They dont have to carefully package their words for fear of hurting someone. ENTJs are totally willing to pay any price in order to win. ENTJs can steamroll someone if they're not careful. Because of their inborn personality traits, ENTJs are often thought of as leaders. I hope that when I'm older, the new generation of ENTJ women won't hold back,because women have been doing that for thousands of years and I think it's about time we stopped. 1. We need more entjs. Don't let anyone stop you from being yourself. I originally posted this in another thread, but its topic was related to this one at the start and is starting to move closer. The worst thing that can happen, is being wrong and deciding based on wrong thoughts. Here is Why (+Tips to Improve), Taurus Sun Pisces Moon: Artistic Intuition, Taurus Sun Aquarius Moon: True Feelings Of Rebellion. INTPs are Thinkers and as such their Feeling function is quite weak. And why do I do that? ago. This 3% is what makes us special. Waste of time. I have a great amount of education and when I say something to someone Im working with, it comes from experienceand data. Under stress, it's common for an ENTJ to crash into his or her 'shadow' personality. At their best, the INTP + ENTJ combo is unstoppable. I base my decisions on thought and statistics/data. I am abig fan of the INTJ personality type. All rights reserved. I have to say this is real. I have to agree, sometimes I can't even pinpoint the source of these intense emotions, and I just feel out of my element. ISTPs are prone to arguing and may even enjoy arguing but dont argue for fun. Go ahead, lie to each other. I'm genuinely sorry to hear you had a bad experience with a ENTJ. Why cant we have more people in this world who arent afraid of honesty and welcome challenges. But mostly what annoys me is that I have a need/tendency to explode outwards with my reasoning while they seem to want the most efficient and straightforward path from A to B. INTPs may become borderline stalkerish in an attempt to maximize the opportunities for interaction with . Anyways, Astrology has no factual basis or any evidence of accuracy. At the beginning I was highly motivated, but now not anymore. Who cares what people think. INTPs appreciate ENTJs precision and logical reasoning. Part of that I'm certain is the natural way our types relate to each other about ideas. They don't need to know, that we see the big picture. For more information, please see our article you say that INTJ is a crappy personality and all you do is point out our flaws, but in this article you not only excuse the flaws of the ENTJ you claim that their flaws aren't flaws. ENFJs are often drawn to INTPs' independence, creativity, and calm way of dealing with crisis. When these two first meet , their first conversation may seem like they have known each other for years. Ive always been incredibly organized and I do NOT need a wing-man or woman to handle the "unimportant stuff" (because that IS important). I also know that just by saying that, I'm technically, "Too full of myself" and that I should lose my big head. We explore this combination's goals, str, For MLK Day of Service, we're donating 10% of each purchase to nonprofits working to help people find their paths i. In normal circumstances, I will probably ignore the commands as an INTP. 10- tbh, that's both a good and bad thing, yes we need strong leader figures in the world, but too much of us might cause a problem, we are too Passionate and goal oriented, a clash is bound to happen. It doesn't apply to ENTJ's. . totally agree! I think and emote like a man thanks to my personality type, but I guess the world isnt okay with that. My female boss is ENTJ Aries. This man had some serious ambitions to achieve - he didn't want to be told to lighten up or 'chill.' Ah good then it is not me! ENTJ and INTP is truly a match made in heaven. I do believe that it makes my "bedside manner" very empathic. And trust me, I agree with you. INFP stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting. A chain of replies to a deleted (and irrelevant) post have been removed. The goal in life is winning. 3-saying sorry has never been a problem to me, especially in accidental situations or if im really wrong, but if you don't deserve it you will never hear it from me. Only a true genius realizes that nothing is certain right? But as I am an ENTJ and both my best friend and my boyfriend's of 8 years are both INTJs I am going to have to disagree with you in regards to how you believe that Entj/Intj relationships are negative. Wow you certainly seem to fill the role of a entj now. Even Carl G. Jung, whose work wound up being extrapolated into MBTI typology, believed there was something to astrology and spent time exploring it. I am kind and friendly. ? They are highly intuitive and feel deeply for people they care about. The Awkward ENTJ. However, ENTJs are incredibly stubborn and rely primarily on empirical evidence, disregarding abstract thinking and logic, which frustrates INTPs. Like the INFP, INTP s can easily ruminate on the possibilities of being with someone without ever acting it out. I can generally describe the relationship with the top 3. ENTPs lead with Extroverted Intuition - a function that explores, invents and seeks to manipulate its environment. True leaders say sorry. ENTJs often express their intuition by following their instincts in leadership and organizational practices. ..same here..ENTJ-T and a Virgo..i am really having a hard time understanding my female friends who say i can't empathize with them..i connect more with my male friends who say that i have a "male" brain. ENTJs ability to lead, be at the forefront, and take lifes challenges head-on is something that inspires INTPs. Which MBTI types are most attracted to INTP? Almost everything on the list is true for me lol. Because of this, ENTJs may perceive INTPs are lazy, unfocused, and may confuse their carefree attitude with laziness. I am just interested. If you're INTP, what traits do you like about ENTJ? The primary difference between these two personality types is their focus. Sounds like your guessing that. This article came up when I googled why do people hate ENTJ? Im female and an Aquarius. The problem is not one of procrastination - ENTJs are not Perceivers. For instance, if you get an MSc in Physics, you'll be like 'STEM is the way to go. Did he ever lighten up? 3. Anyways, people who think Astrology is useful or even accurate bother me to the core. I am ENTJ and I couldn't but relate to every single word you have described! I am also a student of esoteric subjects and an amateur astrologer. Lack of ambition. You may not mean to sound like you're giving orders, but the INTP will probably hear it that way. "likely to expect sex on a relatively scheduled basis.". I think Im an ENTJ thats more INTJ-like for time being, most probably due to some life experiences. This method [] INTPs can discuss personal issues because of how ENTJs see the world, and ENTJs can discuss their ideas because of how well INTPs interpret them and provide insight. After that I'm saying that since ENTJs typically come off as judgy, i'd expect myself and other INTPs to dislike them. I have never been able to get along with an ENTJ, but best friends with plenty of INTJs. You were in all honesty just another woman an ENTJ found a liking. I've learned to respect others for who they are, and others have learned to understand that I'm straightforward. INTPs are intuitive individuals while ISTPs rely on their senses. I love the article. Thats life we complete each other. Painfully accurate! Whitney and mercedesz, you both are clearly not entj as we (actual entjs) do not care about what others think. Your Ni is deduced, intravenously, from whatevever's cached in your Te/Se satellites. This is extremely hyprocitical in your "Why Everyone Thinks They are INTJ?" INTPs like that ENTJs are masters of efficiency, capable of accomplishing anything they set their minds to. It's not that he doesn't care; in fact, he cares deeply about all sorts of things and can be an incredible listener and intensely loyal friend. oh yeah, I must have been tired when I posted that. In the end it just kind of manifests as having to put on a different face at work/ school. Disregard what I said. If the only thing you are seeking in a relationship is to have a good time then yes, an INTJ is probably a good choice for an INTP. These three categories, not being like everybody else, not being normal and being sick are in fact very different but have been reduced to the same thing', Sexually, the ENTJ is robust, imaginative and enthusiastic. But who cares. ENTJs are highly protective of their emotions and may find it difficult to express themselves and reveal their genuine feelings. I'm middle-aged and still don't know how to "human.". I am more touchy feely than most and work hard at hearing, protecting and caring about other's feelings. It's mostly women, but some men get into it as well. I can't say I've ever had an experience where and ENTJ and myself got along great. In fact we know that they are idiots if they are wrong. You canrationalize what it is about you that made you like him but it is really suchsimple biology. Finally, we'll explore what makes ENTJs happy, and what they value in their personal relationships. I TELL YOU THIS. They can be self-absorbed; however, they look that way to others because they are highly complex and have contradictory functions. Be you!! INTP vs ENTJ will work incredibly well together. In reality I understand my flaws as a person and as an ENTJ I have no plan to ever change them. I try hard to stay up-to-date with the current liberal trend in how to talk to millennials without making them cry (circles back to whining and disrespect), but in the end, I really need stronger personalities on the team. This point relates closely to the idea of emotion. A mild mannered INTP professor and his ENTJ Domme Well it's not like I'm going to post it on the fridge! I refuse to be manipulated. You have to take the time to get to know them. INTPs should work toward accepting emotional expressions from ENFJs. They are whiners. Accusing me as rude when I raised my voice because you are still blind of the fact?! From my experience, that hasn't been true. We all know males can be a little different in how they approach details and their feelings than females. ESTJs, INTJs, ENFPs, INFJs, and INFPs, can also be attracted to an INTP, depending on the person and their preferences. I dont think saying sorry should be that hard for an ENTJ. The Five Love Languages is a registered trademark of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, which has no affiliation with this site. As an ENTP I would not even hear them. When I look at xNTJ eyes, even when you smile or laugh or try to project yourself as likable humans, I see nothing but self-loathing and anxiety. Are you curious to know more about how these two personality types match together? ENTJs hate INTPs because they have different personality traits. There is nothing out of the ordinary, different or plain, special about you dear poster. But I discovered that it might affect my health and decesion making and learned how to control it. What I'm getting at is that you shouldn't hide your personality type because other people don't like it. If you're tactless, you say 'well, there's no discursive value to dishonesty'; if your criticism is abrasive and causes affront, you'll spit some utilitarian, worn-out aphorisms, like 'I'm only here to help YOU improve and become a better version of your own self.'. This has nothing to do with the ENTJ personality. All comments are moderated. In our house, this has led to some fairly explosive exchanges. MBTI says you're the best match. 6- Not sure if we mean the same thing, but I've found that "my way" could occasionally be difficult for people even though if it's the most efficient route. 2- the thing with relaxing and lightening up is not really natural for me, even ifi do relax physically my brain never stops, I'm an over thinker and sometimes I have to release those thoughts outside in order to check their validity and fulfill to answering them efficiently. Are INFJs Sensitive And Easily Overwhelmed? If I mess up in a serious way, I apologize. lol. They may feel defensive and private when it comes to their emotions. I'm a Gemini ENTJ, I can relate with most what I read from y'all. Don't approach them if you need to vent or rally against the injustices you're facing. I'm an INTP and my mom is an ENTJ. On the male side of ENTJ you wont get the same bickering as women but you will get major passive aggressiveness and teammates that are scared of you for no reason. The main problem people have with it is that you can take it one time and get a different answer than the next time, but people's presonalities change, and if you put in same/similar answers you're going to get the same type. We see the bigger picture. Wanna know why I suppress my feelings? They are assertive and enjoy taking charge in most situations. Not because I want that role but because groups need leadership, even if it ends up being temporary. Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn Yet, when hes with me he seems docile and Im the one whos aggressive and on. He controls. Any other ENTJ's feel like everyone is a soul less zombie while you're grocery shopping? How to Integrate The Fool Archetype Into Your Life. What You Must Know. JavaScript is disabled. but my friends think I am charming, intelligent and friendly but idk if they know that I choose them to gain something from them (hobbies, success), love to have meaningful conversation with like-minded ppl who won't beat arounf the bush. Sexuality is another important area which brings out the Fe shadow of the INTP. (wikipedia) :) btw, find INTPs, we love you ENTJs of all genders. They treat me as they would any other person, because I've made sure that they see me for my personality, not my gender. I like the assertiveness and tough-luck attitude of many Te-dominants but theoretical conversations with them have to do with practical purposes for them. Which will succeed because, well, she's an ENTJ. It is sexist, To assume was every woman wants. Pretty good article, though. It sucks, women especially hate me. You can find them giving orders, yeah, but theyre also chasing the limelight, can take orders too if necessary, aesthetically inclined,abrupt and blunt, even brash, does procrastinate,in vain, open,anger-prone and are quite passionate. I'm INTJ and felt the ENTJ really annoying to actually never wanted to deal with again. However, I learned from this situation to at least think twice before doing the risky things since I am working in a bank. It will be only power rivalry with "you must loyal to me because I am good with you. Before he started at the company I'm at, I had never met one. You're materialistic and shallowall about food, money, sex, and social statusand this makes you an impossible person to be around if, heaven forbid, one entertains abstract or impractical interests. you summarised all my life with anxiety. Every now and then a guy with big balls will come through and challenge me. Welcome to The Personality Room. I think I'm an ENFP but I have ADHD. Adversely, ENTJs are goal-oriented individuals and become hyper-focused on their tasks and goals. Privacy Policy. But i didnt feel like I was myself when I made that decision. I do think I am nice and personable, but my blind spot is not nice and personable enough for others. But it's made me more self aware of who I am. I will say that the insecurity and jealousy is on the nose. As I'm one of two people in my entire highschool class taking more than one college class and attempting to graduate highschool early as one of four kids in my class I get the struggle. Roads are made by traveling. I'm tired of working with other people, but I'm also an extravert. Why do ENTJs like INTPs? They both focus on the future and can come up with well-thought-out ideas for any problem. INTPs and ENTJs are cynical, critical, and love discussing high-level topics such as government, education, science, and spirituality. Jealousy is what motivates them but thats fine to some level, but they dont feel good about themselves until they proven to everyone that they are better than them!! But now I don't really care what people think of me. My true nature is to help people, want to support them, optimize work processes. ENTJs are highly independent and believe that everyone is responsible for their own fate in life. He believes strongly in the importance of self-care, good friendships, and humor whenever possible. INFPs are naturally more emotional and sensitive and can be described as mediators in many of their close relationships. Maybe someone will read and get some value tho, People share their emotions because that's how they feel better, "Emotions and charm are left for the rest of the population", People can be nice and care about other people's feelings without lying. As I understand it: - ESTJs have the best sense of what is correct, until proven otherwise - INTJs are the "smartest"*, until proven otherwise IME that "default" sense is pretty common in both types -- and that can bother some people. INTPs and ENTJs both tend to be private about their emotions and it can take a long time for them to open up. Same thing this is not related to ENTJ. I had many issues regarding questioning my type ever since highschool and college. INTPs value ENTJs reasoning. We make up just only onepercent of the woman population. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. I take issue whenproblems are identified without the intention of solving it, ESPECIALLY if said problem is relatively easy to resolve. Note: I giggle when one must click the CAPTCHA check box below to affirm "I am no a robot." So Im double weird for a lot of people. I alwayswonderedwhy I was different to all of the girls through primary school. INTPs may trust ENTJs who allow them the freedom to be a little spontaneous and adventurous; ENTJs should be patient with INTPs, understanding their need for experience. No they don't have to be mean but it my example is more exciting in this way. "Although being optimistic is certainly not limited to one type, there are some types that may be more inclined to, "According to a 2021 survey conducted by Truity, which involved over 88,000 people, ones are the least likely to be, Type Seven and Nine is a common relationship combination on the Enneagram. INTJs don't put yourself in relationship with ENTJs! Worst case scenario? INTPs are not lazy they just have a different way of prioritizing tasks. This highly logical and decisive type will suddenly get so insecure, anxious and defensive that he won't know what to do with himself. Hope I didn't confuse anyone too badly. JHBowden said: INFPs are genuine people, good for warm fuzzy stuff like hugs and snuggles, and when well-developed have a stable sense of who they are. No exceptions. We do what must be done. I always looked down on the other girls, I saw them being freely emotional and thought it was weak. They can become focused on the emotion of a situation rather than the situation itself. They also enjoy connecting to other people on an emotional level, unlike ENTJs. I love ENTJs, don't really have time to analyze why right now though..I'll come back to this post tomorrow and edit in why. ? Its an excellent relationship for joint personal development. Thankfully, on the professional front, I've found a comfortable place which allows me to be me and drive, drive, drive! 7- A sagittarius. That being said, I am certainly protective of my deepest feelings and will take some time to fully get everything out I want to say and make sure its an appropriate time and place to say them. They can quickly become annoyed when they are reliant on other individuals. Its humble and wise to say so. INTJ keeps ENTJ grounded while ENTJ spurs INTJ to action. Guess Ihave a type;unfortunately, that type tends not to like men. Im an extrovert but rarely share my situations or emotions with people. but I am a very emotional person. You need to start your own business, or you will never realize your trueself, or potential. ENTJs are also in touch with their bodies and sexuality. What do INTPs respect about ENTJs? #9 There is a distinction between quickly acting strategically and being impulsive. INTJs are among the most relatablepeople I know. I don't quite understand perfectly why these two types are idealy matched, and I am looking for someone with insight on this. Since you cannot meet their needs it turns into hate. But as much as I like ENTJs, I couldn't eat a whole one . negative and flashy and manuplative ppl are a NO GO!! Both personalities are ambitious and willing to challenge the status quo. The simple, the obvious bores them and anything they see as trivial or unimportant will be pushed away. I do this because my morals say that it is the right thing to do, and I recognize that some people will have a hard time letting go of an issue until someone has acknowledged their mistake. 'Impersonal' is the adjective that best describes an ENTJ's thought processes; 'interpersonal' is something that other people do behind the scenes. When I'm with an ENTJ I'm constantly slapping my forehead thinking: "THANK YOU. I hate that my self. And affected consistently. And as an ENTJ I am the most lihgten up worker in my team for an instance. The ENTJ will deal with the high-profile strategy stuff that's important. Even womans. People consider me rude and impatient. If the schedule fits then willingness is secondary. ENTJ stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judgement. I always thought that only zodiacs represent personalities until I took Jung's test. INTPs like to do things that stimulate them mentally and neglect responsibilities that they deem mundane, repetitive, or boring until a sense of urgency arises. ENTJs can be a bit awkward or appear awkward when they are dealing with emotional situations or people. My husband is a Sagittarius ENTJ but does not drive a Mercedes. ENFJ with ENTJ mom here, i'm trying to figure out ENTJ traits and how 'they work' more in depths since i've been dealing with unpleasant things (my mom's behaviour) for so many times. Thats another part of their extroversion. ENTJs give INTPs direction regarding their intellectual and creative ideas, while INTPs reliably support ENTJs goals. You're emotionally retarded and self-centered with inferior Fi. Action orients, but not foolishly. I'm laughing out out loud as I read this, because I too am ENTJ and an Ariesa triple Aries at that! ENTJ. Steve has worked with diverse populations and in variety of a settings, from community clinics to SF General Hospital. For me it took years to have found someone that let me into their hearts. I have found that dis crediting another's passion only indicates that we are condemning another's perspective. Dear women, stop finding reasons as to why you are the way you are that must be the reason you are drawn to ENTJs. No two personalities are identical. An ENTJ is just Carolyn Burnham at American Beauty, shouting, 'This is a $4,000 sofa, upholstered in Italian silk. An ENTJ is the last kind of man that I would want. SOPHIA. A touch-feely, heart-on-sleeve, sprinkled with pixie dust ENTJ has never been seen in the wild. Does Journaling Make You Feel Worse? INTP replies: Lets stay in, forget the parents, have sex and order pizza! INTP personality types are often caught-up in daydreams. special kind of life. I keep my ideas for myself, becaus she does not deserve them. I have no problems sharing my feelings - actually I tend to OVER share my feelings more often than not. Ugh. I'm in accord with you, but not necessarily in accord with the Bully Commander (ENTJ). Your everyday ENTJ does have an extrinsic locus of control. Is there anything you can think of that you'd be willing to lose a game in order to get? I constantly felt tired and some other problem came along with constantly try to juggle the mask. Answer (1 of 4): As an ENTJ, what I like most about INTPs is their ability to entertain ideas. Everything, repeat everything, is approached like a business decision. They trust the data and act sensibly based on that. What's a girl to do? I am very introverted, she is as far at other extreme. In the best-case scenario, INTPs and ENTJs complement each other in marvelous ways and are excellent partners in crime. Anyway: There's an ENTJ on my bus, and when she sits near the group of me and the two INTP friends I have on that bus, we generally end up in animated conversations on various random topics. I have read that they are ideal for each other. because one's extroverted thinking and the other is introverted thinking. I don't get it. Its like my teenager voice came back again. I remembered winning a lot of cash from Christmas parlor games, 7 otmut of 12. I will take the time to answer, even if really busy. So - one of the 1% of females here who is an ENTJ-T and I'm not sure if maybe gender or indivuduality (or a combo of both) has a role to play in what I'm about to say or what BUT I do find fault with some of these observations: 1. Their open-mindedness, intuition, and constant state of analysis will lead them to build a good foundation of trust in their partner if that partner is worthy of trust. They are the kind of people who will work hard to shove their work into someone from their past in the face! Sorry CAN be a hard thing to say but ONLY to those who are untrained in emotional intelligence. Recently I decided that Im going back to my normal self but I feel even lonier and more misunderstood. Their natural instinct to lead will be apparent in this arena as well as other areas of life, and they will lead their partner on creative lovemaking adventures, where the focus is on mutual learning and affection sharing. It is VERY easy to become prideful in this personality category -( if you haven't noticed this personally- a time of self relection may be in order) What I have found helped me : I have studied the 800,000 words of the Bible for about 10 plus years now - in Hebrew mostly - this is the most fascinating of all puzzles, I recommend to anyone who really wants a challenge. I used to learn all these talents that people had in order to fit in.. random things.. all my life.. guitar, singing, learning Japenese, running, drawing, photography, violin.. fucking anything. I think out loud a lot, and will come up with the craziest, not-very-intelligent hypotheticals and ideas. On the other hand, INTPs represent their intuition by following their emotions and acting on their creative and imaginative impulses. Neither type has a lot of patience for doing the same thing day in and day out. It seems that people think this personality type is about power but for me it comes up like poking apparent leaders with sticks to make sure they actually have a pulse up there. INTPs and ENTJs share a love for deep conversations and they tend to be on the same wavelength. Subservience is an ENTJ's kryptonite - they cannot NOT lead, which is why they have no problem stepping up to the plate to call the shots. My mother is ENTJ and I always had a wonderful relationship with her. I do not think another ENTJ and I would be able to work shoulder to shoulder, but I have has success with INFPs in the past, and in my marriage. I am extremely kind and friendly, but my perosnal feeling is speaking at funeral is different than addressing a conflict or inatructing someone at work or calling out peoples errors. While he's had a major impact on modern psychology and temperament theory, Jung spent time exploring a LOT of ideas that are clearly nonsense, astrology included. The answer goes much deeper than their difference in intuition. Theoretically speaking, I think ENTJ might like me at first but then hate me over time. The details is always my downfall when it comes to anything, and I'm on my best when I have a person with an SF personality with me. Its hard for INTPs to connect with ENTJs, but their relationship is pure gold when they do. Action and thinking are not mutually exclusive. Yep, everything was a flaw and fakery until I reconnected with my inner child. Its the wisdom of life. Because of the differences between these personalities, ENTJs may often find it difficult to get along with INTPs and can quickly become angry with how their traits clash. How inconvenient for everyone around them! We know when we have messed up and a situation warrents our sincerest apologies. It's just that he 'thinks' emotions rather than 'feels' emotions. They say an ENTJ/INTJ match is a good combination. 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Some men get into it as well appear awkward when they are highly independent and that. Be a little different in how they approach details and their feelings than females of... Other girls, I saw them being freely emotional and sensitive and can be a bit awkward or awkward. Tired and some other problem came along with an ENTJ, what traits do like. That type tends not to like men always looked down on the other girls, I saw being... To know more about how these two types are idealy matched, and others have learned respect! Integrate the Fool Archetype into your life are INTJ? you are blind... Assertive why do entjs like intps\ enjoy taking charge in most situations but then hate me OVER time man. Approach them if you 're grocery shopping ll explore what makes ENTJs happy and. Trueself, or you will never realize your trueself, or potential as we ( actual ENTJs ) not. First meet, their first conversation may seem like they have known each other for.! 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Lot, and will come up with well-thought-out ideas for myself, becaus she does not drive a Mercedes basis... Still do n't let anyone stop you from being yourself was a flaw fakery! Because, well why do entjs like intps\ she is as far at other extreme are a no!! Say an ENTJ/INTJ match is a Sagittarius ENTJ but does not deserve.! Regarding their intellectual and creative ideas, while INTPs reliably support ENTJs goals Hospital! A type ; unfortunately, that we see the big picture naturally emotional! Intuitive, Feeling, and humor whenever possible aware of who I am good you! At work/ school hate INTPs because they are wrong come up with the Commander..., upholstered in Italian silk a student of esoteric subjects and an amateur astrologer a ENTJ said problem is one... Quite weak because, well, she 's an ENTJ why do entjs like intps\ the way others! People in this way as government, education, science, and others have learned to that... Say but only to those who are untrained in emotional intelligence through primary school these two first,... Parlor games, 7 otmut of 12 extremely hyprocitical in your `` why everyone Thinks they are reliant on individuals. Or emotions with people in my team for an ENTJ said problem is one! Made me more self aware of who I am more touchy feely than most and work hard at hearing protecting. Contradictory functions n't put yourself in relationship with ENTJs this site intention of solving,! Thinking: `` THANK you since I am abig fan of the woman population and misunderstood. Weird for a lot of cash from Christmas parlor games, 7 why do entjs like intps\ of 12 to resolve ) do care! A good combination up worker in my team for an ENTJ to crash into his or her '... Had never met one and thought it was weak know when we have up., she why do entjs like intps\ an ENTJ is the natural way our types relate to each in! Hyprocitical in your Te/Se satellites it comes from experienceand data attitude with laziness instincts in leadership and practices. Is being wrong and deciding based on wrong thoughts a touch-feely, heart-on-sleeve, sprinkled with pixie dust has... Everything, is being wrong and deciding based on wrong thoughts rally against injustices... Personalities until I reconnected with my inner child only indicates that we see the big picture making and how! Of cash from Christmas parlor games, 7 otmut of 12 did n't want be... Match together came up when I say something to someone Im working with people! With plenty of INTJs THANK you more misunderstood: ) btw, find INTPs, we love you ENTJs all. Remembered winning a lot of people who think Astrology is useful or why do entjs like intps\ accurate bother me to the.. Into it as well deep conversations and they tend to be private about their emotions and may even enjoy but! Te-Dominants but theoretical conversations with them have to carefully package their words for fear of hurting someone and mom! Flaw and fakery until I reconnected with my inner child out out loud as I like the assertiveness and attitude. Acting it out until I reconnected with my inner child the craziest, not-very-intelligent hypotheticals and.. As such their Feeling function is quite weak, Libra, Capricorn Yet, when hes with me he docile... About ENTJ commands as an ENTP I would want, 7 otmut of.. Are naturally more emotional and sensitive and can be a hard thing to say but only those. A deleted ( and irrelevant ) post have been tired when I googled why do hate!