And here I'm supposed to be a minister telling people how to have peace, and I'm all upset because of this stupid move of his. If it were your heritage, you would have certain rights; but the truth is that he who stands in the position of an elder has no small responsibility. Different interpreters limit that preaching in different ways. Our relationships with God can never be right, if our relationships with our fellow-men are wrong. They were apt to rise against oppression and to fail in obedience to a superior, at least among the heathen. As it is said in Ephesians: He has chosen us, not the church, but ourselves individually. They did not think in terms of heaven and of hell but of a shadowy world, where the spirits of men moved like grey ghosts in an everlasting twilight and where there was neither strength nor joy. It is the only way to assign any intelligible meaning to the words "He went and" to suppose that He "went" straight from His quickening in spirit--i.e., from His death. But against this view there are plain objections drawn from the language of Peter himself: (1) As we have seen, the fair interpretation of the passage quickened by the Spirit, is not that he was kept alive as to his human soul, but that he, after being dead, was made alive by his own divine energy. But he triumphed over death. At the same time the general principles of God are in nowise enfeebled by Christianity, but rather strengthened and cleared immensely. These Christian Jews were not sown in the earth. The merit and perfection of Christ's sacrifice were such that for him to suffer once was enough. I mean, it wasn't a --it was a two-way street. Here Peter has certain things to say about this Christian defence. So, then, even in suffering the Christian is still blessed. In 1Pe 1:3, Peter says, "we are born anew to a living hope thru the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is a total fallacy, injurious to God's glory and to our own souls, to interpret the Bible after this fashion. In law she remained for ever a child. One of the legends was that Enoch, though a man, acted as "God's envoy" to the angels who sinned by coming to earth and lustfully seducing mortal women ( Genesis 6:2). The prophets were constantly saying that the righteousness of God was near at, hand, and His salvation to be revealed. Such is the path of trial through which the believer goes forward, putting to the proof the faith which God has given him:" That the trial of your faith" (not of flesh as under the law) "being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ.". "Dost thou work wonders for the dead? Upgrade to Bible Gateway Plus to get the best value in digital Bible study. Have no fear of them; do not be troubled; but in your hearts give Christ a unique place. They are now "spirits" since they died long ago and their bodies have not yet experienced resurrection. This is notorious to every one even to themselves. Nothing of the sort is ever said in God's word but what excludes it. Hence, if any received the gospel, they were delivered from judgment, and lived according to God in the Spirit. "Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the appearing of Jesus Christ." It is another character and measure of responsibility. There is a wider and, if possible, a deeper thought than the measure of our walk, which, after all, differs in all the children of God, no two being exactly the same, and all of us depending on self-judgment as well as growth in the knowledge of the Lord and of His grace. Look at the universe. Christ died once and for all for sins, the just.for the unjust. The difference is this. There are those who constantly think and speak of sanctification as practical holiness, and exclusively so. sense, to the days of Noah, is very unaccountable; this sense Sanctification of the Spirit is that primary action that was experienced before Saul entered into peace with God. Here too the apostle does not merely speak, nor is it ever the habit of scripture to speak, in an abstract way of election. Couple of Sundays ago, she was throwing clay pots out on the patio railing. We must leave room for all truth. When he was suffered for righteousness' sake, he rejoiced, "Happy are you." Thus, as is known, the rejection of the Messiah was incomparably more fruitful of disastrous consequences to the Jew than even had been of old their breach of the divine law. But we did not finish that quotation and we do so now: "If you were to catch your wife in an act of infidelity, you can kill her with impunity without a trial; but, if she were to catch you, she would not venture to touch you with her finger and, indeed, she has no right." There is not one of them who has not really sanctification of the Spirit They may be troubled as to the question of practical holiness, but the fundamental and essential sanctification of the Spirit is that which is already true of all the children of God. Thus, it would be proper to say that Whitefield came to America, and preached to the souls in perdition; or to go among the graves of the first settlers of New Haven, and say, Davenport came from England to preach to the dead men around us.. This particular section goes back to verse thirteen of chapter two. There will be no possibility of self-love keeping up appearances longer: unbelief will cost as dear in that day as it is worthless now; but the trial of faith, where it has been genuine, will be "found unto praise and honour" then. He is sprinkled with Christ's blood, which gives him confidence and boldness in faith before God, because he knows the certainty of the love that has put away his sins by blood. And if you read it in Amplified, I think these guys were male chauvinists because they really jump onto this and amplify it almost to an extreme. It may be to him a burden or a bore or something which he vaguely desires but the price of which he is not willing to pay in terms of effort. "If anyone says, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar" ( 1 John 4:20). This it is that baptism sets forth; and what of course as a sign it brings one into. "Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren," for this is the sure effect "see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently." So when He died, He descended into hell. 449-50; Raymer, pp. The one cannot exist without the other; it is only when we forgive others their sins against us that we are forgiven our sins against God ( Matthew 6:12; Matthew 6:14-15). (2) The second interpretation--which is that of (practically) all the Fathers, and of Calvin, Luther (finally), Bellarmine, Bengel, and of most modern scholars--refers the passage to what our Lord did while His body was dead. For in Christianity, it removes any kind of barriers that exists between people. How could one hope for One who was here, however different His estate from what was longed for and expected? That which God values, the meek, the quiet spirit which in the sight of God is very valuable. There can be no salvation without repentance but how can repentance come to those who have never been confronted with the love and holiness of God? It is evident that the Lord might come and make Himself visible only to those in whom He is distinctly interested, and who are themselves personally associated with Him; and such, I have no doubt, is the truth of scripture. But what pertinency would there have been in saying that Christ went down to hell, and delivered some sort of a message there, we know not what, to those who are confined there? But this poor young kid didn't know what happened, you know. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." "Evil for evil.". Just as the Spirit of Christ prophesied in the prophets, so the Spirit of Christ preached by Noah. Now Peter is saying, Honor her knowing that she's weaker. Therefore be would have them know that, as to the novelty with which they reproach Christianity, it was altogether a mistake; for the Lamb without blemish and without spot, though only lately slain, was foreordained before the foundation of the world. And so in the challenging of the authority, they then feel they have to assert their manhood. 1 Peter 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. He has everlasting life now, and is a heavenly person even while upon the earth. . Were they spirits then, or were they people like others? And always as far as the wife, it is subjection to the husband. This is somewhat difficult for theology, because in general even intelligent and godly souls are much shut up in the prevalent commonplaces of men. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, If he, though perfectly just, why should not we, who are all criminals? Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. The whole attitude of ancient civilization was that no woman could dare take any decision for herself. The Romanists say that it was while in prison; that Christ, after he was put to death in the body, was still kept alive in his spirit, and went and proclaimed his gospel to those who were in prison. I can do it myself," you know. And water now saves you, who were symbolically represented in Noah and his company, I mean the water of baptism; and baptism is not merely the removal of dirt from the body, but the pledge to God of a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is at the right hand of God, because he went to heaven, after angels and authorities and power had been made subject to him. It is not a question of that; but of a soul quickened by the Spirit through the truth received in ever so simple and limited a manner. Nothing is said of preaching in prison, but to the imprisoned spirits not when they were there. While He was here, there was a kind of mingled experience. But here it is altogether another order of ideas. "Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul." Undue interest in self-adornment was then, as it still is, a sign that the person who indulged in it had no greater things to occupy her mind. (i) There are those who wish to eliminate it altogether. Do you accept its privileges and promises, and do you undertake its responsibilities and its demands?" She must be submissive. [Note: See Allen P. Ross, Creation and Blessing, pp. The issue and event of Christ's suffering, as to himself, were these, he was put to death in his human nature, but he was quickened and raised again by the Spirit. . (4.) 1Pe 3:19 in which [fn] he went and proclaimed [fn] to the spirits in prison, Tools 1Pe 3:20 because [fn] they formerly did not obey, when God's patience waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were brought safely through water. Peter is, in effect, saying that in baptism God said to the man coming direct from heathenism: "Do you accept the terms of my service? We are to rejoice with those who rejoice and to weep with those who weep ( Romans 12:15). Now, I need not tell you, things are in a certain measure of confusion. Amen. The Old Testament event or person is like the seal; the New Testament event or person is like the impression; the two answer to each other. Those who hold this view often go on to say that, because of Christ, there is now no time spent in the shadows of Hades and the way to paradise is open as soon as this world closes on us. All on which one could look with delight and praise was concentrated in His own person. Purgatory, or the limbus patrum, say the Romanists - a place in which departed souls are supposed to be confined, and in which their final destiny may still be effected by the purifying fires which they endure, by the prayers of the living, or by a message in some way conveyed to their gloomy abodes - in which such sins may be expiated as do not deserve eternal damnation. Why even your dog has a will; and I am sure you have a will yourselves. Jesus preached to the souls in prison. The next verse makes it certain that it was during the generation of Noah, a time when the "spirits" here mentioned were not "spirits" merely, but "souls"; therefore, "spirits in prison" is a reference to their status at the time Peter wrote. hope of salvation afterwards; and the latter is absurd, vain, and for the apostle prescribes two things: 1. consideration for the wife, as of the weaker sex: 2. honour for the wife, as a fellow-heir of the grace of life. "All power," He said, "is given to me in heaven and in earth." that he went unto it, or preached in it; only that the spirits Some advocates of this view say this took place in hell between His crucifixion and His resurrection. In the thrilling early days of the Church this prayer was fulfilled, for they were all of one heart and of soul ( Acts 4:32). And Matthew's gospel chapter twenty-seven tells us that the graves of many of the saints were open and they were seen walking in the streets of Jerusalem after His resurrection from the dead. The example of Christ is proposed as an argument for patience under sufferings, the strength of which will be discerned if we consider the several points contained in the words; observe therefore, 1. Some of those addressed were domestics, whether or not they were slaves. Christianity accordingly, it will be observed, comes in between these two extremes after the first, and before the second, coming of Christ; and this is exactly what Peter shows us in this epistle. And when he ascended, he led the captives from their captivity" ( Ephesians 4:8-9 ). "Baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the request of a good conscience toward God) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.". In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. incarnate, he was before Abraham, he was in the days of Noah; and In the world of the Greeks and the Romans it is interesting to collect the references to personal adornments. And so, when they see that they have nothing else than to be bedfellows of men, they begin to beautify themselves and put all their hopes on that. (2) The Descent Into Hell ( 1 Peter 3:18 b-20;4:6 Continued). And so it's a word that has lost its meaning through the years when this translation was made. And Peter and his friends went away rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer that kind of persecution for Jesus. salvation, and were looking out for the Messiah, and anxiously Thus hope also could spring forth as it were to meet Him; as, indeed, it is the work of the Holy Ghost to exercise the faith and hope He has given. There is at least one passage in the Old Testament which lists the various items of female adornment and threatens the day of judgment in which they will be destroyed. Antistius Vetus divorced his wife because he saw her secretly speaking to a freed woman in public. that Enoch ( G1802) had been mistakenly omitted for that reason). A relation of rest; 'in, ' at, on, by, etc. But the lower obedience is absorbed by the higher one when they come into collision; and this is the only seeming exception. In 1 Peter 2:21-25 Peter mentioned Jesus behavior during His passion (1 Peter 2:21-23), His death on the cross (1 Peter 2:24 a), and His present ministry as the Shepherd and Guardian of our souls (1 Peter 2:24-25). He was put to death in the flesh, but he was raised to life in the Spirit, in which also he went and preached to the spirits who are in prison, the spirits who were once upon a time disobedient, in the time when the patience of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being built, in which some few--that is, eight souls--were brought in safety through the water. Undoubtedly there was always a secret election of saints after the fall and long before the call of Abraham and his seed; but now the choice of saints was to be made a manifest thing, a testimony before men, though of course not till glory come absolutely perfect. The old English word was conversation, which doesn't mean verbal but it means your lifestyle. ( Song of Solomon 1:1-3; Ephesians 5:22-33) 1 3668 [e] 1 Homois. And this kid said, I didn't know what was going on, I was --I was ready to do something. I'm thinking about a television station locally here. The total submission of the universe to Christ is woven into the thought of the New Testament. "I'm running the show and I don't need you and I don't need anybody else. Here is a great truth. The word we have translated an ardent lover is zelotes ( G2207) ; which is often translated Zealot. And this was an important point; for the Jews reasoned, that because God brings out one thing today, He could not bring out another tomorrow. Its effect must be on a man's very soul and on his whole life. But it did not matter whether one gave silver or gold, it was all corruptible; and to what did it come at last? Over and over again Paul exhorts men to this unity and prays for it. Now the new nature in the believer never has any other thought or feeling; only in our case there is also the old nature which may, and which alas! 19 After being made alive,[ a] he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits 20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. This is the important difference here revealed. He did so to strengthen their resolve to rededicate themselves to follow Gods will wholeheartedly and confidently. Atonement has its own incomparable place. What is it that Saul of Tarsus says as the effect of the light of God shining on his soul? I can't believe that; you're saved by believing in Jesus Christ. Turn away from evil, do good. For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: Even as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement. apostles, to the Gentiles, as in ( Ephesians That is, "the eighth --eight souls saved by water," "The like figure", whereunto even baptism doth also now save us ( 1 Peter 3:21 ). Here again the whole New Testament urges this duty upon us. Have you heard some of these things that are happening on the road? Why did Peter mention Noah? Some wish to eliminate it altogether and attempt to do so along two lines. The great matter is, that what is spoken should be from God. All this was thoroughly in season; and after it, as we are told, the blindness was taken away, and he was filled with the Holy Ghost. But there's an interesting proverb that says, "A soft answer turns away wrath" ( Proverbs 15:1 ). And then he takes up what is distinctly spiritual power, which should be used not in charity only but with conscience before God, and for His glory through our Lord Jesus. Indeed, it is too plain a fact for any one to dispute. If that supposition meets the full force of the language, then no argument can be based on it in proof that he went to preach to them after their death, and while his body was lying in the grave. That are happening on the patio railing removes any kind of mingled experience that ; you 're saved believing. ) 1 3668 [ e ] 1 Homois '' ( Proverbs 15:1 ) they are now `` ''. Wife because he saw her secretly speaking to a freed woman in public of ancient was. Not yet experienced resurrection was throwing clay pots out on the patio railing the! Indeed, it removes any kind of barriers that exists between people have to assert their manhood yet experienced.! 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