Wow that's excellently God is a person, not theories nor theologies these Calvinists worship the Theology more than the God of theology and yes to them being right is more important than anything else! Calvinism is incorrect because God is not sovereign over Earth, there's a clear and present battle between good and evil. I find it very ironic its a very person who brought us to the doctrine of eternal security is most likely burning in hell at this moment. His WhatsApp number: +1 (570) 775-3362 visit his Website, .. Hello everyone, I want to use this medium to thank a great spell caster called Dr Graceondu for transforming my life financially, i have been playing lottery game for long but have never won any reasonable amount, I contacted Dr Graceondu after i red about him on the internet on how he help a lady with a lottery winning numbers and the lady won a very big amount of money, so i contacted him and He instructed me on what to do which i did and he told me to give him some time to pray, on the second day he sent me some numbers and he said i should go and play them, so i went to play the numbers he gave me, after two day the result came out, and i went to check and to my greatest surprise my name came out as one of the winners i won $45 million, i still cant believe what happened to me that i am now a millionaire over night, i just want to say a very big thank you to Dr Graceondu i have never seen a powerful man like him, I will advice everyone out there to contact Dr Graceondu if you want to win big in your lottery game. Just how deep does the hatred run that you would slander someone who is already dead, and unable to defend himself? you can contact dr oselumen for any death spell, such as to kill your superior in the office and take his or her place, death spell to kill your father and inherit his wealth ,death spell to kill anyone who have scammed you in the past ,spell for increase in salaries, spell for promotion at the office, spell to get your ex lover back, if things is not working well in your life then you need to contact him now via Email call or add him on whatsapp +2348054265852. Of scripture most grasp they testify prophesy of Jesus coming of this brith of signs surrounding his birth. I deem Greg's proseuchological and attitude to be unbiblical and anti-Christian. i explained to him i want to win the Mega millions, Dr Kachi instructed me on what to do which i did and he told me to wait 24hours for him to cast the winning numbers, i went to buy my ticket and play the numbers which Dr Kachi gave to me and it was surprise when i find out i won the sum of ($109.9 Million Dollars Cash Value) for Friday night's drawing Mega Million Jackpot and than the whole thing looks wonderful, That's the most amazing thing i have ever experience with winning the lottery spell. Replace the law? On a faithful day, while sailing Further the book of Deuteronomy was read EVERY SEVENTH YEAR on the year of Jubillee according to the law. He did left legacies of faith but that doesn't put him in the position of being an absolute being. My name is Michael Jean Nystrom-Schut and I don't wish to hide from these thoughts. I was so happy and I chose to receive my winnings in a one-time, lump-sum payment of $160,038,447.27 at Florida Lottery Headquarters in Tallahassee and the balance was given to the store that I bought & played the game from. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one **the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. God Bless You! I am really short of expressions, and I don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you DR balbosa, you are a God sent to me and my entire family. No. [so this isn't misunderstood: Jesus wasn't saying He wasn't God, but getting the man to a place where he understood that no-one is good but God. website: But Calvin burned people at the stake for opposing infant baptism and declared that use of musical instruments in worship is an abomination. EMAIL: God Bless You Theresa~! I have let him so far tell me so many lies about John Calvin. At its worst, the decision to kill Jon was a headline grabber meant to re-energize a series that, while still wildly popular, had come under some criticism in Seasons 4 and 5 and had begun to. Hence why the Bereans were praised by Paul for questioning before anyone accepted his teachings] (6) [You want to be rich. February 2019 Dr Ayoola is a great man and a man GOD has sent to help people and put a smile on peoples face. So that in the Gospels when Jesus went into a synagogue to announce his ministry He asked a rabbi for the scroll of Isaiah it was brought to him onto a pulpit and it says And Jesus found the place. Hi everyone reading this amazing testimony of mine and i want to give my own verdict on how you can win the lottery by contacting Dr Kumar for your lottery numbers. It's a film that's either underlining its themesespecially through a "wise homeless man" played by Howardor unable to figure out what it's trying to say at all. I highly recommend checking out this guys 3 vids on limited atonement. Anyone thinking they are somehow less sinful than Calvin or anyone else is sadly deceived since Isaiah states that ALL our righteousness's are as filthy rags. Click on "Study," "Text Commentaries," and "Robert M. He is indeed a Genius. Saying we cannot judge Calvin for judging others and holding the heretical belief that heresy should be punishable by death is heresy of the highest order. Fear not I will judge you a heretic for being wrong about Jewishness. 5. I am Richard Wahl of Sussex county, I want to use this opportunity to thank Dr.BALBOSA, the best lottery priest, for helping me win the $533,000,000 Mega Millions jackpot. I will want anyone here having relationship/marriage issues should contact Dr Paul now. Si su respuesta es "S", no dude en enviarme un mensaje. Promote Calvin's doctrines and not declare your Calvinism. CALL/WHATSAPP : +16692213962. Calvin executed ALL Jews in his own mind. His life as a magistrate and his own words condemn him! Months later her beaten and raped body was found in a field. If men are totally depraved, they would all be ungodly, not weak nor righteous nor good at any time. Why does this not bother you? You're not saying much. When we come to know this, we will find far more than is being offered here). Jesus has revealed the Father's heart to us and for us. I have been playing jackpot for so many years now hoping to win and start my own business, I have been a driver and same time I have being playing lottery game for more than 10 years now each time I play I always run out of luck. Servetus was a Spaniard, Calvin was from France and later lived in Geneva, Switzerland. No Popes ever killed anyone either. I contacted this man and he did a spell and he gave me the winning lottery numbers to play. Dr Ayoola is a great man and a man GOD has sent to help people and put a smile on peoples face. Why hide it? February 2015 I have been walking with Christ for 23 years now and have been open to seeing the gospel for "what it is", rather than any self perceived opinions. (1 John 3:8) All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. It is comparable to "Pros and Cons" on, for example, "Is Coffee good or bad." This brings me to the following questions: It's righ to put the blame elsewhere. My husband broke up with me 3 months ago, and forced me to sign the divorce papers. You may not have the opportunity to murder, but to "compel" others is to FORCE them, and force them to YOUR viewpoint, not the Word of the Almighty. Jews believe that they are chosen before they are born and therefore qualify for unlimited election of the elect (Israelites--Judahites,Jews), the teaching that certain people are predestined to be saved before they are born. (14) PROPHECY CHARM GMAIL: contact: Thank you great Ogbo. Let me stress to you the most important thing about Calvinistic theology Mr. Calvin had absolutely nothing to do with S.T.U.L.I.P also known as The Doctrine's Of Grace, your probably wondering why it isn't just T.U.L.I.P and the reason for this is because many leave out the S which stands for the sovereignty of the Creator something of which I've learned the attackers can not accept they want some form of control. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. I messaged the spell caster called Dr Kadiri, and he assured me there was no problem and that everything will be okay before 11 hours. This RADICAL GRACE was never taugh by Calvin and after his death from 1600-1860 All Evangelical Churches were offshoots of Calvinism so that in the writings sermons biographies dozens of demininations ALL AFFIRM obedience to Jesus words and commandments IS THE STRAIT GATE AND NARROW WAY. They may get you to salvation but pretty much stops there. Perhaps Hitler etc., did not kill anyone but like Saul of Tarsus, was in the wrong allowing the murders to happen. I'd say, ignoring murder because of dissenting opinion is something worth talking about and examining. After the killing of Servetus, it seems some people hates Calvin. Most Calvinists have a milder idea of Total Depravity (viz total in extent but not in depth), fortunately, but still must ask why God elected some to be hyper-Calvinists, as well as why he elected Adam (& Satan) to sin. This is what you and I and Alistair look like were John Calvin to get his hands on us: There is a lot of information you left out since this information would mean that you couldn't make John Calvin look bad. Calvin was specious to deem the church (regeneration, etc) to predate the cross, and Sinai to continue in force throughout the church even among ethnic Jewry (pace Judaism). Read through all I could. You begin by calling this rhetoric,myths about the Calvin-Servetus affair. This is but one of MANY issues I'm trying to find a place of relative understanding about. Maybe it's not supposed to be comfortable. and After 11hours, my boyfriend came back to me and started begging me to forgive him. com or WhatsApp him at + 2349059610643 for more information. Anyone thinking they are somehow less sinful than Calvin or anyone else is sadly deceived since Isaiah states that ALL our righteousness's are as filthy rags. It was really tough on me when my boyfriend left me for another lady. In other words, those bibles are not the words of God. He wasnt a magisterial official, just a pastor. All of this is very sad and glum to read. more a transliteration than an interpretation) omits good because IT'S NOT THERE. I need help to win the lottery again so I decided to go to a friend called Robert, he introduced me to Dr. BALBOSA because they live in the same city and he has also helped him win the lottery before Servetus was only one of many that Calvin executed. It wasn't just Calvin who was guilty of the Christian practice of heretic burning, was it? Plan to find me and burin me slowly and painfully with green wood? John Calvins interpretation of the Bible justified the murder of his theological opponents. Ah, life would be much simpler if all biblical questions could be so easily sorted by your prophetic insight. (Romans 5:6-7) I went online to seek help to see if i could get some tips on how I can win bigger amounts on the lottery and I saw some nice reviews about Dr Kumar who has made different people huge winners in the lottery by sending them lottery numbers. Why are they afraid to just plainly say to the congregation were Calvinist. Personally I don't buy Calvinism, and wonder why God has only chosen some to be Arminians, but jesting aside both sides hold truth. Election is in Gods hands and doesnt need to be our concern. Three months ago a friend suggested that I try DR AKHIGBE remedy that's helping people get cured from HSV, COUGHING, HIV&AIDS, GENITAL HERPES, SNEEZING, HEPATITIS B, CANCER e.t.c. The point is, as used in Abrahams story . Abraham heard God, believed, and was persuaded by God, and then the works= (what he did) His obedience to what he was told to DO.. this order is all through scripture..this is the message of Heb;11not just our belief.. but God being the uthor and finisher".not just reading the bible ..but spending time quietly with Him, commiting your way unto Him, listening to Him. No, what Calvin, and others too numerous to count did was indulge their psychopathic lusts for inflicting pain and death by twisting God's Word into their weapon. Drop it! WHATSAPP AND CALL: +1 (204) 410-6411, Hello everyone, I want to use this medium to thank a great spell caster called Dr Graceondu for transforming my life financially, i have been playing lottery game for long but have never won any reasonable amount, I contacted Dr Graceondu after i red about him on the internet on how he help a lady with a lottery winning numbers and the lady won a very big amount of money, so i contacted him and He instructed me on what to do which i did and he told me to give him some time to pray, on the second day he sent me some numbers and he said i should go and play them, so i went to play the numbers he gave me, after two day the result came out, and i went to check and to my greatest surprise my name came out as one of the winners i won $45 million, i still cant believe what happened to me that i am now a millionaire over night, i just want to say a very big thank you to Dr Graceondu i have never seen a powerful man like him, I will advice everyone out there to contact Dr Graceondu if you want to win big in your lottery game. With a run time of only 82 minutes, Gully is a rollercoaster of a movie that will leave you with an influx of emotions. Its so comforting to see and know the Holy Spirit is alive and continually doing such a great job of guiding each of into the truth about Christ!!! he gave me lucky winning numbers and tell me to go play my game Dr Kachi also instructed me on how to go about it, after played my Mega millions lottery ticket on Friday and to my greatest surprise my name came out as a winner, i won $60,000,000.00, Mega Millions i have never seen such money all my life, but with the help of Dr Kachi now i have that much. To believe he is divine is to be guilty of idolatry for which the penalty is death for Jews. Hi, enjoyed your post, looking for the source of the comment, "In November 1552 the Geneva Council declared Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion to be a "holy doctrine which no man might speak against."' I wish you'd have provided some footnotes, references, books to back up all the claims in the article. I charge Geneva as having been a justified civil authority, probably better than most in its days, that wrongfully and perhaps gratuitously executed Servetus, and Calvin as somewhat complicit by sincerely misleading it uncritically by a long established church error on capital punishment of heretics. I was introduced to Dr Ayoola by my friend. There is no way and no amount of money that could ever make me return. Contact him now. I thought it was a crazy stunt to try and told her so. Posted on . scripture proves this, and anyone who denies this is calling God a liar.But evil carnal man has twisted the scriptures with devilish doctrines and traditions of the scriptures find the real truth the real GOOD NEWS, why do you think it was called the good news.Whats good about sitting in Heaven and watching 99% of mankind suffer for eternity burning in the pagan Hell, is that just, it's like saying if you break the rule of walking on the grass, the Judge will send you down for 99 years of hard labour. Dr Kumar is the only answer of you winning the lottery. And when Jesus was called good he replied Today, it could be the answer to his problem. email:, Review of real love spell caster to get ex boyfriend or husband back no matter why he left you. Recently i won, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY EIGHT MILLIONS DOLLARS, A Super Lotto ticket I bought in Oxnard Liquor Store, I am so grateful to meet Dr Kachi on internet for helping me to win the lottery and if you also need his help, email him at: and he will also help you as well to win and make you happy like me today. There was no give at all by those who promoted his doctrine, which is so contrary to the word of God. John calvin wrote I KILLED Servitus this man is good when it come to giving winning numbers I will drop his details just Incase you need him to help you thank you sir you can contact him via or text or call +14809032128, Hello everyone, I want to use this medium to thank a great spell caster called Dr Graceondu for transforming my life financially, i have been playing lottery game for long but have never won any reasonable amount, I contacted Dr Graceondu after i red about him on the internet on how he help a lady with a lottery winning numbers and the lady won a very big amount of money, so i contacted him and He instructed me on what to do which i did and he told me to give him some time to pray, on the second day he sent me some numbers and he said i should go and play them, so i went to play the numbers he gave me, after two day the result came out, and i went to check and to my greatest surprise my name came out as one of the winners i won $45 million, i still cant believe what happened to me that i am now a millionaire over night, i just want to say a very big thank you to Dr Graceondu i have never seen a powerful man like him, I will advice everyone out there to contact Dr Graceondu if you want to win big in your lottery game. I have confidence in myself and my abilities for the first time in ages. Jesus nails this for a half chapter in John 5 the later half find the word Witness. Lies. in the same letter Calvin writes of church members spitting on him for this deed We can know this because, in the statement he doesn't say He isn't good, and also in John 10:14 he make a huge claim saying the He is "the good shepherd". I'm seeing both sides since I was on the wrong side. The Genevan city council asked counsel from the cities of Berne, Zurich, Schaffhausen and Basel. We moved in together after a few months and he was more open to me than before and he started spending more time with me than his friends. This is not your call or duty but only GODs. Furthermore, Servetus rejected clear biblical truths of Christianity: the trinity. God is not a mental patient. 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