Sun to part sun. Protect from deer until well- established and sizeable., Aniseroot (Osmorhiza longistylis) - PART SHADE, Small, white flowers from spring to early summer. Butterfly plant. Mats may be lifted and moved in early spring. Height: 3-5'. Their flowers possess a grace and elegance few plants can match. In early spring, remove any dead stems. August 11. Use for naturalizing in open woods or on banks. Mulch with pine boughs for winter and press crowns gently back into soil in early spring. Ever-widening clump needs occasional division. Butterfly plant. Good cut flower. The Swamp Milkweed is definitely done blooming for the season now, because these are its seed pods starting to form. Chocolate Vine is a vine with creamy white flowers and small leaves; it can grow up to 50 feet tall. August 20. Clematis napaulensis (scientific name: Clematis napaulensis) is a vining dwarf herb native to Nepal, in the family Ranunculaceae. Use at the front of a border as an edger, massed in sweeps or as a groundcover. Self-sows aggressively. Part sun. Rain garden plant., Butterflyweed (Asclepias tuberosa) - SUN TO BRIGHT SHADE, Compact, bushy plant with brilliant orange flowers in mid-summer. Lovely massed or used in meadows, wild gardens or at the edges of ponds or streams. Shadier rain garden plant. Height: 2-4". The roots of Lonicera sempervirens like alkaline soils, so make sure your soil is tested before planting to see if it needs to be amended with lime or fertilizer. Good fall nectar source and food plant for butterfly larva. Prune to several large stems and remove most suckers at the plant base in late fall. Self-sows freely. Foliage interesting as stem appears to pierce leaves. Prevent wild-collecting of plants by making sure that plants you buy are propagated at a nursery. Height: 2-4'. Dark purple berries attractive to wildlife in fall. Japanese clematis is an invasive, woody, perennial, twining vine in the Ranunculaceae (buttercup) family that is native to Japan and Central and South China. Effective when massed behind lower-growing plants, in a rock garden or a wild garden. 1 5. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas. (Do not compost.). Large, heart-shaped leaflets. Self-sows. Width: 10'. The Sensitive Fern on top of the rock was a present from Mother Nature. Clusters of yellow flowers in summer. Morning sun to bright shade. Width: 4-6'. The state has hundreds of native plants ready for adoption in home landscapes. Mixes micely with yellow composites. For Shipping, Planting and additional FAQ's . Use a strong spray of water to dislodge, but, in general, avoid overhead watering. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. Height: 6-15". Adaptable and carefree. Part to full shade. Butterfly plant., Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnate) SUN, Also called Pink Milkweed. Part sun. Moist, rich, near-neutral soil. Deer resistant., Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox divaricata) - PART SHADE, Lavender blue flowers in spring. Clumping habit. Use at pond edge, in low, wet spots or water deeply and consistently in summer. Clusters of 1-2" long, red, tubular blossoms throughout the growing season. Clematis, Native . Impressive species for back of border or to mix with tall grasses and asters in a meadow. Blue Vervian (Verbena hastata) - SUN TO PART SUN. Large clematis flowers can be as huge as 10" (25 cm) across and be shades of purple, red, pink, and white. See Monarda clinopodia for cultural information. Dust soil occasionally with horticultural lime. The same plants can attract a diversity of wildlife with the food, cover, and nest sites they supply. Part shade, especially under deciduous trees. A lot of people trim their Arborvitae into hedges that are square, round, pyramidal, etc. Rounded growth habit. Choose planting site carefully as plant is hard to move or divide. Self-sows, but easy to control. One of the earliest blooming asters. Small, green or purplish flowers held on stiff stems high above the foliage in early summer. The National Vegetation Survey (NVS) Databank is a physical archive and electronic databank containing records of over 94,000 vegetation survey plots - including data from over 19,000 permanent plots. Rain garden plant. Divide when dormant by cutting back to 6" and digging sections from clump edge. Fertilize lightly in spring. Semi-evergreen. Use as a groundcover under deciduous trees or in drifts in wooded areas. Deer resistant., Virginia Bluebells (Mertensia virginica) - PART SHADE TO SHADE, Spring ephemeral. Glossy, dark green leaves. Height: 2-4'. Distinctive, peeling, gray bark. Deer resistant., Mitrewort (Mitella diphylla) PART TO FULL SHADE, Also called Bishop's Cap. Only plants will be removed from the collection. By using native plant species you can help to maintain the native biodiversity of Pennsylvania. Will tolerate drier soils than the other Monardas. Blooms pink to lavender in summer on stiff stems. Avoid rare plants and choose common native plants. Also, this plant may need additional fertilization during its first year after planting due to its heavy root system that grows quickly in its new location compared to older established plants. Flowers white with yellow stamens. Clematis Ligusticifolia (Western White Clematis). Moist, near-neutral, rich soil. Trunk typically narrow and straight with branching that begins half-way up. Somewhat drought tolerant after established. Mix plenty of well-moistened sphagnum peat, compost and pine needles into planting soil. 4. Specimen or street tree. They are a group of mostly woody, deciduous vines, though Armand clematis ( Clematis armandii) is evergreen, and a few are herbaceous perennials. Remove affected plants and discard. Moist, rich soil. Bulbs multiply. Dig and transplant daughter rhizomes which grow near mother plants while dormant, or just as fiddleheads begin to emerge in early spring. Yearly mulching with acidic, organic material is the only fertilization recommended. Blooms in clusters of blue, bell-shaped flowers over attractive, fern-like foliage in spring. The DCNR Bureau of Forestry promotes and tracks pollinator plantings (PDF). Width: 18". Height: 5". Self-sows where happy. Choose planting site carefully as it is difficult to divide. Spreads moderately fast. When growing from seed, plant them in rich, well-drained soil in full sun so they can develop roots before winter arrives and die back for the winter months until springtime when you replant them in more fertile soil with more moisture to sustain them once again during their growth period. Forms clumps with 3" long, heart-shaped leaves. A filler plant for the woodland garden, open woods or wood edge. Height: 2-5'. When to Prune Clematis Flowers are the most important impact of clematis, so keeping them blooming strong every year is the main goal for pruning clematis. Height: 4-8'. Goes well with the purples and blues of other fall-blooming species. Width: to 12". Best for naturalizing in woodland gardens in light shade. Clematis require at least 5-6 hours of full sun, or all day filtered sun. See the many plants that evolved in other parts of the world that grows to about 20 feet how... A height of 20 feet lifted and moved in early to mid-summer too much for my garden produces... 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