However, this strategy was not successfully implemented in such countries as Nigeria because the educational system in this state was on the verge of collapse (Campbell 2013, p. 15). It allowed people to step outside of the family business to try something new. It is an effort by countries to become self-sufficient and lower their dependence. Export-oriented industrialization (EOI) is the industrialization process governed by economic policies that are aimed towards enhancing the export sector of a country. 2. The technological advances that led to our modern approach to medicine came about because of industrialization. We often look at names like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates and their combined wealth of about $400 billion and wonder how a few people can hold so much. This disadvantage has led to changes in our soil composition, water quality, and the air that we breathe. Businesses use the concepts formed from industrialization to have a more abundant supply available for particular goods and services. View Essay - 8 23. These barriers can make it more difficult and costly for businesses to enter new markets, which can reduce the potential benefits of exporting. The developed countries adopted a different approach to the development of economy. Not all of the items in your country will be easy to export. When electricity became available, then humanitys standard of living increased even further because of these efforts. It was not unusual for families to lose multiple children in these early factories. 3. For each listed company, take note of how long they have been in business, the number of employees, the products in which they specialize, and the countries to which they export. In turn, the workers from these countries were engaged in labor-intensive manufacturing (Hamilton 1996, p. 1). This phenomenon is often described as a resource curse which means that the exportation of resources is associated with the decline of other industries. The analysis suggests that middle-income countries that are more export-oriented grow faster than relatively less export-oriented economies. First of all I would like to define all the terms that will appear in my essay. These processes contributed to the improvement in the standards of living. export oriented industrialization advantages and disadvantages. Using Balassa's (1981) macroeconomic and policy data for thirty-four societies, we reexamine prominent explanations of the importance of export orienta-tion. Industrialization created the surge in automation that we experience today. Instead of a majority of jobs being out in the fields, people are now sitting in front of computers in cubicles. For example, one can speak about such obstacles as import quotas or tariffs (Dickson 2013, p. 1991). We dont walk to work because we can drive there. Many people tried and failed, but this advantage wasnt usually possible for people unless they were born into a specific family. In July 2017 exports contracted to 3.9 per cent. Most of us already know that importing means bringing or buying products or services from another country to your country, while exporting means selling your country's goods in other countries. This argument is particularly if one speaks about the states that export natural resources such as oil and gas. International trade open up the world potential market to increase producer sales quantity and increase competition on foreign country. Philippines. Research report submitted to the APEC . Importing goods brings new and exciting products to the local economy and makes it possible to build new products locally. With the best exchange rate possible you can save a significant amount of money for your business. The main strength of this approach is that a less developed country can increase employment by participating in the global trade. After industrialization, CO2 rates rose to 400 parts per million. Export-Oriented Industrialization and Its Principles. Many economists have also been commenting on the recent export growth slowdown in India. This is the main risk that entrepreneurs should be aware of. Foreign aid helps facilitate many developmental programs in developing countries. The development of EPZs is justified by a number of motivations: to generate employment, to produce . The wealthy built our modern society through the efforts of desperate people who wanted to help their children and grandchildren have a better life. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Disadvantages. Overall, exporting can be a valuable way for businesses to access new markets and increase their profits. In this case, much attention should be paid to manufacturing sector that cannot become competitive. Some firms may not have the technical know-how where these modifications are concerned and might have to incur the costs associated with hiring an expert. A ) Discuss the forms of restriction on international trade. Strategic Orientation has also been described as strategic fit, Strategic readiness, strategic thrust, and strategic choice (Morgan and Strong 2003). Not only must the development of trade law be appreciated within its historical context to understand its intimate relationship with labour regulation in the North and labour commodification in the South. In other words, it is not possible to underestimate the role of the domestic market. What are the advantages and disadvantages of export oriented industrialization? , 2007).Strategic Orientation focuses on the way a firm adapts to and interacts with its external environments (Zhou and Li 2010). There are many different approaches to development in which countries over the years adopted to further develop and grow their economy. Instead of having regionally-based care, the improvements to communication networks allowed researchers to share their findings in real-time with their colleagues. In mets giveaways august 2021 In addition to accessing new markets, exporting can also help businesses to diversify their revenue streams. It is noteworthy that international organisations like the World Bank and . Foreign markets can have higher prices than the local market. This can be particularly useful in times of economic downturn, as it can help to mitigate the impact of downturns in one particular market by relying on demand from other markets. So naturally the overall output of growth will rise. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Export-Oriented Industrialization and Its Principles, South Africa: International Agribusiness, Trade and Financing, Multinational Firms Impacts on the Economic Growth, The underlying principles of export-oriented industrialization, The limitations of export-oriented industrialization, Transforming Taiwan's Economic Structure in the 20th Century, The Future and Stability of Taiwans Independence, Expansion of Export Oriented Industry Subsidies, Substitution Industrialization and Multinational Corporations, Human Development: Democratization and Economy' Relations, Human Development Index: Limitations and Benefits, Kenya: Economic Growth and Health Care System, The Dominant Groups and Indias Development. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. professional specifically for you? Effect o. On the other hand, growth and development from export oriented industries, EOI, has greater results and is so much faster than import substituting industries. When an economy industrializes, things are made more rapidly and in higher quantity. Economies of scale Another instance of export benefits is that of economies of scale. The development of such nations as China or India can be possible provided that they have access to foreign markets (Dickson 2013). what makes muscle tissue different from other tissues? For example, after financial crisis, the financial crisis, international raw material and energy prices practiced sharp volatility and this situation caused difficulties for countries which they wanted following this strategy. The industry can have a steady growth. Moreover, the examples that have been discussed suggest that less developed country often move to the production of advanced technologies. This is all the more so when direct exporting is utilized. "Export-Oriented Industrialization and Its Principles." Although that means were not significantly reducing animal populations to meet our fueling needs, it doesnt shift us away from a finite resource. "Export-Oriented Industrialization and Its Principles." Large slums began forming in many of the communities where entire families were sometimes living in studio apartments. reliance on external markets for manufactured goods as the main impetus towards a country's INDUSTRIALIZATION. In general, the countries with a preference for planning, regulated markets and public enterprises opted for import substitution, while countries which believed in the merits of market mechanism and private enterprise, concentrated upon the strategy of export- led growth. If the value of the foreign currency in which a business is paid declines significantly, it can eat into the profits that the business generates from its exports. Use this information strictly at your own risk. Rameshan, P 2008, WTO, India, and Emerging Areas of Trade: Challenges and Strategies, Excel Books India, Delhi. After World War II, this approach to economic development has been adopted by different countries. In my essay I will talk about different business strategies which companies can adopt in case of responding to issues of globalization. For such a thing, they are offering several additional benefits as well. Industrialization changed our world for the better in many ways. It shifted our perspective of wants vs. needs. Indiscriminate use of energy such as chemical, electricity or disease, etc. However, that could be time consuming and more difficult to obtain than domestic data. If the value of the foreign currency in which a business is paid declines significantly, it can eat into the profits that the business generates from its exports. Nevertheless, governmental officials cannot always predict emerging trends the world economy (Dickson 2013, p. 1991). This is true of many economies aiming to exploit their comparative advantage in primary commodities as they have a . With this strategy are exporting goods which goods are comparative advantages. But in large countries is the number of unemployed people and surplus products huge and a large increase in export cannot solve these problems. A myriad of economic benefits stems from this particular development. Many factories hired kids to work in unsafe conditions, preferring them because theyd work for lower wages than adults. Overall, the resource curse can affect both developing and advanced countries. Being competitive in the domestic market helps companies to acquire some strategies that can help them in the international arena. The Strategic Orientation term as used by practitioners reflects the strategic directions implemented by a firm to guide its activities towards continual superior performance (Gao et al. Export-Oriented Industrialization. There werent any regulations in place to protect employees, so many people worked with equipment that didnt have safety features. The most eloquent example is Nigeria which exports oil and gas; however, other areas of this economy remain underdeveloped (Campbell 2013, p. 15). Fewer than 40 countries have gone through a modern economic revolution to fully incorporate these technologies, giving those that have a massive advantage over the developing world. Campbell, J 2013, Nigeria: Dancing on the Brink, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Boston. International trade refers to a country trade goods and services to another country. As well as, several disadvantages have in this strategy. So, the next step was major section III, Research Methodology. In the long-term, such a state can become very vulnerable to the changes in external environment. A process of creating many opportunities but also causes many challenges for all the nations in the world, particularly for developing countries. We still experience the fallout from industrialization in our global politics. An export-oriented industrial policy is justified in relation to manufacturing products with a high degree of processing, it stimulates the development of innovations and the creation of goods that can compete with goods produced in other states. Since there was little medical care available during the early years of industrialization, it was not unusual for most families to lose multiple members in their quest to make a better life. In the 1970s the fashionable industrialization strategy came to be known as export oriented industrialization. However, in the following decades, the country switched to the production of advanced technologies, usually electronics (Rasiah & Schmidt 2010, p. 48). 3. They should create legal and political environment that can make the development of industries possible. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. This advantage applies to services because industrialization provided equipment that made jobs easier to complete. As a result of searching the existing literature, the researcher was able to obtain data that correlated exceptionally well with the research topic. While China benefited from this strategy, Thailand, Indonesia faced a lot of difficulties. A strategic orientation will enable the firms proper adaptation to its environment. Unless action gets taken to curb this issue, we will one day reach a tipping point where a recovery might not be possible. Which of the following is one of the advantages of export-oriented It causes us to use more fossil fuels. This industrialization is led by exports of goods in which the country has a comparative advantage. It continues to be adopted by many countries that attempt to participate in the global trade. Export-Oriented Industrialization, also called export-led growth, is an economic and a trade policy that aims at speeding the process of Industrialization of a nation by exporting . Besides, the success of the export strategy is changing from country to country. Export-Oriented Industrialization (EOI): Arguments For and Against What Have . In addition, exporting can also be subject to a variety of legal and regulatory hurdles, including tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers. For instance, they should concentrate on the protection of property rights. However, like any business activity, exporting also has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that companies must carefully consider before entering into international trade. This essay aims to analyse advantages and disadvantages of the application of ISI through an infant industry theory, focusing on how a complementary Export Oriented policy helps to avoid the main unwanted outcomes connected to such a policy, considering the successful development in China of an ISI policy The term Research Methodology refers to a set of procedures, methods & techniques that are put together by the researchers to obtain a solution to the problems they confront during the collection of data. Similarly, Taiwan and Singapore developed expertise in the production of information technologies, while in the sixties the companies based in these countries were engaged mostly in labor-intensive manufacturing. Learning Objectives Type of Entry Advantages Exporting Fast entry, low risk Licensing and Franchising Fast entry, low cost, low risk Partnering and Strategic Alliance Shared costs reduce investment needed, reduced risk, seen as local entity Acquisition Fast entry; known, established operations Why is exporting difficult? 3.Exports will lead to the loss of core technologies Letecia Hill Motivated Commercial Specialis Upvoted by Felicity Ricardo Information and translations of export-oriented industrialization in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. During all these things, all individuals have to focus on third-party sources only. The disadvantage for an import substitution based industry, ISI, is although it achieves growth it does so through a greater period of time. Which of the following is one of the advantages of export-orient from EC MISC at University of Oregon. When the incomes of workers rise, then the markets for different consumer goods and services expands. Export-Oriented Industrialisation and Dependent Development: the Experience of Singapore Cheah Hock Beng Introduction Development which relies in varying degrees upon the export of manufactured goods is not a new phenomenon. International trade open up the world potential market to increase producer sales quantity and increase competition on foreign country. This paper is aimed at examining the advantages and disadvantages of export-oriented industrialization. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Whaling became an industry because we needed to harvest the oil from these animals to power our lamps and produce consumer goods. Export-led growth has a lot to do with self-sufficiency. The world has become a small place. One major disadvantage is that exporting can be risky due to fluctuations in exchange rates. There are fewer farmers operating today than ever before in our planets history because of the ways that industrialization changed our approach to growing food. Export-oriented industrialization (EOI) sometimes called export substitution industrialization (ESI), export led industrialization (ELI) or export-led growth is a trade and economic policy aiming to speed up the industrialization process of a country by exporting goods for which the nation has a comparative advantage. "export-oriented industrialization," a development policy often promoted for a wide range of societies undertaking industrialization. 6. They also raise trade disputes because high import tariffs imposed on foreign countries allow them to do the same to the domestic country. Import substitution policy will lead to fullest exploitation of domestic resources and growth of production in country. It is a term usually applied to those THIRD WORLD countries which have attempted to find niches in the world market where advantages of low labour costs may make their goods cheaper than those produced in industrial countries. Exporting protects your business against fluctuations in the domestic business cycle, thereby protecting your revenue and employees. Get your 100% original paper on any topic done in as little as 3 hours Learn More The developed countries adopted a different approach to the development of economy. This situation could be observed in Europe and the United States. It will be used different resources related to the topic. Domestic Resources Get A Bad Hit Some companies are importing competitions or substitutes for domestic products. These examples suggest that policy-makers should understand the drawbacks of export-oriented industrialization. For example, one can mention sportswear, knitted garments, cotton, sugar cane, wheat, rice, and many others (Rameshan, 2008, p. 67). With artificial intelligence and machine learning taking over many of todays repetitive processes, this shift in our economy changed the way we think about productivity. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Furthermore, it is necessary to remember that the comparative advantage of a country is dynamic. Can The tpms sensors on a 2002 Ford Explorer can be activated using a magnet.. Export processing zones comprise not only a spatial entity, movement to and from which is closely monitored but also a package of incentives. This flow of capital is also critical for the growth of industries. Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change? By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. These are the main benefits of export-oriented industrialization. Data from the World Bank (1993) showed that the real GDP of EOIs (7.6%) grew faster than IS countries (3%) during 1965-1990. It can be a lucrative way for businesses to expand their operations and increase their profits. At the beginning, the manufacturers from Taiwan focused on the export of textiles. Instead of going through a long apprenticeship or being born into the right family, anyone could change their stars by putting in enough hard work. Defined simply, export-oriented Industrialization (EOI) often termed as export led industrialization (ELI) is a policy designed for the purpose of speeding up the industrialization process of a country through exporting goods for which the nation has a comparative advantage. This situation could be observed in Taiwan, Singapore, and India (Hamilton 1996, p. 1). It allows a worker to focus on specialization. This process uses to describe the changes in society and in the world economy, by creating a linkage and increasing exchange between individuals, organizations or nations in cultural perspective, economics on global scale (Globalization 101, n.d.). 1. In short, they are trade enclaves that import raw materials, process them, and then export to the world market. The introduction of mass production changed how everyone could access goods or services. The advantages of industrialization are given below: The growth of industries has resulted in large scale production of goods which are available to the consumer at much cheaper rates. This nation concentrated on the exports of textile and agricultural products. Moreover, these nations had to rely on advanced technologies in order to retain comparative advantage. Khatabook Blogs are meant purely for educational discussion of financial products and services. If the export of goods is greater than the import of goods then the different between the export and import is positive and said that the country has positive balance of trade. Overall, it is possible to argue that export-oriented industrialization can indeed contribute to the growth of economy because this policy can increase the income level and purchasing power of people living in less developed countries. The IS strategy yielded disappointing results: most of these countries did not succeed in either industrialization or economic growth while export-oriented industrializations (EOIs) sustained fast economic development. In turn, the nation that adopts this strategy has to focus on those areas where it can best compete with foreign countries. The world started to see that the balance of trade was shifting to the producer, increasing the wealth of businesses, and adding tax revenues to society. You could own property without needing to be a farmer or a royal. You should make a final decision by paying attention to all these things only. Wong, Y.Y and Chan, P.S (1993) 'The Global Textile and Apparel Industries: US Protectionism and the Strategic Responses of Asian Competitors. ' Let's take a closer look. You can use them for inspiration, an insight into a particular topic, a handy source of reference, or even just as a template of a certain type of paper. Nevertheless, these problems encountered by Nigeria can be resolved by the government. When that many people lived close together in unsanitary conditions, it was not unusual for diseases to start spreading rapidly. Furthermore, the governments of these states paid more attention to the rights of workers. 6. For the secondary sources, I will search books, journals or any type of it from the internet. anthony tango car accident, hijab digest official website, burton chace park events 2022, Export-Oriented it causes us to use more fossil fuels for families to lose multiple in! 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