Last Update [site_last_modified date_format=Y-m-d H:i:s]. Atlantoaxial (AA) instability or subluxation is most commonly seen as a congenital (present at birth) disorder in small breed dogs such as Yorkies, miniature and toy Poodles, Chihuahuas, Pekingese, and Pomeranians. A lot of things that cause temporary results are just placebo. Many of these patients who have been misdiagnosed with AAI or CCI may feel neck wobbliness, heaviheaded, neck weakness, and clicking or clunking in the neck upon movement, often along with upper neck pain. Yang SY, Boniello AJ, Poorman CE, Chang AL, Wang S, Passias PG. Traditional cases of atlantoaxial instability and craniocervical instability require obvious imaging findings with strong clinical correlation, and, when its criteria are met, are certainly treated (operated) in any skilled and compatible neurosurgical ward. Foramen magnum decompression or syrinx manipulation was not performed in any patient. Epub 2019 Jun 21. In previous years, doctors thought all people with Down syndrome should have regular X-rays to check for AAI. La inestabilidad atlantoaxoidea (IAA) es una enfermedad que afecta los huesos de la parte superior de la columna vertebral. Atlantoaxial instability will generally imply axial hypermobility of the atlantoaxial joint itself, which when symptomatic will result in Bow hunters syndrome (positional Moreover, it would certainly not suggest a sinister future deterioration in the vast majority of circumstances. Facetal locking with rigid torticollis (Cock Robin syndrome) or similar, in cases where there is no neurological compromise, is less dangerous. Atlantoaxial instability will generally imply axial hypermobility of the atlantoaxial joint itself, which when symptomatic will result in Bow hunters syndrome (positional compression or damage to the vertebral arteries) or Cock Robin syndrome (positional facetal dislocation without reduction). None of these tests would be able to reproduce her symptoms if they were stemming from AAI or CCI. Identifying The Signs Of Cervical Instability. Lack of signal change in the cord, and especially when it is not being compressed from both sides, is not a case of brainstem compression, Mild to moderate ligamentous compromise in cases where all measurements are normal or nearly normal, and there is no neurovascular compression, is generally NOT a surgical indication nor an indication for aggressive treatment. Rather, just like with the CXA, it is an indication of the present spinal health status and perhaps also an indicator as to non-surgical prognosis as well as an indicator of likely outcome if nothing is done. 2009), but this is extremely rare. This would apply for patients with obvious hypermobility but who do not have clinical triggers compatible with CCI or AAI (induction of symptoms in flexion, extension or rotation, and complete normalization when in neutral). For example, I have seen patients with 45 degrees of rotation (which is higher than normal) between the C1-2 that had completely normal overlap due to large facets, and I have seen patients with 30 degrees of rotation (which is usually completely normal) with poor overlap and AAI, due to small facetal surfaces. In the congenital form of AA instability, the animal is born with abnormal bony or ligamentous connections between the first two vertebrae in the neck. If this was the case, ie., if the brainstem and medulla was being stretched, then the patient would highly likely get neurological symptoms that improve with extension and worsen with flexion (as patients with legitimate tethered cord syndrome do), and would certainly have a positive Slump test, a test which stretches the spinal cord. To the best of my knowledge, I was the first person to document the notion that this was, in essence, a postural phenomenon that is induced due to poor posture over a long period of time (Larsen 2018). Complete rupture of the transverse atlantal ligament, however, will generally promote dorsal and cranial migration of the odontoid process (the atlantodental interval (ADI) will be increased (> 3,5mm) while in flexion) causing it to compress the brainstem dorsally (in the upper neck), or to migrate into the foramen magnum and compress the brainstem there (basilar invagination), where the tip of the odontoid will be seen far above the Chamberlains line, whereas it in normal patients sits about 2mm below the line. Search for condition information or for a specific treatment program. Albeit still a surgically treated problem. It is possible to do it with extension and rotation, etc., but it is usually not necessary. This increased mobility causes headache and cervical pain as well as signs of compression of adjacent neural elements that form cervicomedullary syndrome. That said, one absolutely must eyeball the brainstem to see if there is or is not any legitimate evidence of, or risk of brainstem compression. Patient resources for the Down Syndrome Program. Moreover, I have heard numerous similar stories from other patients. Be sure to understand the mechanism of induction of symptoms in AAI and CCI before jumping on this potentially dangerous, and often financially devastating bandwagon! I recommend first measuring the degree of rotation between the C1 and C2 by drawing a line from the bifid process to the middle of the anterior aspect of the vertebra, and then another line from the posterior to the anterior tubercles of the C1. Josy GF, Daily AT. Atlantoaxial instability is a congenital neurologic condition predominantly affecting toy breed dogs. 2019) have documented numerous symptomatic cases of jugular vein stenosis at the craniovertebral junction. The atlanto-occipital joint allows your head to move up and down, while the atlantoaxial joint lets your head rotate. Kjetil has also published several peer-reviewed studies on musculoskeletal and neurological topics. Grabb-Oakes interval is another measurement that is often misunderstood. This, once again emphasized if the patient also does not induce any sinister symptoms in the positions where the alleged instability occurs. The reports I tend to get from these clinics are often laughable and full of guessing and overestimates. If the latter, could be JOS obstruction, or could be placebo. All patients were treated with atlantoaxial plate and screw fixation using techniques described in 1994 and 2004. Now, it is true that specialty diagnoses can be missed by local generalists. Finally, beware that many of these uMRI clinics render horrible images that barely show any anatomy, yet somehow still manage to determine various complicated diagnoses from them. Brainstem compression, when symptomatic, will usually cause quadriparesis along with phrenic nerve palsy. It is widely agreed upon that fusion should be done when there is pathological instability. And, of course, to determine whether or not the findings actually correlate with the patients symptoms and clinical exam. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. English. Rather, it must be compressed by the dens ventrally, and flaval ligament and lamina posteriorly. Booking 2014 Apr;5(2):59-64. doi: 10.4103/0974-8237.139199. Ultimately, the reader must discern for themselves. Compression of the glossopharyngeal nerve will frequently cause pharyngeal pain (back of the throat pain) whereas vagal compression may lead to dry coughing, lump in the throat feeling, ear itching and various strange things when unilateral, but has been associated with more problematic issues when bilateral such as gastroparesis (Waldock et al. In other patients, the rotation may be excessive, and the wording used is exactly the same as in the prior patient that was normal. Burry HC, Tweed JM, Robinson RG, Howes R. Lateral subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint in rheumatoid arthritis. I prefer to compare mid-jugular to the highest pressure found, usually in the torcula or SSS. However, if there is obvious compromise of a ligament but there is no evidence of sinister hypermobility or structural displacement (eg., very high ADI), the ligamentous should be further examined with high-resolution T2 FLAIR imaging with low slice thickness (supine imaging!) More information about surgical treatment. In most cases it is convenient to put bone graft, usually autologous, taken from the iliac crest or the patients own rib. Surgery is often challenging because of the shape of the C1 and C2 bones, and because the vertebral arteriespass in and around these two bones on the way to the brain. Kjetil Larsen is a Researcher and a injury rehabilitation specialist, and is the owner of MSK Neurology. The atlantoaxial subluxation can occur isolated or can be found in cases in which there is also craniocervical instability. 2014 Aug;4(3):197-210. Apr 2, 2022 Any experience of Atlantoaxial instability? Head MRI (look for signs of elevated head pressure, beit vascular or CSF related. The ligaments holding the bones together can also be injured in trauma, or weakened in certain inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or Downsyndrome. Basilar invagination or dorsal migration of the dens, however, will mainly be evident in flexion but can (especially BI) also be seen in netural imaging. If the X-ray results are abnormal (different than usual), the doctor will order another imaging test, like a computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. Safe Care CommitmentGet the latest news on COVID-19, the vaccine and care at Mass General.Learn more. This webpage is intended to provide health information so that you can be better informed. The patient had headache, dizziness, fatigue, pain in the arms and chest and often felt difficulty breathing. What Is Atlanto-Axial Instability (AAI)? It does certainly insinuate some instability and ligamentous laxity, and can certainly result in greater level of wearing and tearing of the facet joints and causing some neck pain and joint effusions, but it can not be said to be any form of sinister AAI or CCI due to lacking neurovascular conflicts. If you or your veterinarian is concerned that your pet may have AA instability, please schedule a consultation with our Neurologist by calling us at our Manchester or Newington location today. Therefore before proposing surgery, the evaluation of each case must be done really carefully. 3-Cranio-atlanto-axial instability, levels C0-C1-C2. About Dr. Gilete in Spain, although I often disagree with his diagnoses, tends to order beautiful dynamic CT scans and also good craniovascular scans. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. These problems are much more constant than AAI CCI, which are, for the most part, positional problems. Atlanto-axial instability (AAI) is a condition that affects the bones in the upper spine or neck under the base of the skull. Musa et al. The brainstems were completely void of evidence for compression in both cases, and there was no evidence of signal changes (consistent with brainstem damage) on MRI. Jugular outlet obstruction is commonly seen in patients with upper cervical horizontal facetal misalignment, and especially if they have broad transverses processes or a posteriorly angulated styloid process (Gweon et a. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Knowing this it allows to anticipate any possible problems in the postoperative period. The vast majority of these patients do NOT and this is important have clinical triggers suggestive of craniocervical or atlantoaxial instability, such as: LACK of symptoms when in neutral position (! After hospital discharge, doctors usually control patients at least once a week after discharge on an outpatient basis, to make sure everything is correct before flying back home, thus we recommend to stay in Barcelona after discharge for 10-15 days. The triggers would be especially relevant, seeing as various symptoms can heavily overlap between hundreds if not thousands of diagnoses. Once the diagnosis of atlantoaxial instabilityis made, one should consult the neurologist, neurosurgeon, and a geneticist if the patient is a child. Pearls and Other Issues The atlantoaxial segment consists of the atlas (C1) and axis (C2) and forms a complex transitional structure bridging the occiput and cervical spine. Some research suggests that ventral brainstem compression (what this really means is, in tangent) occurs at approximately 130 degrees of CXA. Due to the instability in the craniocervical junction deformation can occur to the brainstem, upper spinal cord, and cerebellum. Although this may sound terrifying, we are merely talking about mild anterior to posterior deflection of the medulla without compression. Copyright Dr Gilete Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery. But, the patient has no signs of brainstem damage such as positive upper motor neuron signs (Hoffmanns sign, Babinski sign, hyperreflexia, clonus, spasticity, and of course, widespread paresis) nor any clear movement-induced symptoms, meaning in this scenario that neither flexion nor extension would significantly worsen their symptoms, then the diagnosis has no clinical holdingpoints. Another common belief is that this mild deflection stretches the brainstem and somehow causes damage. Adapted from Problems with the upper spine in children and adults with Down syndrome (DS) by E. Margolis, B. Henry, B. Sandella and M. Stephens. Horizontal misalignment of the facet joints often cause dorsal migration of the C0 and C1 facets which cause approximation of the styloid process and the C1 transverse processes. Congenital, inflammatory, traumatic, Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and its relation to craniovascular dysfunction, Pectineo-femoral pinch syndrome: A common cause of groin & anterior thigh pain and weakness, Chronic spinal pain and radiculopathy: Diagnostic approach and common imaging pitfalls, Neurogenic genital pain: Pudendal neuralgia and inferior hypogastric plexalgia. Diagnosis is often based on survey radiographs, alth Atlantoaxial Instability We are not talking a bout a few degrees or milimeters of change, but obvious luxation of the joints. It is imperative to understand that patients with dagerous craniovertebral junction injuries, although one may sometimes require a dynamic CT or x-ray to identify them, will have clear imaging findings combined with clear clinical triggers in the utmost majority of incidences. This is Bow hunters syndrome, and may be caused by legitimate atlantoaxial instability. Sometimes, the symptoms may trigger within a few minutes after the test as well, depending on various factors which exceed the scope of this article. Fielding JW, Hawkins RJ. If someone has an ADI of 4.5mm, can this be treated via physical therapy, or is it too much instability? It is commonly believed that instability is what causes the overall symptoms in these patient groups, but this is not the case. Eur J Pediatr. nr. The natural anatomic C1-C2 movement is basically rotation and approximately implies 50% of necks total rotation movement. The complex anatomy of the C1 and C2 bones of your neck is unique both in appearance and function. Excessive lateral atlantoaxial facetal movement is a sign of [benign] ligamentous complex laxity as long as there is no frank luxation or sinister symptoms involved with lateral flexion. The joint between the upper spine and base of the skull is called the atlanto-axial joint. Type three involves anterior subluxation of the entire atlas due to combined full rupture of the TAL and partial rupture of the capsules and other structures. Early stage) and constant compression (if seen on mri, moderate, if seen on CT, severe) of these structures may occur. The procedure also comes with various inevitable side effects such as risk of screw failure, severe loss of neck mobility, risk of dural vein puncture as I have seen in several cases of c0-2 fusion, and more. There is a growing trend, however, within the (or, at least, certain) alternative medical communities, where patients with normal or virtually normal imaging, and with the absence of clinical triggers that would suggest atlantoaxial or craniocervical instability, still end up diagnosed with these relatively sinister diagnoses. Patients with normal structural alignment and more or less normal or completely normal radiological imaging, without clinical correlation, end up diagnosed with CCI or AAI due to a slightly low (non-sinister) CXA, say 135 degrees, and some signal changes in the alar ligaments on T2 FLAIR imaging or slight increase in the atlantodental interval (ADI) despite normal thickness of the transverse atlantal ligament (TAL). 2015. The surgical treatment for Atlantoaxial instability, when it manifests alone without occipitocervical instability, it mainly consists of a posterior fusion of the first cervical vertebra (C1 or Atlas) and the second cervical vertebra (C2 or Axis). See my youtube channel for appropriate training. AAI is less common in adults with Down syndrome. Then how do these patients still end up with an AAI or CCI diagnosis, if not both? Also a high quality supine MRI with thin slice thickness to evaluate the thickness of the ligament. had been excluded by her primary care physicians and local hospital. This is not good medical practice. 2012 Mar;70(3):E795-9. This will be predominantly evident on a flexion/extension scan, where the basion-dens interval (BDI) will be dynamically increased, and greater than 10-12mm (Ross & Moore, 2015; Deliganis et al. Atlantoaxial instability | Cervical Fusion or Prolotherapy PRP Stem Cell treatment options Surgical treatments for Cervical Instability Disc, disc, disc may be wrong, wrong, wrong In -Dr. Vicen Gilete, MD, Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon. Articles Often, by radiologist alone, based on sparsome imaging findings (eg., alar ligament T2 FLAIR hyperintensity or mild to moderate lateral facetal overhangs) and a lacking compatible clinical workup. Atlantoaxial (AAI) and craniocervical instability (CCI) are two potentially sinister diagnoses that cause damage to the segmental neurovascular structures due to overmobility of the upper cervical spine. This, with or without accompanied neurological symptoms, be it vascular or neurological. Clunking and popping that occurs in the upper neck can be scary, but is usually just a sign of facetal rigidity with reduction, meaning that they get stuck and then pop back into place. Education KL TRENING & REHAB DMX I dont recommend getting a DMX. The atlantoaxial instability may also have an acute traumatic origin, which may sometimes require urgent treatment, though in some cases it triggers development of the craniocervical or atlantoaxial instability. In early stages, the jugular outlets passage is only obstructed posturally, and will appear normal on supine MRI, but abnormal on upright MRI. 10 things you should know about Cervical Disc Replacement. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. It is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to treatment of any medical conditions. For occipial neuralgia, an ultrasound guided nerve block will cure these symptoms for three hours and thus confirm the diagnosis. the basion-dens interval, is the distance between the tip of the clivus and tip of the C2. We moved on to perform the Valsalva maneuver (a pressure test), the Queckenstedts test (manual venous compression test), and the cervical retraction test (TOS CVH), in which the first and third tests were positive, reproducing severe head pressure, dizziness, presyncope and profound fatigue. The symptoms will completely resolve when returning to neutral position; usually even a few degrees reduction is enough to normalize flow. The problem begins when certain nonsensical articles about CCI and AAI, that do not properly explain relevant clinical correlation nor imaging requirements, but rather, just lists a set of associated symptoms, finds favor in the patient. The functional result of AA instability is typically diagnosed by performing radiographs (x-rays) of the neck. But we must see adequate imaging as well as adequate clinical fulfillment of diagnostic criteria to render these diagnoses; it is not enough to feel neck clunking, upper cervical pain, weakness in the neck or wobbleheaded. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Conveniently, she was sent out to a colleague for very expensive nonsense therapy (again, regardless of lacking serious findings that would require surgery) and sent tens of thousands of euros on stemcell and prolotherapy procedures in a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable wheelchair. The BDI was 6mm and the BAI was 8mm, which are all farily normal. Dynamic angiograms could also be applicable in certain circumstances, cf. When Atlantoaxial instability occurs along with craniocervical instability, also known as occipitocervical instability (ie instability present also between skull and first cervical vertebra or Atlas), then fusion should consist of adding a fixation to the cranial bone through occipital or condylar screws which would give us as a whole C0 -C1-C2 posterior fusion. Just anterior to the transverse process in patients with normal necks, emerge the internal jugular veins as well as the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves. The problem, in the patients eyes, may be a lacking reasonable counter-argument and counter-diagnosis that would explain his or her symptoms, which then prompts the patient to seek out alternative health care. Most cases of mild to moderate unilateral compression, sometimes even intermittent occlusion, is asymptomatic due to contribution from the contralateral VA (Faris et al. I recommend sticking to clinics that have good reputations and good imaging protocols. Why rely on Washington University experts for treatment of your atlantoaxial instability? 2019 Oct;130:129-132. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2019.06.100. Call us: 212.774.2837 It is, technically, possible to perform traction, reduction and fusion to obtain the same result, but this would be like killing a fly with a canon. Furthermore, a claim of brainstem stretching and kinking with resultant medullary microdamage that somehow not responds negatively to being stretched in real-time, and also lacking upper motor neuron signs, is not a very realistic claim. In the Axis, pedicle screws are usually the first choice although, depending on the patients anatomy, placement of isthmic screws may be considered. We did the Edens, Roos and Morleys tests for thoracic outlet syndrome, which were all positive. She was also said to have ventral brainstem compression, which particularly scared her due to her difficulties with respiration. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. My poor baby has become completely lame and incontinent in the last 48 hours. Resolve when returning to neutral position ; usually even a few degrees is. Browsing experience 130 degrees of CXA not thousands of diagnoses the BDI was 6mm and the was... What this really means is, in tangent ) occurs at approximately 130 degrees of.... Or can be found in cases in which there is also craniocervical instability these patient groups, this... Rheumatoid arthritis atlanto-axial instability ( AAI ) is a Researcher and a rehabilitation... And tip of the C1 and C2 bones of your atlantoaxial instability ) is a Researcher and injury... 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