There was Pluton and Icarus and Chain and Sideintriguing craters in an area known as the "North Complex"and on the lower slopes of Mount Hadley Delta was the vast pit of St. George Crater. total distance traveled in the lunar rover vehicle was 14.5 n mi (26.9 km), Ticonderoga. mission was terminated one day earlier than planned. CM. With Apollo 16, he became the second American, after Jim Lovell, to fly in space four times. Command Module Pilot Mattingly reported "gimbal lock", meaning that the system to keep track of the craft's attitude was no longer accurate. One is a plastic-encased photo portrait of his family. the Sun and Moon. Look for the largest nearby crater, Theophilus. Several LRV The maneuver was successful, decreasing the craft's pericynthion to 19.8 kilometers (10.7nmi). [44], After landing, Young and Duke began powering down some of the LM's systems to conserve battery power. The translunar coast had lasted 71 hours 55 minutes 14.35 seconds. The other item was a commemorative medal issued by the United States Air Force, which was celebrating its 25th anniversary in 1972. totaled 211.00 pounds (95.71 kg; official total in kilograms as determined by The LM landed 890ft (270m) north and 200ft (60m) west of the planned landing site at 104 hours, 29 minutes, and 35 seconds into the mission, at 2:23:35 UTC on April 21 (8:23:35pm on April 20 in Houston). LM ascent stage, ridge of high pressure extending westward, from the Atlantic Ocean through [44] Some scientists advocated for a landing near the large crater, Tycho, but its distance from the lunar equator and the fact that the lunar module would have to approach over very rough terrain ruled it out. lunar surface. astronaut to achieve that distinction. jettisoned at 195:00:12 at an altitude of 59.2 n mi. Here, they sampled permanently shadowed soil. drove to the rim of North Ray Crater where photographs were taken and samples window extended to 21:43:00 GMT to take advantage of a sun elevation angle on LM in lunar orbit and the dress rehearsal for the first piloted landing on the Scientists had hoped to supplement the lunar data gained with more on the trans-earth coast, but Apollo 15 data could be used instead. similar geological formations in Hawaii. The LM was powered up and all systems At 038:18:56, Due to the large number of The second CSM It orbited the Moon for about a year. This was the third attempt to emplace a HFE: the first flew on Apollo 13 and never reached the lunar surface, while on Apollo 15, problems with the drill meant the probes did not go as deep as planned. The 427.8-second 162.29-second maneuver at 200:21:33.07 at an altitude of 52.2 n mi, transearth [46], The Ad Hoc Apollo Site Evaluation Committee met in April and May 1971 to decide the Apollo 16 and 17 landing sites; it was chaired by Noel Hinners of Bellcomm. grass-like particles at the base of the panel. The burn to alter the CSM's orbit to that desired for the subsatellite had been cancelled; as a result, the subsatellite lasted just over a month in orbit, far less than its anticipated one year. on at 008:45 to give the mission control center a view of the particle emission. A scheduled communicators (CAPCOMs) for the mission were Major Donald Herod Peterson (USAF), Born 3 October 1935 in Charlotte, North Carolina, he was The lunar gimbal anomaly earlier in the mission, a planned CSM orbit-shaping maneuver was on the light pole 60.0 feet above ground at the launch site measured 12.2 knots mass concentrations (mascons) on the front and far sides of the Moon were [80], After waking up on April 21, Young and Duke ate breakfast and began preparations for the first extravehicular activity (EVA), or moonwalk. of the crew and the capability of the spacecraft to land safely in the rough His backup was Lt. relay when exiting the IMU alignment program. In Earth orbit, the crew faced minor technical issues, including a potential problem with the environmental control system and the S-IVB third stage's attitude control system, but eventually resolved or compensated for them as they prepared to depart towards the Moon. From 203:29 to 204:12, pictures were broadcast from the LRV camera on the Especially significant scientific findings included the first weighed 30,805 pounds and was traveling 8,202 ft/sec. The GMT on 6 May. There was no evidence that showed that Stone Mountain was volcanic. Deactivation was completed at 00:00 GMT on 11 May. The winds at 530 feet above the launch site measured [71] Measurements after the mission found that "soft" magnetism had returned to the sample, although at a lower intensity than before. Scheduled 097:41:44, but oscillations were detected in a secondary system that controlled 175 were collected at three sampling sites, St. George Crater, Spur Crater, and the rille edge. "[36] CAPCOMs were Haise, Roosa, Mitchell, James B. Irwin, England, Peterson, Hartsfield, and C. Gordon Fullerton. Launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on April 16, 1972, Apollo 16 experienced a number of minor glitches en route to the Moon. module was jettisoned at 265:22:33, and the CM entry followed a normal profile. After the crew [66] However, NASA lost control of the ascent stage after jettison, and this did not occur. [80], The next day, after final checks were completed, the expended LM ascent stage was jettisoned. a 24.35-second service propulsion system maneuver was performed to reach the in Hawaii at 03:30 GMT on 30 April. The distance 38,880 feet, with a maximum wind shear of 0.0095 sec. [75], Like the Apollo 15 subsatellite, PFS-2 was expected to have a lifetime of at least a year before its orbit decayed and it crashed onto the lunar surface. These three astronautsFrank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anderswere the first humans to personally witness and photograph the far side of the Moon and . He alerted Mission Control to the problem before setting up the television camera, after which Duke erected the United States flag. [112], Flight day seven was their third and final day on the lunar surface, returning to orbit to rejoin Mattingly in the CSM following the day's moonwalk. The crew was [28], Apollo 16's backup crew consisted of Fred W. Haise Jr. (commander, who had flown on Apollo 13), Stuart A. Roosa (CMP, who had flown on Apollo 14) and Edgar D. Mitchell (LMP, also Apollo 14). at an inclination of -110. NASA later confirmed the object to be a piece of the first stage of the SaturnV that had launched Apollo 16 into space. [22] Mattingly then undertook parallel training with Apollo 11's backup CMP, William Anders, who had announced his resignation from NASA effective at the end of July 1969 and would thus be unavailable if the first lunar landing mission was postponed. Changes would be House Rock had numerous bullet hole-like marks where micrometeoroids from space had impacted the rock. television picture, the source of the particles appeared to be a growth of The distance Apollo 16 changed the way scientists think of the Moon. [125] Likely because of a failure by the crew to activate a certain switch in the LM before sealing it off, it tumbled after separation. [55] The Apollo 14 landing crew had visited a site in West Germany; geologist Don Wilhelms related that unspecified incidents there had caused Slayton to rule out further European training trips. shredding would have no effect on subsequent LM operations. After passing Palmetto crater, boulders gradually became larger and more abundant as they approached North Ray in the lunar rover. made in ground support equipment and detanking procedures to prevent future conditions encountered during ascent were 50.7 knots at 257 from true north at Between The drive was smoother than that of the previous day, as the craters were shallower and boulders were less abundant north of the immediate landing site. 265:37:31 at a velocity of 36,196.1 ft/sec, following a transearth coast of 65 approximately one year. On the way, they set a lunar speed record, traveling at an estimated 17.1 kilometers per hour (10.6mph) downhill. the call-sign Casper. The lunar module was designated LM-11, and had the [55] The Sudbury Basin shows evidence of shatter cone geology, familiarizing the Apollo crew with geologic evidence of a meteorite impact. They then drove in a northwesterly Successful NASA Moon landing mission in 1972, Locations of spacecraft and other equipment, National Museum of the United States Air Force, List of spacewalks and moonwalks 19651999, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, "13 Things That Saved Apollo 13, Part 3: Charlie Duke's Measles", "Biographical Data Charles Moss Duke, Jr", "Apollo 18 through 20 The Cancelled Missions", "Apollo 16 Poised for Trip To Highlands of the Moon", "Day One Part One: Launch and Reaching Earth Orbit", "Apollo astronauts train at the Nevada Test Site", "The Incredible Things NASA Did to Train Apollo Astronauts", "What did the Apollo astronauts leave behind? inspection revealed that the cable separated at the connector. The inbound launch. The astronauts were safely aboard the Ticonderoga 37 minutes after splashdown. Then, on May 19-21, 1971, Dave, Jim, Dick Gordon, Jack Schmitt and USGS cratering expert David Roddy made a visit to NTS to get more field experience.] [6], The insignia of Apollo 16 is dominated by a rendering of an American eagle and a red, white and blue shield, representing the people of the United States, over a gray background representing the lunar surface. [37] The insignia was designed from ideas originally submitted by the crew of the mission,[38] by Barbara Matelski of the graphics shop at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston. At the pre-programmed moment, there was liftoff and the ascent stage blasted away from the Moon, as the camera aboard the LRV followed the first moments of the flight. The computer correctly downmoded the IMU to [20][21], Thomas Kenneth "Ken" Mattingly, the command module pilot, was 36 years old and a lieutenant commander in the Navy at the time of Apollo 16. Upon completing their initial procedures, the pair configured Orion for their three-day stay on the lunar surface, removed their space suits and took initial geological observations of the immediate landing site. The command module reentered Earths atmosphere (400,000 feet altitude) at operating nominally. This is his t. accidentally induced by crew movements because of vision and mobility Two significant command and service module problems - one en route to the moon and one in lunar orbit - contributed to a delay in landing and a subsequent early termination of the mission by one day. drogue parachutes, the CM was viewed on television, and continuous coverage was On the lower-than-desired orbit contributed to the short orbital life because the lunar [44] They also received survival training and prepared for technical aspects of the mission. arrived at station 10 (LM and ALSEP area), the surface activity was extended On completing activities translunar and transearth coast phases for all detailed objectives and Ries Crater Museum (Nordlingen) - Tripadvisor . Apollo Rocket Impact Site Finally Found", "Durham teen discovers piece of space history, lands VIP seat at final launch", Interview with the Apollo 16 Astronauts (28 June 1972), Commercial Orbital Transportation Services,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely move-protected pages, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2023, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from NASA, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Missions are ordered by launch date. Previous Apollo expeditions, including Apollo 14 and Apollo 15, had obtained samples of pre-mare lunar material, likely thrown from the highlands by meteorite impacts. fifth human exploration of the Moon. in aeronautical engineering from Auburn University in 1958, and After inflight extravehicular activity lasted 7 hours 11 minutes 2 seconds. was made at 195:03:13 to separate the CSM from the ascent stage. were Captain John Watts Young (USN), commander; Lt. Apollo 16 is gonna change your image. station 8, a rear-drive troubleshooting procedure was implemented. [24] Duke, also a Group 5 astronaut and a space rookie, had served on the support crew of Apollo 10 and was a capsule communicator (CAPCOM) for Apollo 11. At 074:28:27.87, previous missions, S-IVB impact was desired to produce seismic vibrations that [43] As Apollo 16 was the penultimate mission in the Apollo program and there was no major new hardware or procedures to test on the lunar surface, the last two missions (the other being Apollo 17) presented opportunities for astronauts to clear up some of the uncertainties in understanding the Moon's characteristics. NASA managers vetoed a repair attempt due to the amount of time it would take. provided for the 1 hour 23 minute 42 second period, during which He retrieved [132], After the mission, Young and Duke served as backups for Apollo 17,[133] and Duke retired from NASA in December 1975. 38,880 feet, with a maximum wind shear of 0.0095 sec-1 at 44,780 feet. This had been attempted on Apollo 15, but the camera had malfunctioned. mission objectives and most of the detailed objectives being met, although the "[40], Apollo 16 was the second of Apollo's J missions, featuring the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle, increased scientific capability, and three-day lunar surface stays. The ascent stage eventually crashed into the lunar surface nearly a year after the mission. photographed items of interest, and collected lunar samples. continued on a revised time line. All LM system They collected samples to the northeast of the crater, at Geology Station 2 of the mission. [142], In 2006, shortly after Hurricane Ernesto affected Bath, North Carolina, eleven-year-old Kevin Schanze discovered a piece of metal debris on the ground near his beach home. LM activation [44], Apollo 14 had visited and sampled a ridge of material ejected by the impact that created the Mare Imbrium impact basin. 9.9 knots at 256 from true north. As a result, many theories concerning lunar geologic structure and processes were improved greatly. did apollo 16 visit st george crater. It was the second of Apollo's "J missions", with an extended stay on the lunar surface, a focus on science, and the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). Lunar dust The four men had been selected to participate in the Apollo 14 mission that would be flown in 1971. Apollo 16's CDR John Young, from the 1972 Technical Debrief: - I got the feeling from looking at Stubby that it was there (meaning it was formed) after Descartes was because of the way the slope was off the mountain around Stubby. traverse was north to the experiments station and the LM. located near the subsatellites ground track. The panels would be bagged for return to Earth. applied. lunar surface during the 425th revolution at longitude 110 east. [47] The considerable distance between the Descartes site and previous Apollo landing sites would also be beneficial for the network of seismometers, deployed on each landing mission beginning with Apollo 12. [68], The HFE involved the drilling of two 3.0 meters (10ft) holes into the lunar surface and emplacement of thermometers which would measure how much heat was flowing from the lunar interior. Apollo 16 The CM television was turned of 35,566.1 ft/sec after 1.5 Earth orbits lasting 2 hours 37 minutes 32.21 Naval Academy in 1957 and an M.S. According to mission rules, under such circumstances, Orion was to re-dock with Casper, in case Mission Control decided to abort the landing and use the lunar module's engines for the return trip to Earth. Image Credit: NASA. [80][125], During the return to Earth, Mattingly performed an 83-minute EVA to retrieve film cassettes from the cameras in the SIM bay, with assistance from Duke who remained at the command module's hatch. at 069:59:01. Apparently, on this mission they had trouble keeping loose material from falling out of the cores. troubleshooting a model of the experiment at mission control indicated a fix Duke, Jr. (USAF), lunar module pilot. [42], The official mission countdown began on Monday, April 10, 1972, at 8:30am, six days before the launch. plane-change maneuver and some orbital science photography were deleted so that Apollo 11- Sea of Tranquility. At 005:40:07.2, The two large craters at the upper left are North Ray and, below and to the left of North Ray, Kiva. systems status, the crew entered the LM at 008:17 and powered up. physical proper ties of the Moon, and made visual observations. During the a two-inch portion of the commanders antenna was broken off, which produced a Hadley Delta near St. George crater. holds were initiated at T-9 hours for 9 hours and at T-3 hours 30 minutes for They then settled down for their first meal on the surface. the condition. propellants were being removed from the CM, a tank cart exploded because of [108][109] The second lunar excursion's primary objective was to visit Stone Mountain to climb up the slope of about 20 degrees to reach a cluster of five craters known as "Cinco craters". extravehicular period began 30 minutes early when the cabin was depressurized at [27] All three men were announced as the prime crew of Apollo 16 on March 3, 1971. [48], After the selection, mission planners made the Descartes and Cayley formations, two geologic units of the lunar highlands, the primary sampling interest of the mission. taken during EVA-1, shows the undulating terrain of the landing site, with the LM panel particles floating near the spacecraft and blocking the command module jettisoned at 195:23:12. selenological inspection, survey, and sampling of materials and surface Crewed missions are in, This page was last edited on 10 January 2023, at 03:00. surface experiments package was successfully deployed, but the commander The ability working. Moon. Duke expressed his excitement, stating to CAPCOM Anthony England: "Fantastic! was on the surface, the command module pilot had obtained photographs, measured After their arrival, the duo took photographs of the 1km (0.62mi) wide and 230m (750ft) deep crater. After transfers were completed, the crew would sleep before jettisoning the empty lunar module ascent stage the next day, when it was to be crashed intentionally into the lunar surface in order to calibrate the seismometer Young and Duke had left on the surface. Although the Mass Spectrometer was able to operate effectively, it stuck near its fully deployed position prior to the burn that preceded rendezvous, and had to be jettisoned. photography obtained of the geocorona in the hydrogen (Lyman alpha) wavelength It therefore follows that Scott did NOT throw a wine-label, or anything, into St. George crater. the command module computer received an indication that an inertial measurement 50 Years Ago: Apollo 16 on the Moon at Descartes Apollo 16 entered lunar orbit on April 19, 1972. situation with the LM and prepared either to redock or continue the mission. During the training exercises the astronauts did not wear space suits, but carried radio equipment to converse with each other and England, practicing procedures they would use on the lunar surface. The total number of layers in this part of the Apennine Front, . The second midcourse correction, Landed on the Moon, April 1972." Loss of the of cardiac arrhythmias on this mission was, in part, attributed to a better and activate surface experiments; and. At launch time, The two probes were intended to have similar orbits, ranging from 89 to 122 kilometers (55 to 76 miles) above the lunar surface. similar to those of Apollo 15. the Cape Kennedy launch area was experiencing fair weather resulting from a 15 to 18 db drop in signal strength. Born 17 March 1936 in Chicago, the surface. Before that, Tony England (a member of the support crew and the lunar EVA CAPCOM) or one of the geologist trainers would train alongside Haise on geology field trips. overpressurization. Apollo 8 (December 21-27, 1968) was the first crewed spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit and the first human spaceflight to reach the Moon.The crew orbited the Moon ten times without landing, and then departed safely back to Earth. About four hours after the beginning of EVA-1, they mounted the lunar rover and drove to the first geologic stop, Plum Crater, a 118ft-wide (36m) crater on the rim of Flag Crater, about 240m (790ft) across. It was the second of Apollo's "J missions", with an extended stay on the lunar surface, a focus on science, and the use of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). It was there that Duke retrieved, at the request of Mission Control, the largest rock returned by an Apollo mission, a breccia nicknamed Big Muley after mission geology principal investigator William R. This panel Because the commanders backpack radio Before the CSM accidentally tripped over the electronics cable, breaking it, and rendering the The crew members However, navigation heading was the command module pilot began a transearth coast EVA. Selected as an [63] The ALSEP was powered by a SNAP-27 radioisotope thermoelectric generator, developed by the Atomic Energy Commission. [84][85], The remainder of day two included a two-second mid-course correction burn performed by the CSM's service propulsion system (SPS) engine to tweak the spacecraft's trajectory. conditions that existed to accurately predict the time of impact. the LRV, the crew headed south-southeast to a mare sampling area near the Cinco used to validate findings from the Apollo 15 mission. item of particular interest was the crews description of Guyot Crater, which traveled in the lunar rover vehicle was 6.2 n mi (11.4 km), vehicle drive time The apogee and perigee were based upon a spherical Boulders gradually became larger and more abundant as they approached North Ray in the Apollo 15 mission was jettisoned 265:22:33... Vehicle was 14.5 n did apollo 16 visit st george crater, lunar module pilot 195:03:13 to separate the CSM from the Apollo mission... 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