Mar 23, 2021. You can add more than one country or area. The government maintained the Interinstitutional Commission for the Protection of Persons Displaced by Violence and created the Directorate for the Protection of Persons Internally Displaced by Violence within the Secretariat of Human Rights. With offices throughout the country, the ombudsperson received cases that otherwise might not have risen to national attention. The law prohibits arbitrary arrest and detention and provides for the right of any person to challenge the lawfulness of his or her arrest or detention in court. In cooperation with the UN Development Program (UNDP), the government operated consolidated reporting centers in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula where women could report crimes, seek medical and psychological attention, and receive other services. The reported killings took place during law enforcement operations or were linked to criminal activity by government agents. Women, children, and LGBTQI+ migrants and asylum seekers with pending cases were especially vulnerable to abuse. Child Abuse: Child abuse remained a serious problem. In-country Movement: There were areas where authorities could not assure freedom of movement because of criminal activity and a lack of significant government presence. Transgender persons are prohibited from changing their legal gender status. Pretrial Detention: Judicial inefficiency, corruption, and insufficient resources delayed proceedings in the criminal justice system, and lengthy pretrial detention was a serious problem. Prison conditions were harsh and at times life threatening due to pervasive gang-related violence and the governments failure to control criminal activity within the prisons. CONAPREV conducted 138 visits to prisons as of September. On June 17, a riot between alleged members of the 18th Street and MS-13 gangs in the maximum-security prison La Tolva in Moroceli, El Paraiso Department, resulted in five dead and 39 injured. On October 7, the National Congress increased penalties for forced labor under the trafficking-in-persons article of the penal code from five to eight years imprisonment to 10 to 15 years, bringing the penalties in line with the penalties for other analogous serious crimes, such as kidnapping. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. The constitution prohibits practicing clergy from running for office or participating in political campaigns. Received a complaint about honduras crime and safety report 2021 at Pioneer Park with murder November 2017 shorter! The World Bank reported in 2018 that the adolescent birth rate was 72 births per 1,000 girls ages 15 to 19. Some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) expressed concern regarding weak implementation of the law and limited resources available to operate the governments protection mechanism. The accused has the right to an initial hearing before a judge, to ask for bail, consult with legal counsel in a timely manner, have a lawyer provided by the state if necessary, and request an appeal. For crimes with minimum sentences of six years imprisonment, the law authorizes pretrial detention of up to two years. Bay islands in Honduaras by daarwasik (CC BY) That meant that Honduras generated around $722M (USD) in the tourism sector, accounting for 3% of the national GDP. The government generally respected these provisions. There were different methodologies to measure the size of the informal economy, and a March 2020 UNDP report estimated that 82 percent of workers were part of the informal economy. CONADEH received four reports as of August. The law criminalizes discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity characteristics and includes crimes committed against individuals because of their sexual orientation or gender identity as aggravating circumstances to increase penalties for criminal offenses. Save. Security Alert: "La Embajada" Bar (12 January, 2023) Message for U.S. Citizens regarding Extension to the State of Exception in Honduras (9 January, 2023) Message for U.S. Citizens regarding State of Exception beginning December 6 (5 December, 2022) Weather Alert for U.S. Citizens - Tropical Storm Lisa (2 November, 2022) The government used the pretrial detention center to hold high-profile suspects and those in need of additional security, including police and military officials. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the unemployment rate increased from 1.8 percent in 2019 to 3 percent in 2020 but improved to 2.2 percent as of the fourth quarter of 2021. LGBT people in Honduras are frequently the targets of violence and discrimination, according to Human Rights Watch research. Although the law generally prohibits such actions, a legal exception allows government authorities to enter a private residence to prevent a crime or in case of another emergency. According to government estimates, children with disabilities attended school at a lower rate than the general population. Regulations for implementing the law remained under development as of November. . Number. Effective June 2, 2021: All travelers, regardless of age, must provide either proof of full vaccination against COVID-19 or negative test results for a PCR, Antigen or ELISA COVID-19 test taken less than 72 hours before entry into Honduras. 26 Feb 2021. There is no statutory rape law, but the penalty for rape of a minor younger than 14 is 12 to 17 years in prison, or nine to 13 years in prison if the victim is 14 or older. The law prohibits all forms of forced labor, but the government did not effectively implement or enforce the law. These efforts were insufficient due to limited political will, inadequate staffing, limited or no services in rural areas, absence of or inadequate training and awareness of domestic violence among police and other authorities, and a pattern of male-dominant culture and norms. Recent Elections: In November Xiomara Castro of the LIBRE Party won a four-year presidential term in elections that were generally considered free, fair, and transparent. Most child labor occurred in rural areas. The government investigated and prosecuted some of these crimes, but impunity was widespread. The secretariat reported assisting 127 IDPs as of August. OVERALL RISK : MEDIUM Honduras is somewhat safe to visit, though it has many dangers. More than four million Hondurans were affected by Eta and Iota, UN agencies stated in a situation report covering up to January 13, the eve of migrant caravan groups departing from the bus. Honduras crime rate & statistics for 2018 was 38.93, a 5.01% decline from 2017. There were reports that the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings. The government failed to control pervasive gang-related violence and criminal activity within the prisons. Her most recent evaluation was in August, and the court declared her fit to stand trial in September. This report provides a snapshot of the U.S. Executive Branch priorities via daily schedules and the prior day’s press releases. These reporting centers were in addition to the 298 government-operated womens offices one in each municipality that provided a wide array of services to women, focusing on education, personal finance, health, social and political participation, environmental stewardship, and prevention of gender-based violence. Government Human Rights Bodies: A semiautonomous commissioner for human rights, Blanca Izaguirre, served as an ombudsperson and investigated complaints of human rights abuses. Compared to other countries around the world, Honduras is still one of the most violent places in the world with a homicide rate of 44.7 per 100,000 in 2019. Civil society organizations criticized the governments failure to investigate threats adequately. The Ministry of Securitys Directorate of Disciplinary Police Affairs investigated members of the Honduran National Police accused of human rights abuses. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and Other Media, b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association, d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country, e. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons, Section 3. Organized criminal groups, such as drug traffickers and local and transnational gangs including MS-13 and the 18th Street gang, committed killings, extortion, kidnappings, human trafficking, and intimidation of police, prosecutors, journalists, women, human rights defenders, and others. Contraception supplies continued to be limited. Organized criminal groups, including local and transnational gangs and narcotics traffickers, were significant perpetrators of violent crimes and committed acts of homicide, torture, kidnapping, extortion, human trafficking, intimidation, and other threats and violence directed against human rights defenders, judicial authorities, lawyers, business community members, journalists, bloggers, women, and other vulnerable populations. There have been widespread protests against a corrupt government and these are sometimes met with force. 'Free Associated State of Puerto Rico'), is a Caribbean island and unincorporated territory of the United States.It is located in the northeast Caribbean Sea, approximately 1,000 miles (1,600 km) southeast of Miami . The law establishes prison sentences of up to two and one-half years for child abuse. honduras crime and safety report 2021frankie ryan city on a hill dead. Credible observers noted problems in trial procedures, such as a lack of admissible evidence, judicial corruption, witness intimidation, and an ineffective witness protection program. LGBTQI+ rights groups asserted that government agencies and private employers engaged in discriminatory hiring practices. The government of Honduras lacks sufficient resources to properly respond to, investigate and prosecute cases. Employers frequently penalized agricultural workers for taking legally authorized days off. The Taliban, which regained control of the country in 2021, has pledged to stamp out the opium industry, but it is such a vital part of the country's struggling economy that it will be difficult to eliminate. The law prohibits the sale, distribution, and use of emergency contraception for any reason, including for survivors of sexual violence. Between 2021 and mid-2022, 400,000 to 500,000 children dropped out of school in South Africa, bringing the total number of out of school children to 750,000, according to the . The designation requires banks to impose a higher level of scrutiny on politically exposed persons financial transactions. The law criminalizes discrimination based on race and ethnicity and includes crimes committed against individuals because of race or ethnicity as aggravating circumstances to increase penalties for criminal offenses. Authorities often did not effectively enforce the law. Both the secretariat and the commission focused on developing policies to address IDPs. An independent press and a functioning democratic political system combined to promote freedom of expression, including for members of the media. The law also requires that public-sector workers involved in the refining, transportation, and distribution of petroleum products submit their grievances to the Secretariat of Labor and Social Security (STSS) before striking. The findings highlight the potential power these four manufacturers have to combat trafficking; if these four manufacturers took action on their own, the national impact could be substantial. The STSS completed 29 child labor inspections as of September and identified 13 minors working without permission. The STSS may levy a fine against companies that fail to pay social security obligations, but the amount was not sufficient to deter violations. CMPD plans to continue on areas of improvement, including a decrease in violent crime, recruitment and retention effort and ensuring officers have the best equipment on duty. Bogran was arrested in October 2020 on two corruption charges for embezzling an estimated 1.14 billion lempiras ($47 million) in public funds and funneling a contract for mobile hospitals to his uncle, Napoleon Corrales. The law provides a maximum sentence of three years in prison for disobeying a restraining order connected with the crime of violence against a woman. The law requires individuals and companies that employ more than 20 school-age children at their facilities to provide a location for a school. The Cattrachas Lesbian Network reported 17 violent deaths of LGBTQI+ persons as of August. Your safety is your responsibility, so be vigilant. By law all minors between the ages of 14 and 18 in most industries must receive special permission from the STSS to work, and the STSS must perform a home study to verify that there is an economic need for the child to work and that the child does not work outside the country or in hazardous conditions, including in offshore fishing. In some industries, including agriculture, domestic service, and security, employers did not respect maternity rights or pay minimum wage, overtime, or vacation. The law does not criminalize domestic violence but provides penalties of up to 12 years in prison for violence against a family member, depending on the severity of the assault and aggravating circumstances. The government investigated and prosecuted many of these crimes, particularly through the national police's Violent Crimes Task Force. Asylum seekers and refugees continued to face acute protection risks in border zones. In security and domestic service sectors, workers were frequently forced to work more than 60 hours per week but paid only for 44 hours. During the pandemic, violence cases against women increased significantly; the number of emergency calls rose . Read the entire Travel Advisory. Many inspectors asked workers to provide them with transportation so that they could conduct inspections, since the STSS could not pay for travel to worksites. The violence is carried out by local drug trafficking groups, gangs, corrupt security forces and transnational criminal organizations mainly from Mexico and Colombia. According to UNICEF, 34 percent of women and 12 percent of men ages 20 to 24 married before age 18. Governmental Posture Towards International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human Rights, Section 6. OSAC promotes effective cooperation by working to assist the U.S. private sector to better anticipate security issues, including identifying and tracking threats, particularly those targeting private sector personnel, facilities, investments, interests, and intellectual property. Local police and emergency services lack sufficient resources to respond effectively to serious crime. Most children who worked did so without STSS permits. The most common type of crime on Roatan are burglaries. As a result, criminals linked to organized crime operate with a high degree of impunity throughout Honduras. The Public Ministry is responsible for prosecuting violations. Penalties include prison sentences of up to two years and monetary fines. Authorities did not generally segregate those with tuberculosis or other infectious diseases from the general prison population; as of September the National Prison Institute reported 106 prisoners had been treated for tuberculosis. The law also imposes prison sentences of up to two years, eight months for child labor violations that endanger the life or morality of a child age 16 or 17 and up to three years, four months for children younger than 16. A revision to the penal code that entered into force in June 2020 broadly reduces criminal penalties for corruption by officials. Nonetheless, many prisoners remained in custody after completing their full sentences, and sometimes even after an acquittal, because officials failed to process their releases expeditiously. Both the STSS and the courts may order a company to reinstate workers, but the STSS lacked the personnel and transportation resources to verify compliance. Also see the Department of Labors Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor at The law regulates child labor, sets the minimum age for employment at age 14, and regulates the hours and types of work that minors younger than 18 may perform. Through September the secretariat trained 2,626 law enforcement officials in human rights and international humanitarian law. The governments National Policy to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination seeks to promote equality and combat discrimination related to the countrys seven indigenous and two Afro-descendent groups, with a focus on social and political participation; access to education, health care, justice, and employment opportunities; and rights to ancestral lands and natural resources. Well, let's check the statistics. ACR2021. He was arrested again in April for separate but related charges. The number of inspections increased significantly as the STSS resumed normal inspections, suspended in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 58th edition of the Annual Safety Report (2021), is a comprehensive review and analysis of the industry's .
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