With Ferdinand apparently dead, and the King's daughter married in Tunis, Sebastian would be next in line to rule Naples. (V).Towards the end of the extract, what does Antonio request Sebastian to do? GONZALO. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. ANS: Claribel became the queen of Tunis as she was married to the king the Tunis. If their plan is carried out how will Antonio and Sebastian benefit? 2.27-33. from your Reading List will also remove any Ariel made the sound so that Gonzalo would wake up as Sebastian and Antonio were going to slaughter Alonso. Scene 1. custom paper, https://happyessays.com/how-does-antonio-persuade-sebastian-to-betray-alonso-in-act-2-scene-1-of-the-tempest-essay-example/. Caliban promises to serve the two because they had given him alcohol, which Caliban had never had before. Made with other characters on stage. Prospero conjures up a tempest, which strands Antonio and his friends on the island. Gonzalo is fearful/eerie but kind to the boatswain. This rest is useful for Sebastians progression as it will be simple for him to carry on his plot. As Antonio explains, His life I gave him and did thereto add / My love, without retention or restraint (5.1.). ANS:On equality among human beings was that there can be no management, no kingship and additionally there can be no marriages. What was the baby Voldemort in Kings Cross? Antonio and Sebastian feel that he may harm them in any way . What do Sebastian and Antonio say about Gonzalo? ALONSO. Telling Sebastian something like this would encourage Sebastian to desire Alonsos crown more. What cause does the person have to be merry? Previously, Antonio sold out his sibling Prospero and turned into the duke of Milan, and in present he is plotting and persuading Sebastian to deceive Alonso and become the ruler of Naples. What are the 5 types of responsibility Army? Why should he be murdered? ANS:Instances of irregularities in the hypothesis of district are that in the beginning of Gonzalos discourse he said that-in his realm, there will be no lord ar duke, yet now toward the finish of his discourse, he says that he might want to be the ruler of such an island. He gets ready Sebastian by saying that these resting men are an unmatched chance to slaughter Alonso and Gonzalo. They both want to kill Alonso and are both willing to sabotage their brothers to gain titles. She went gaga for Aeneas, a warrior and voyager. Does Antonio love Sebastian in Twelfth Night? ANS:Alonso prior said that Claribels union with King of Tunis was not an astute choice since, it was only because of coming back from Claribels marriage that they experienced the brutal tempest and besides Claribel was living so distant from Italy that she was unable to try and meet with Alonso. ANS: Antonio suggests himself as a cunning tempter through encouraging Sebastian to murder Alonso and be the King of Naples. Shakespeare leaves us in no doubt that Sebastian is an evil man, but perhaps his evil may be said to be triggered by Antonio rather than to come from any obvious personal predisposition towards sinfulness. No more.(Line 197). From this we can gather that Antonio wants to establish a teacher student relationship with Sebastian. What techniques does Antonio use to persuade Sebastian? He rationalizes this scheme by explaining that Claribel, who is now Queen of Tunis, is too far from Naples to inherit the kingdom should her father die, and as a result, Sebastian would be the heir to the throne. How does Antonio convince Sebastian to execute the plan? 36. Or that we quit this place. (IV).Why is Antonio annoyed at the name of widow Dido in the context? Antonio starts using more direct approaches at persuading Sebastian. Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? Why do gifted kids end up with mental health issues? (III).Explain how Gonzalos commonwealth is a satire on communism and socialism. But in the event they're unable to shift their lesser-fancied stars, the Mail note a Diaby sale . All things in common nature should Produce. What do Antonio and Sebastian have in common? Would I not have; but nature should bring forth. The sound was created by Ariel. How did Prospero and Miranda end up on the island year before the present action of the play? In addition it also intrigues the audience, as they will want to also find out what Antonio means. (IV).What is said about Gonzalo in the extract? What is the problem between Feste and Sebastian? What does Alonso think happened to Ferdinand? (III).State who was widow Dido and widower Aeneas? cite it correctly. He honors Prospero's wishes and does a great job at fulfilling Prospero's tasks. They are now accustomed to seeing on the island. ANS:While introducing the possibility of the ward, Gonzalo says that there will be no appointed authorities and court. Later, he is overjoyed to find Ferdinand still alive. He tries to ensure with Sebastian that Ferdinand is dead by saying, Will you grant with me, That Ferdinand is drowned? by saying this Antonio is trying to eliminate any of Sebastians hope of Ferdinand being alive. ANS:Claribel is ladies of incredible excellence similarly as Dido was and even the Tunis was never honored with such a wonderful sovereign. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Though this statement might be debatable, in a sense, Antonio is the most devoted lover of Twelfth Night. Thus, another purpose of the scene is to bring Sebastian into the same city where Viola is, thus setting the stage for further complications involving mistaken identities. Why does Caliban promise to serve Stephano and Trinculo? ANS:Sebastian and Antonio said that the commotion was a boisterous thunder that sounded as of lions. She was loved by her subjects and brought wealth and peace during her reign from 1558-1603. Miranda feels sorry for the poor men whose ship got wrecked. Often, why do most of the characters fall asleep? 2. "to make illegal", "punishment", "next to last", "almost", pair of lines that have the same meter and has full rhyme, Alonso's brother who works with Antonio because he wants to kill Alonso to take his throne, Alonso's jester who works with Caliban and Stefano to try to kill Prospero, Alonso's butler who works with Caliban and Trinculo to try to kill Prospero, Prospero's brother who seized his dukedom, Prospero's slave, son of Sycorax and is half witch half devil, Spirit who helps Prospero in exchange for freedom, Daughter of Prospero who falls in love with Ferdinand, Son of Alonso who falls in love with Miranda. What is meant by, prosper well .State how well the marriage party prospered in their return. (III).What plot Antonio and Sebastian were hatching? No marrying mong his subjects? if twere a kibe,, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tempest.hub. Who rescued Sebastian after the shipwreck? What does Prospero do for Ariel and Caliban in the final scene? Also can be sup-. What happens to Sebastian and Antonio at the end of the play? What do Antonio and Sebastian want to do to Alonso and Gonzalo? He incites Sebastian by briding him that on the off chance that they murder Alonso than you(Sebastian) can turn into the ruler of Naples. Sebastion and Antonio ridicule Gonzalo. He usurped (overthrowing) Prospero, greed and power motivated him. No better than the earth he lies upon,(Line 274). Alonso is upset because he believes his son is dead. What do Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio believe has happened to Ferdinand? Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you. Instead, they tell Alonso that he should not have permitted his daughter to marry the African. Antonio will kill Alonso and Sebastian kill Gonzalo . Gonzalo helps Miranda and Prospero and give them food, books supplies, and put them on a carcass of a ship. Antonio begins with a very subtle attempt to persuade Sebastian, Worthy Sebastian? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Why does Prospero have Ariel arrange a pageant? how, in stripping it, The setting of thine eye and cheek proclaim, Although this lord of weak remembrance, this, When he is earthd, hath here almost persuaded. (I).What has Gonzalo just said, that makes Sebastian say, Yet, he would be king on it? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Further along the scene Antonio attempts to remove Sebastians respect for Alonso by insulting him. Took place during the day because there was no artificial lighting. 28. Answer. (And that a strange one too) which did awake me. To survive, Prospero is forced to take refuge with his daughter, Miranda, on a remote island. It is clear that Alonso believes Ferdinand to be dead when Francisco says, \. What are the two factors troubling Alonso? (IV).Why does Gonzalo say few in millions Can speak like us? Stephano now refers to Caliban as "servant monster" and repeatedly orders him to drink. Answer : Alonso recalls how the thunder spoke the name of Prospero and proclaimed his sin with deep voice. Why? (IV).How far is the idea of the commonwealth relevant in the modern world? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. (I).What sound did Gonzalo hear? What does Ariel first provide but then take away from Alonso and the others? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Prospero has Ariel create a storm, or tempest, that brings the mariners to the island. They both want to kill Alonso and are both willing to sabotage their brothers to gain titles. What is the actual reason of Antonio sadness? ANS: Antonio encourages Sebastian not to feel any regretful soul as I wont feel any remorseful regardless of whether there were twenty feelings of remorse remaining between me my dukedom of Milan, I would have consolidated them like confections and soften them away before they pestered me. What is meant by unless the sun were post he man i-the moons too slow-. This quote is said by Antonio in Act II, Scene 1, when everyone from the shipwreck has fallen asleep on the island and Antonio and Sebastian are the only ones who are awake. You make me study, You cram these words into mine ears against, The latter end of his commonwealth forgets, All things in common nature should Produce. ANS: Gonzalo said that he heard a weird murmuring sound, which waked him up. a pox o that! The group continues its search for Ferdinand. The officers, thinking Antonio is insane, take him away. Antonio, hearing this news, utters an aside to Sebastian, reminding him of their plan. Tis best we stand upon our guard. At Happyessays.com you will find a wide variety of top-notch essay and term essay samples on any possible topics absolutely for free. Antonio, the false Duke of Milan, is the Machiavellian villain of The Tempest: having usurped, exiled and attempted to kill his brother, Prospero, 20 years ago, in the course of the play he tempts Sebastian to attempt to murder his own brother, King Alonso of Naples. Ariel appears playing solemn music (line 183) that puts everyone but Antonio and Sebastian to sleep. [T]hough 'tis wonder that enwraps me thus, / Yet 'tis not madness, he decides (IV. How do Antonio and Sebastian feel about Gonzalo? ANS: The two contentions set forward in the scene by Antonio to persuade Sebastian to join the intrigue against Alonso are: 1. The two washed up on the island and since then, Prospero has spent his time learning powerful magic. How does Antonio convince Sebastian to execute the plan? As mine eyes opend. Letters should not be known; riches, poverty. Antonio convinces Sebastian to do so through a series of verbal gymnastics that reveal the fallibility of language. . GONZALO, to Alonso. What has Antonio been instigating Sebastian to do? From this statement, what Antonio is trying to say is that newborn children would have become bearded adults by the time Claribel finds out about their treachery. What is the actual reason of Antonio sadness? Antonio then sent an army at midnight, under the cover of darkness, to force Prospero and baby Miranda out of Milan. Sebastian and Antonio pretend their swords are drawn because they heard a noise like a whole herd of lions. He needs to state by the accompanying that Gonzalos words, push into his ears, In certainty his words conflict with his grain. Deeply shocked and hurt, he rebukes Sebastian. Sebastian leaves Antonio Sebastian tells Antonio that he believes his twin sister drowned in the shipwreck. 7th event that brought Prospero and Miranda to the island. ANS: The separation among Italy and Tunis is alluded to as space.
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