He is the Bridegroom, they make up the bride; and the bridegroom's joy is not in seeing his bride for once on the wedding-day, but he takes delight in her as long as they both live. Do not try to live without the living, loving Friend of sinners. Brenton's Septuagint Isaiah 53:10. But if you don't see that big tackle barreling in on you, and he hits you without your having any ability to defend yourself by the feigning that a person does, that's when you get the broken bones. Peter called our attention to the verse in 1 Peter 2:22 "He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.". O you that are the seed of Christ, go out and magnify him by your lives! But perhaps the Lord still bears the marks of His suffering for you. [2.] He doesn't even look like a human being. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Childrens children are the crown of old men Proverbs 17:6. Isaiah 52:13; Isaiah 55:11; Joshua 1:7; 2 Chronicles 20:20; Psalms 1:3; John 17:4). He made his soul an offering for sin; he himself explains this (Matthew 20:28), that he came to give his life a ransom for many. Because he willingly took the place of sinners and prayed for their forgiveness, he is now exalted to the highest place (12). It does not say that he shall see his seed for so long, and then no longer; but it stands as a prophecy fulfilled, always fulfilling, and always to be fulfilled: "He shall see his seed." Now, beloved, there be many who think that God the Father is at best but an indifferent spectator of salvation. you may be as sure you are God's elect as you are sure of your own existence; for this is the infallible proof of election a sense of need and a thirst after Christ. To grief - "With affliction"] For hecheli, the verb, the construction of which seems to be hard and inelegant in this place, the Vulgate reads bocholi, in infirmitate, "with infirmity.". He has outweighed the penalty, and given double for all your sins. And yet, it is interesting how so often today we only associate love with physical attraction, and not with the person themselves. Think you he would have returned thither with unexpiated sin red upon his garments? The first effect of the Saviour's death is, "He shall see his seed." May we put our hand upon the head of Christ Jesus; as we see him offered up upon the cross for guilty men, may we know that our sins are transferred to him, and may we be able to cry, in the ecstasy of faith, "Great God, I am clean; through Jesus' blood I am clean." God the Father cannot refuse the sacrifice which he has himself appointed. He shall prolong his days. We have crowns infinitely more precious, and we belong to a royal house transcendently more glorious than any of yours. Out of the land of the living. +. 10-11 ***** ISAIAH 53. Many, many years ago, a number of persons were noticed to be going towards Smithfield, early one morning, and somebody said, "Whither are you going?" That would be true; but the text prefers to say he has a seed. I. He is himself perfectly free, and therefore can he undertake for others. It is to run a theater and a public-house, and include atheists in its membership. And now, in his name, oh that I could do it with his voice and with his love and with his fervor! You couldn't stand to look at it. (5.) You wonder whether you will meet with any friend who will help you spiritually. We poor earthly pastors are of small use; but this great Shepherd and Bishop of souls, with an eye that never misses a single new-born lamb of grace what a mercy to have such a Shepherd to look after the whole flock!" 2. And in the garden He said, "Not My will, Thy will be done" ( Luke 22:42 ), as He submitted as a servant unto the Father. No more drops of blood; no more pangs of heart; no more bitterness and darkness, with exceeding heaviness, even unto death, are needed. He turns to some who look upon him, and exclaims, "I value these iron chains far more than if they had been of gold; it is a sweet thing to die for Christ. He is the right person. No matter who you may be, I will not exclude you from the invitation. Others do belie him still more. It is a sacrifice for the removal of sin. Christ was so perfectly well qualified for his undertaking, and prosecuted it with so much vigour, and it was from first to last so well devised, that it could not fail to prosper, to the honour of his Father and the salvation of all his seed. Yet future, still bearing them; the marks of His love for you. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble; therefore will we not fear, though the earth be removed and the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.". It is a sharp sword with two edges, if it be preached as it was delivered at the first. The time is come; the men with the halberts precede him through the streets. The reward of all his sufferings in making an offering for sin would be, that multitudes would be converted and saved; that his reign would be permanent, and that the work which Yahweh designed and desired would prosper under his administration. "He shall see his seed." Brenton's Septuagint (LXX) - Holy Name KJV LXX Isaiah{gr.Esaias} 10 > > KJV 1 The woe of tyrants. Furthermore, believers in our Lord are said to be his seed because they are like him. Jerome's Latin Vulgate (405 A.D.) Isaiah 52 The Book of the Prophet Isaiah Return to Index. Verse 18 expresses God's infinite patience and grace. Once, as this writer traveled southward on the Missouri-Pacific from St. Louis to Little Rock, a Unitarian noticed my reading the New Testament; and he said: "You Christians have your arithmetic all wrong. but it is not so. We rejoice with exultation as we read the text, "He shall see his seed." [Note: Motyer, p. It may be that you are sick: even now your head is aching, your heart is faint; you feel that by-and-by you will die. Our Lord said of those not yet converted, "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring;" and again, "Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word." The object therefore is, that we should consider the cause, in order to have experience of the effect; for God appoints nothing at random, and hence it follows that the cause of his death is lawful. Isaiah 53:10 Hebrew though you make; Isaiah 53:11 Dead Sea Scrolls (see also Septuagint); Masoretic Text does not have the light of life. His disciples buried him. he shall see his seed, and prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. His side was pierced; he was given up by the Roman authorities for burial; the imperial authorities were sure of his death. . Herein was matchless, peerless love, that the offended judge should permit his co-equal Son to suffer the pains of death for the redemption of a rebellious people. If Christ had been at all under the law naturally, if it had been his duty to do what it is our duty to do, it is plain he could only have lived for himself; and if he had any sin of his own, he could only have died for himself, seeing his obligations to do and to suffer would have been his just due to the righteousness and the vengeance of God. That done, the victim being selected, the offerer put his hand upon the sin-offering and this indeed was the essence of the whole transaction putting his hand on the victim, he confessed his sin, and a transferrence took place, in type at least, from the offender to the victim. It is a common saying with the opponents of the old faith, that Mr. Spurgeon is a "pessimist," and takes gloomy views of things. Doubtless 'universal,' and 'redemption,' where the greatest part of men perish, are as irreconcilable as 'Roman, and 'Catholic.' Christianity is not a natural growth: it is constantly a divine creation. It preserves, however, . That which he purchased for us by his death, he lives to secure for us by his life. Let us add, however, to this, that, although Jesus Christ's dying as a substitute does give to him lawful right to all promised privileges, and does make him, as the covenant head of his people a claimant of the divine mercy, yet it does not render any of the gifts which we receive from God the less gifts from God. Be worthy of your high calling. I hear a great talk about the example of Christ having great effect upon ungodly men; but I do not believe it, and certainly have never seen it. Christ died for me; that does not prove much. (Exodus 29:15) And if a private individual offered a sacrifice, he also laid his hand upon it, as if he threw upon it his own sin. Surely he's a spiritual giant. Now, when a ransom is paid for the liberty of a prisoner, does not justice demand that he should have and enjoy the liberty so purchased for him by a valuable consideration? It looked as if the living church of God would be extinguished altogether; but it was not so, for God did but stamp his foot, and, from all parts of the country, men like Mr. Wesley and Mr. Whitefield, came to the front, and hundreds of others, mighty men of valor, proclaimed the gospel with unusual power, and away went the bats and the owls back to their proper dwelling-place. When you can see nothing, and the brain begins to reel, and thought and memory flee, he sees his seed. Isa 53:1. . Isaiah 30:18 speaks of the compassion and mercy of God for his people. "Rivers unknown to song, are not unknown to God." II. Thus have I talked with you in a very poor and feeble way, as far as my speech is concerned: but the doctrine is not feeble, the gospel is not poor. His soul - The word rendered here soul ( nephesh) means properly breath, spirit, the life, the vital principle Genesis 1:20-30; Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:11; Deuteronomy 12:23. 4. * O sirs, it is contrary to fact. That is, with His face covered they began to hit Him. He bore our griefs, and he carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. According to the will of God because God loved us. And, last of all, by Christ's death the Father's good pleasure was effected and prospered. You need not to be told, as for the first time, that God in his infinite mercy has devised a way by which justice can be satisfied, and yet mercy can be triumphant. Best Top New Controversial Q&A . But beyond the sorrow of death is the joy of the resurrection. May he now be found of them who sought not for him, and he shall have the glory, world without end. There was not only a colliquation of his body in his sufferings (Psalms 22:14, I am poured out like water), but a surrender of his spirit; he poured out that, even unto death, though he is the Lord of life. If he can see the guy coming, you just sort of, you reflex action to it and you sort of go with it. The servants suffering and glory (52:13-53:12). Beloved, we shall have many with us, whilst this morning we turn our face to the Mount of Calvary. (asham) (54) denotes both sin and the sacrifice which is offered for sin, and is often used in the latter sense in the Scriptures. And if it doesn't refer to Jesus Christ, it can't refer to any other person in history. Because these sufferings would tend to illustrate the divine perfections, and show the justice and mercy of God. This prophecy was fulfilled by the Saviour himself when he prayed for those who nailed him to the cross, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). (4.) The Father did not find the sufferings and death of His Son something pleasurable (or enjoyable) to behold, but they pleased (satisfied) Him because they fulfilled His great purpose of providing redemption for humankind. Is there not enough there to satisfy God? 9 And all the people shall know, even Ephraim . This stanza points to the glorification which God appointed for the Suffering Servant after the sufferings ended, constituting the problem that remained insoluble for the pre-Christian prophets. If any person think that this language is harsh and disrespectful to Christ, let him descend into himself, and, after a close examination, let him ponder how dreadful is the judgment of God, which could not be pacified but by this price; and thus the inestimable grace which shines forth in making Christ accursed will easily remove every ground of offense. Do not take anything to Christ. And then, in Deuteronomy, the twenty-fifth chapter, at the sixteenth verse, he speaks of it as the thing which is an abomination to him. You may put away your crowns, ye kings and emperors earth, yellow earth, hammered, and decorated, with other sparkling bits of soil you may put them all away, as altogether outdone in value! I heard, the other day, from one who told me that he believed we were saved by being perfect, that when we committed sin we at once fell out of God's mercy. He did, as it were, put the sin from off his own shoulders on to those of the lamb, or the bullock, or the he-goat which was now about to be slaughtered. b "videbit semen quod prolongabit dies", Cocceius; "videbit semen longaevum", V. L. 10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand. There is not a child of his, born in any out-of-the-way place, but what he perceives him at once. "Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." Christ knew what he bought when he died; and what he bought he will have that, and no more, and no less. As many were astonished at thee; his visage [or face] was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men ( Isaiah 52:14 ): In the Hebrew this reads more literally, "His face was so marred that He could not be recognized as a man or as a human being. Some connect this with the preceding clause, "he shall see a seed that shall prolong its days" b; for Christ will never want issue, his church will never fail, his seed will endure for ever, Psalms 89:29. It was a great aggravation of his sufferings that he was numbered with transgressors, that he was not only condemned as a malefactor, but executed in company with two notorious malefactors, and he in the midst, as if he had been the worst of the three, in which circumstance of his suffering, the evangelist tells us, this prophecy was fulfilled, Mark 15:27; Mark 15:28. II. Sin must be punished. Don't You know that I have power to free Thee, the power to put Thee to death?" It says, "He shall see his seed." When thou shalt make his soul - "If his soul shall make"] For tasim, a MS. has tasem, which may be taken passively, "If his soul shall be made - "agreeably to some copies of the Septuagint, which have . He is perfectly exempt from service, and therefore can volunteer to undertake it for our sake. There are multitudes of religious people, very religious people; but they are as dead as door-nails. By no other means, whatever, could it be said that of one who had poured out his soul unto death that he would "prolong his days." Christ was put to death by the absolute foreknowledge and solemn decree of God the Father, and in this sense "it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief.". As dead as door-nails all, by Christ 's death is, with his love you! ; 2 Chronicles 20:20 ; Psalms 1:3 ; John 17:4 ) would tend to illustrate the divine perfections, the! And include atheists in its membership look like a human being it with his love and with voice. That I could do it with his face covered they began to hit him to death? there many! Is himself perfectly free, and not with the halberts precede him through the streets does. The glory, world without end to live without the living, Friend... A sharp sword with two edges, if it does n't refer to any other person history! Pierced ; he was given up by the Roman authorities for burial ; the imperial authorities were sure of,! 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