var addy3a9a4ec8578fcada2af7cbcd2d2d4323 = 'courtonline' + '@'; The NH Superior Court has responded by implementing CaseLines a state-of-the-art digital evidence center that extends the NH Superior Courts commitment to technology innovation in the courtroom. If your documents are not appearing numerically, please contact staff so that they can change the settings in your file. Attorneys and SRLs can leverage CaseLines exhibit management software to organize, annotate, and present all types of evidence in both civil and criminal cases. If you have need to add additional persons within your organization to the case in Case Center, you may do so yourself. If you need support to resolve technical issues, please call 1-800-290-9378 and select either "CaseLines" or "Evidence Sharing" when you reach the directory, or email Court Vacancies Parties will upload to their designated Section for exhibits, tables of contents and witness lists. Once you have registered, you will receive a subsequent email with a link to confirm your email address. The digital evidence portal provides convenient 24/7 online access to upload, review, and manage exhibits in a case to which a party has been invited. The hearing will be held and parties, counsel and the judge may review all of the documents that have been uploaded in the appropriate bundles. Efficient exhibit communication driven by CaseLines is expected to support speedier hearings and reduce workload. How do I know if my case has been selected for the CaseLines Pilot? For Charter School, begin with CS1, CS2, CS3, etc. However, the Judge may follow your evidence utilising the system. Parties should include resumes or curriculum vitae for each witness who is expected to testify as an expert. As a best practice, staff will provide you with access to your event hearing bundle (i.e. NorwegianPersian ArabicArmenian ALPHA 2023 Arizona Supreme Court. Your documents are not filed until they have been reviewed and accepted by court staff. If a Litigant selects Tabbed in the checkbox above, CaseLines (Case Centre) will insert a blank page before the document marked as tabbed. Also, note that page limits stipulated by local court directions or by court order. Note: The OBA is providing hand-on training to support the bar in the transition to CaseLines. Members of the public will be able to file documentation on Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines) with the assistance of Registrars at the Court. Where possible, please include hyperlinks to external authorities and internally within a document. With the manual process, you have to ensure that your uploads are directive compliant, whereas, with the automated process, the directive requirements on uploads are mechanical. Bookmark this page and check back regularly for updates. Career Opportunities Phase 2 will incorporate the jury component. The pdf copy of the bundle will include a copy of the index and will display the content of the index on the right-hand side of the screen: bookmarked and hyperlinked to the individual documents. The judge or your counsel must have permission to view all the documents to see the documents on the CaseLines review pane. Also, don't forget to read CaseLines FAQs From User Feedbackand CaseLines Administrative Orders. If the hearing takes place by telephone or video conference, the party who requested the sealing order must immediately file an unredacted hardcopy of the document with the court office in a sealed envelope with a copy of the endorsement attached to the envelope. ThaiTurkish Lawyers can provide other professionals access to their cases in CaseLines. CaseLines for Domestic Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice notice (May 2022) CaseLines Hearings Tips for Counsel and Self-represented Parties (July 2022) Frequently Asked Questions About Thomson Reuters CaseLines for the Ontario Court of Justice (December 2021) CaseLines Instructional Video for Family Court Lawyers and Parties . Once the files are uploaded, scroll back up the page and click on the Update All Documents button. Click View Documents next to the relevant section description, Click View next to the relevant document that must contain the hyperlinking, Use the page counter to navigate to the relevant page of the document, Click next to the place in the document where the hyperlink must appear, Click OK to the question add a hyperlink to this page, Add a hyperlink Description that corresponds with the description in the document. BE SURE TO SELECT A ROLE WHEN REGISTERING. Please Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines) is not restricted to a certain file format and is compatible with all file types i.e. Phase I will include new domestic initial case conferences and motions on notice. Litigants representing themselves will not be expected to present their cases digitally to the Judge utilising Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines). We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. NUMBERING YOUR EXHIBITS PER THE PHC ORDER. Document type, including the form number (For example, Application, Form 8), Type of party submitting the document (For example, Applicant, Respondent or Third Party), Name of the party submitting the document, including initials if the name is not unique to the case (For example: P. Smith and B. Smith initials must be used if the parties share a last name; Smith and Thomas initials are not required if the parties do not share a last name), and. Find your Section, e.g. Click on View Case Listto go to the case list page. Text information: this can be a portion of the case name or the case number (discard the year). You can open multiple documents in CaseLines by taking the following steps: A second reading pane will open so that you can read two documents side by side. However, if the value of theestate is less than R250 000, the Master of the High Court may dispense with letters of executorship and issue letters of authority in terms of Section 18(3) of the Administration of Estates Act, (Act 66 of 1965). The file will populate in the Select files box. Do not call the Information Center asking for your case to be added. The amount of time it takes to upload your documents will vary, depending on the total size of the files. Upload your documents into the correct event bundle. Under Index, type a bundle number using the format 02, 03, 04 etc. The Inventory is a summary of the assets and liabilities of the deceased at the time of death. This takes you to a page where you can review what was uploaded. { Select all documents that you want uploaded and then click Start Upload.. If the information you need is not included here, consult the Support section of the Case Centerwebsite. For example, when uploading a motion record with internal hyperlinks, create a first-level bookmark for each document contained within the motion record so they will be displayed in the CaseLines list of documents on the left-hand of the Review screen. document.getElementById('cloak3a9a4ec8578fcada2af7cbcd2d2d4323').innerHTML = ''; Material that is not uploaded into CaseLines will likely not be reviewed in advance. Describe a document on CaseLines Case Centre? Motion for lawyers removal from the case (*motion only, Urgent or without notice motions (e.g. For Student exhibits, begin with S1, S2, S3, etc. Before each event, staff will label and provide you with access to the bundle for the event. Similarly, any supporting evidence for a motion to remove a lawyer from record pursuant to Family Law Rule 4(14) should not be uploaded into CaseLines. The digital evidence portal supportsextensivemultimedia formats. Upload documents to a CaseLines (Case Centre) case? the details that youve used to register on the portal) on the logon screen. Only those invited can see what is uploaded. Judges, court staff, attorneys, self-represented litigants (SRLs), and other justice partners will be trained to upload, submit, and present evidence in the courtroom during trials and evidentiary hearings. Note that CaseLines uses different terminology including events (otherwise known as hearings or appearances) and bundles (folders). Parties / counsel are responsible for properly naming the Order or Endorsement in accordance with the above naming protocol, before uploading the document to CaseLines. The documents can be viewed, searched, and used while examining witnesses. Developed by Netmaster Solutions Ltd., CaseLines is used in courts in the United Kingdom, South Africa, and the U.S. For County Office of Education, begin with COE1, COE2, COE3, etc. Undertaking and acceptance of Masters directions, Add CaseLines hearing dates to your Outlook Calendar, The software do not sort the cases in any specific order, Limiting the number of cases displayed on a page. Uploading Documents into the Correct Bundle: 2. Click Update all documents next to the relevant section, See paragraph 4.3 of the CaseLines (Case Centre) Upload directive, Next to the relevant Section, click Update all documents, Next to the document that must be moved, click Move, Select the new destination section from the dropdown list, CaseLines by default inserts the date of upload as the document date, click Update all documents next to the relevant section, type the new document date in the document column next to the document description, Unselect Included to exclude the document from view, You can do this from the Update Case or the Review pane, Click pdf next to the document you want to download, Select the document using the auto-index situated to the absolute left of the Review pane, Type the new document number under Document Number, Wait for the software to process the change. This should include any order that remains in effect as well as any relevant endorsements, including endorsements that were made before electronic files were available to the Court. Latin ALPHALatvian Haitian Creole ALPHAHebrew Although system upgrades continue with CaseLink, images are now available with delay, up to 24 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). CaseLines is a cloud-based document sharing and storage e-hearing platform for remote and in-person court proceedings. Yes. Below is an example of how a respondent in an appeal may name their documents in CaseLines: After accessing your case in CaseLines, you will see a list of event bundles (subfolders) in your case. Ask your opponent your correspondent to invite you to the Case (for existing cases), change the document description and add the document upload date, in/exclude the document from view on the Review screen, the Litigant excluded the document from view; or. [1] Sitiated at the top left of the Review pane, between the case name and the index.. [2] Situated in the top middle of the screen, Change the document number to the number of the document immediately above the destination position, Next to the document date, select Inserted. You would also have access to previous event bundles as well as the settlement conference bundles. Selected quick reference guides are listed below. If you havent done so already, the first step will be to register as a CaseLines user and bookmark the CaseLines (Ontario) website. Log On All users will only be able to log into CCDCS using their primary email address or User Name. The Ministry of the Attorney Generals Court Services Division is now offering a technology support hotline as additional help for self-represented litigants. Similarly, where a Book of Authorities is provided to the court, it should be uploaded as a single PDF document with a table of contents hyperlinked to the cases contained within it. CaseLines is a user-friendly cloud-based document sharing and storage e-hearing platform for remote and in-person court proceedings. State Bar of Arizona Generally speaking, each document should be uploaded to CaseLines separately, in the appropriate Section tab and using the naming protocol outlined in Tip 4. That way the documents will not interfere with the order of exhibits you intend to keep. Changes to Caselines Hearing Dates are then added to the Outlook calendar at pre-selected intervals. CaseLines for Domestic Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice notice (May 2022) CaseLines Hearings Tips for . Once you click Invite, an automated CaseLines email will be sent to the person containing a link to the case. For technical instructions, login to CaseLines and click Support or see FAQs. National Center for State Courts Counties that have gone live with CaseLines expect that all evidence would be uploaded as part of the court record. Developed by Netmaster Solutions Ltd., CaseLines is used in courts in the United Kingdom, South Africa, and the U.S. Parties will be able to upload, store, review, search, mark-up, share and present court documents virtually. By clicking on the Log On button below and logging into the Crown Court Digital Case System you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of use. Pro Tip:The court will use your registered email address used for e-Filing to send notifications from the digital evidence management system. The full Court Online end-to-end solution will take into consideration the digital application for Court hearings and the management of evidence (CaseLines). Lost your password? Movable property cars, boats, furniture, coins, etc Below are tips to help you work with CaseLines. It is in your interest to complete the required forms correctly. How do I know if my case has been selected for CaseLines. a third party including any agency such as the Office of the Childrens Lawyer or Ontario Works). Click on the name of the document in the left-hand column. If your region has implemented CaseLines for trial matters, then you may be expected to use Caselines for your matter. You will receive an email from the court requesting evidence upload. Following these steps will ensure that your documents are organized and easily accessible for your hearing. View a CaseLines tutorial here:Welcome to CaseLines. Responding Record Respondent Smith 01-JAN-2021, Oral Argument Compendium Respondent Smith 01-JAN-2021, Transcript Brief Respondent Smith 01-JAN-2021, Exhibit Book Respondent Smith 01-JAN-2021, Financial Statement 13.1 Applicant Smith 01-JAN-2021. When uploading a document to CaseLines, ensure the document is under 500 pages in length. Prepare for the case online before Court: Access to the latest evidence by all invited to . RomanianRussian To upload documents, click on the Sections tab in the case file, find your designated section and select Upload Documents. If you want have been moving between documents in CaseLines and want to return to the last-viewed page, click on Find at the top of the screen to make additional feature buttons appear, and then click on Show the Previous Page. If you want to share the Zoom coordinates with your client, click on the Video Conference Link button in the case on CaseLines, copy and paste the link into your communication with your client. Version: 6.19.0 -Multihanded- Escrow-19/04/2022. Select the relevant category that matches the hearing category. If you do not know the answer to a question, do not leave it blank type unknown. If a specific field does not apply, type not applicable. Incomplete forms can cause an unnecessary delay in the finalization of the administration process. Important Uploading to CaseLines is mandatory so that the judicial official has access to your material when preparing for the event. All Rights Reserved. Pleadings include documents such as: Any additional documents such as Form 13: Financial Statements and parenting affidavits (i.e. Click View next to the document name to view a single document. You will be able to see whos following you by the list of names displayed at the top of the screen. El Centro de Autoservicio, Contact Us CaseLines Hearings Tips for Counsel and Self-represented Parties, Supplementary Notice to the Profession and Litigants in Civil and Family Matters Regarding the Caselines Pilot, E-Filing, and Fee Payment, Workplace Conflict & Harassment Prevention, Tip 1 Register and bookmark CaseLines (Ontario), Tip 3 Invite other lawyers and legal assistants, Tip 5 Upload documents individually to the appropriate event bundle if they do not contain hyperlinks to other documents, Tip 6 Upload your documents in a single PDF to keep your internal hyperlinks, Tip 7 Create an index of key documents listing CaseLines-generated document and page numbers, Tip 8 View a list of upcoming events and access video conference links, Tip 10 Refer the judicial official to a specific page of a document, Tip 11 Use presenter mode to assist in your presentation during the hearing, Tip 12 Return to the last-viewed page of a document previously opened, Tip 13 View more than one CaseLines document on your screen, Tip 14 Highlight or make notes on your documents using the Notes function, Tip 15 Upload your recent endorsements and orders, Tip 16 Use of Draft Orders Uploaded to CaseLines. These functions are discussed in the CaseLines guide regarding Notes. Litigators who wish to present evidence to the court during their hearing or trial must upload applicable materials into CaseLines per court rules and guidelines. These provisions are contained in Section 165 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. Judges, litigators, and court staff are learning how to optimize the technology that eliminates burdensome paper copies and facilitates multimedia evidence presentations. The digital evidence portal provides convenient 24/7 online access to upload, review, and manage exhibits in a case to which a party has been invited. Follow the presenter on an CaseLines (Case Centre) case? . You can drag and drop or directly add files using the Add Files button to add files to the Select files box. Download a pdf copy of a CaseLines (Case Centre) document? GermanGreek Note: By Court rule, a party to a case may only invite another party to the case. To view documents: You can also view your documents from the update screen: How should I prepare for my trial or evidentiary hearing? For all technical support on utilising the system, contact the Helpdesk for assistance: SUPPORT EMAIL ADDRESS:This email address is being protected from spambots. IcelandicIndonesian Once youve added the files you want to upload to Case Center, click the Start Upload button at the bottom of the Select files box. From the list provided, decide what you want to allow the person to do with the uploaded documents. Move a document to a different CaseLines (Case Centre) section? You can see your upcoming events in CaseLines by clickingView Hearings at the top of the screen. To do this, click on the Bundles tab in the case in Case Center, then click on the Download button. Legal Assistant). Charter School Exhibits). For assistance with technical issues, please contact Thomson Reuters technical support at 1-800-290-9378and select either CaseLines or Evidence Sharing when you reach the directory, or email You will have to use an HTML5 compliant internet browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari to access the full functionality of Case Center. We do, however, suggest that you submit a Next-of-kin-affidavit in all circumstances, even if there is a will. To upload into CaseLines, save your document using the following file naming protocol: Example:A witness statement submitted by Attorney Smith should be named:Witness Statement_Smith If you upload a new document later (e.g. If you need support to resolve technical issues, please call 1-800-290-9378and select either CaseLines or Evidence Sharing when you reach the directory, or Pro Tip:Make CaseLines a trusted sender by saving in your list of email contacts or regularly check your junk folder for emails from CaseLines. Click Here, .contentsName, .case, .Text, .lines, .actionList a, .actionList a:link, .actionList a:visited, .actionList a:hover, .actionList a:active, div a, div a:link, div a:visited, div a:hover, div a:active, table a, table a:link, table a:visited, table a:hover, table a:active, table tr td a, table tr td a:link, table tr td a:visited, table tr td a:hover, table tr td a:active CaseLines will retain internal hyperlinks within a document provided those hyperlinks link to a place within the same document. Trainers have been asked to use family-specific examples for family CaseLines training sessions. CaseLines for Domestic Family Matters in the Ontario Court of Justice, As previously stated, court documents must continue to be filed with the court. District must use the letter D before the number to identify its exhibits. To run page numbers continually throughout your evidence bundle, search your case in the View Case List tab> Update Case> Bundles> Untick the Section Numbering Restarts in the Bundle>Save and refresh your page. Tip 5 - Upload documents individually to the appropriate event bundle if they do not contain hyperlinks to other documents. Online training resources are available here. Phase II will be implemented in the following regions as follows: CaseLines does not replace the filing of your documents with the court office. Please refer to Tip 5 for more information on affidavits with exhibits and Books of Authorities. The NH Superior Court in Carroll County has transitioned to digital evidence management in September 2022. Need more information? We suggest saving the site as a favorite in your web browser. The title of your saved Word or PDF file will automatically become the title of your exhibit, once uploaded. Site Map The Master uses the Inventory to determine if the estate qualifies as a section 18(3) estate or not. Ask other delegates to click on the Present tab and then click Follow Presenter and choose your name. 1. The reporting documents will differ slightly depending on the value of the estate and the type of appointment required. On or before your court date, a judge or a court clerk may schedule a hearing that will use CaseLines in accordance with this Notice, or, in accordance with the direction given by the presiding judge. Once youve logged on to the portal, the software opens on your case list screen. If an event is heard using CaseLines, court staff will upload endorsements and issued orders for access by parties and counsel by uploading them into the Endorsements, Orders and Judgments sub-bundle, subject to any judicial direction. You may add multiple groups of files by repeating this process until you are finished. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. No, Court Online: Evidence Management (CaseLines) is an evidence management system used in preparing for and presenting Courtevidence. Date on which the document was created or signed, in the format DD-MMM-YYYY (e.g. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; The Front-End (FE) portal accessed via the Internet from each Court Online system registered Law Firms computer or mobile device. To add/upload documents: Quick Reference Guide:How to upload a document, Pro Tip:You can add multiple documents at once using the Import features. You can do so by locating the case (found on your View Case List screen) and selecting Update Case. View and navigate CaseLines (Case Centre) hyperlinks on the Review pane? The Magistrates Office service points will only have jurisdiction if the deceased did not leave a valid will and the gross value of the estate is less than R125 000 where there is no PEAS( Paperless Estates Administration System). You will be sent an invitation to access your case from with the subject line: Electronic access given to a case: NAME OF CASE. Name the documents according to the Naming Exhibits section of this Order. Publication Bans/Sealing Orders and Other Documents that should not be filed: Any documents that are subject to a publication ban or sealing order mustnotbe uploaded into CaseLines. Self-represented litigants will be able to call the hotline at 1-800-980-4962. The referenced document will appear on the middle right pane (the index will also highlight the reference documents location but under a different color). How can I direct the judge to a specific page of a document? You can open multiple documents in CaseLines by clicking View at the top of the screen to make additional feature buttons appear, and then clicking on Open in New Tab. If you have not received your verification link within 15 minutes, contact the. DOMESTIC FAMILY EVENTS EXCLUDED IN CASELINES: 4. CaseLines Digital Evidence Pilot is Expanding! Parties must also upload Affidavits of Service so they can be accessed at upcoming events. 2, etc. If the total asset value of the estate is less than Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rand (R 250 000.00), the Master will appoint an administrator to administer the estate in terms of section 18(3) of the Estates Act, 1966. Parties and/or counsel must provide their email addresses on all filed and uploaded court documents to use CaseLines. Tip 1 - Register and bookmark CaseLines (Ontario) Tip 2 - File first, upload second. This form does not apply to estates with an asset value of less than Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Rand (R 250 000.00) you must then complete form J155. Lawyers can give other professionals in their office access to their cases by taking the following steps: Quick Reference Guide:Granting Access to an Individual User. 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