Scrivenings Christians depression, suicide. (Yawn.) He brings these questions to his conversation with Jim, wrestling with how the Bible relates to our lives today. Tweets at @peteenns. Regardless of Paul's (faulty, through no fault of his own) view of human origins, three very important elements remain in his theology, despite the acceptance of evolution: 1. Introduction: This article will be on the subject of God's wrath and retribution. Perhaps even the characteristics on the other-way-of-knowing list are not beyond study. Knowledge of God is described by terms like participation, longing, , immediacy.. Id take the liberty of summarizing that your belief in God, to the extent you do, is based on faith, not fact. Are you willing to also consider; Hindu scriptures, Muslim scriptures, Buddhist, scriptures, Taoists scriptures, etc? All, or none, of the above?). There are surely myriad of ways of knowing God In the provIsIons that are avaIlable to each one of us, As one is riding the Starlight Express propelled through time experiencing mAturity, old Age And deAth. Such a person in fact believes Him to exist in Parts. I think that if all religious believers could accept such limitations, and find in the penumbra thereof, that there is no certainty, and therefore, no grounds for believing to the exclusion of other faiths, wed find less conflict in this world. Also, be sure to read the book rather than a blurb to see what I am after. If this is my basis, Im as comfortable (maybe more comfortable) with a Great Spirit of native Americans as I am with a YHWH of Israel. This way of knowing, too, is a pluralistic way of knowing and can be reflected upon both with and without special pleading. There is a type of love that can only be experience I think by a parent for their child. Relationship is key, whether we are thinking about non-living parts of the cosmos, the living world, human-human relationships or human-divine relationships. Why do you write books attempting to make more conservative Evangelicals rethink their perspective on the authority of the Bible? And the one thing that every single wisdom tradition or religious group teaches is the way. He is the Robert S. Harrison Director of the Cornell Center for Social Sciences and Executive Director of the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research. In reality you rarely hear about the average Christian,. As I see it, knowledge ofGod accesses different ways of knowing. Hi, Reddit! Yet how is this testimony for more than such kind of belief being an adaptive trait? ), but its also important in a much deeper way. prof at Westminster Seminary for his progressive evangelicalism, and has not identified himself as a universalist. Foreign Professionals in Babylon: Evidence from the Archive in the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar II Neo-Assyrian Texts from Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon: A Preliminary Report Cities and urban landscapes in the Ancient Near East and Egypt with special focus on the city of Babylon - with Paul Sinclair, Irmgard . One final question. The Bible (NT and OT) both contain stories of humans having doubt while also trusting God (Elijah, Peter, Thomas, hell, all of them for that matter). He has taught courses at several other institutions including Harvard University, Fuller Theological Seminary, and Princeton Theological Seminary. Id suggest if participation, longing, , and immediacy are ways of knowing God, that they would more need to be means of recursively traversing an infinite regress of fractal complexity than means of simply and linearly knowing a static being. In other words, I dont believe in God because I see no evidence for God or I believe in God because the evidence proves it are both nonsensical claims for me.. Perhaps the thing that could hold rationality, mysticism, intuition, etc all together is love- as a way of knowing. Also, your point about eyewitness testimony is inaccurate. Now as to whether what the historical eyewitness claims he experienced is a real supernatural phenomenon well that is where faith comes in. But lacking a definitive first hand revelation of God and with all of your questions, at what point does one cease asking yet more questions, and perhaps start to view all religions as limited expressions or interpretations of God like prof. of religious philosophy John Hick eventually did after growing up Evangelical? Scientists tend to understand everything through the lens of our basic five senses which reside in our body and soul. For the Tibettan Buddhidist, they may experience a vision of the peaceful and wrathful deities. Thanks Pete, I expressed my full view in a direct response above. 2. Now I understand that that rational certainty is a gift from God, but would you say that 1 John 5:13 is false or irrational or not to be trusted? As we do for so many other experiences and perceptions deeply subjective in nature. I also visited Westminster Seminary in my early 20s and purchased some books in the store there, caught a glimpse of Cornelius Van Til, and later I exchanged emails with Paul Seely on biblical cosmology, a WTS graduate. Legitttttttt. If we hold to the same manner in which we share any other experience with those around us, we would ge bound to accept this. The Christian trusts God even when things do not always make sense this tensions exists in the Christian message and story (but it exists in everyones story) the four Gospels are not shy in displaying this reality. How do you know these are HIS words? This is why I read your blog, Pete! Enns seeks to grow us in maturity so that we might take up wisdom. I think if Christianity, as a whole, doesnt soon reconcile itself among its adherents and with its founders teachings, it will soon (if not already there) be down an irreversible trajectory of being part of the problem rather than part of the solution in the inevitable redemption of the cosmos. Theists believe magic is real. On another point, both in Johns writings and Peters writings there are statements of eye-witness testimonies. With the exact same merit. Treasures Old and NewSunday, December 30, 2018. Incarceration Nation Such is life. Rule out experience and youre forcing yourself into mysticism. Peter Enns, Ph.D. Peter Enns Abram S. Clemens Professor of Biblical Studies 610-341-1491 McInnis 200B Dr. Enns is a biblical scholar who teaches and writes on Old Testament, New Testament, Second Temple Judaism, and the intersection of biblical studies and contemporary Christian faith. And I would suggest this hypothetical is realized in all actuality within spiritual perception. here s something about the bible of the peter enns June 1st, 2020 - think about that the old testament of the new testament writers and of the early church was a translation and an imperfect one at that you d think at key moment of god s self disclosure ten things i hate about church and why i go anyway As is knowledge of Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva. His Attributes cannot be fixed, limited or defined. Youre still rooting your argument in the same notion of the proper locus of religious conviction. This discovered aspect is something that has given us shared trust in the way of knowing and ability to converge on what is true. And two, what does exist mean? At the same time, I was taking philosophy and religion courses and was drawn to finding ways to explain my ongoing relationship/wrestling match with God-Jesus-Spirit. It is not when I am going to meet him, but when I am just turning away and leaving him alone, that I discover that God is. Your argument for disbelief is foolish, because God cannot be like any of the things perceived by the senses, nor can He be said to bear any resemblance to anything which has to undergo an ordeal of change and decay. Show Notes This episode was . And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. better bring your own redemption when you come Perhaps agreat offense to many of us in the modern world is thatGod is not known in the way we are used to knowing many other thingswhich is a hard pill to swallow if youre committed to evidence-based knowing as the only path forward. We know by comparing our own, internal, subjective experiences of sight that this is a largely reliable sense. My point is that we ought to consider seriously the word of an eyewitness, especially when the eye witness is a confirmed historical figure. Proceeding ahead and remixing words just a bit, Thinking one can prove or disprove the existence of *any* God through rational analysis is to apply to *any* God a wrong way of knowing.. This implies that Joker3857 believes that one cannot be a christian if they think the bible to have errors. not be confused with experience. Indeed, it is a way of knowing that has been championed as part of the development of culture in the Western tradition, but to pigeon hole the method as somehow distinctively Western is to lose something about its universality in a universe that significantly appears to exhibit fundamental uniformity. As we come to the end of this year, we begin a new theme for the Daily Meditations. But if you are after people of all religions, denominations, sects and cults saying, We dont really know, but why change because this seems to be working alright? Fine. Peter Enns Age He was born on January 2, 1961, in Passaic, New Jersey, in the United States. Thats why all we need to focus on is the Way; which is your way that youre honestly seeking God. I suggest you read Richard Rohr. Introduction to the Old Testament; Introduction to the New Testament; Biblical Hermeneutics; Israelite History and Historiography; Hebrew Prophets; Romans in Context; Genesis in Context; Research Methods in Biblical Studies; From Conquest to Exile; Wisdom and Psalms; Science and the Bible; Torah. With all due respect my guess is you dont really engage with non-believers in person? I mean, youre already done this with respect to Christian Mystics. And it is worth noting that my list is subjective too. He has taught extensively at the seminary and doctoral levels (Westminster Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Harvard Divinity School, Fuller Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Biblical Theological Seminary) and on the undergraduate level (Temple University and Messiah College). It may be a way of knowing, but not necessarily yielding as many as true things as possible and as few as false things as possible. I get that I cant prove or disprove God or any God or really anything non-material thats at least logically consistent. I count it a great privilege to help students keep their horizons in front of them and come to know God better on their life-journey. So its great that God is guiding you and keeping you safe but yet not doing the same for kids with cancer etc. One big reason is that I am convinced I would already be dead many times over without Gods guidance. These are subjective, private experiences. This answer is Biblical, albeit unpopular: the bible has always presupposed an (at least) 2 tiered, interlocking cosmology: the visible and invisible. Pete Enns (PhD, Harvard University) is the Abram S. Clemens Professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University, St. Davids, Pennsylvania, and co-host of The Bible for Normal People podcast. What are you reading good Sir, that I may know too? Peter is an Old Testament scholar (PhD, Harvard University) who currently teaches as Affiliate Faculty of Biblical Studies at Eastern University. Because of these aspects, thinking is a collaborative engagement. Now to consider these values a bit, we can exercise some examples. And there is no one way to come to belief or faith in God, and in Christ our Savior. Evidence can be internal, which whether or not you rationally elaborate upon or take the direct perceptive route nonetheless still falls into that domain. He has written widely on hermeneutics, Christianity and science, historicity of the Bible, and Old Testament interpretation. There are also cases of people who were converted to Christianity after suffering drug or alcohol addiction, but later they realized Christianity was their new drug and gave that up too, and felt BETTER for having done so: As an admittedly poor psychology major in college, I was particularly fascinated with neurology and how humans process and interpret information/stimuli. I think there is a model there where the subjective, but real experience of God is the starting point for understanding the perceptual equipment, which will help us to acknowledge the existence of a real Being that makes the subjective states or experiences real. Speaking of each breath, the sustaining of human consciousness seems to rely on the humble oxygen molecule. Theologian Peter Enns refuses to shy away from asking the larger questions about Christian faith. St. Davids, PA 19087-3696 And I am not sure about the analogy concerning trusting your wife, unless you wake up everyday lying literally next to a flesh and blood Jesus who literally speaks with you or even makes you breakfast some mornings. In her book Shameless, Nadia Bolz-Weber argues for a new Christian sexual ethic that allows for moderate pornography consumption, one-night stands, same-sex encounters, and virtually any sexual activity that demonstrates a "concern for each other . I'm attaching my 6 page summary of Peter Enns' new book, Genesis for Normal People: Enns on Genesis.doc (55.5 KB) Dr. Enns attempts to simply explain for average Christians how many scholars read Genesis. I suspect that leaving the Westminster cocoon could be unsettling, but you are still ensconced cozily in the moderate to liberal Christian cocoon. Mysticsare . Or become a universalist mystic, or a philosophical theist rather than a religious one, and continue to question just what kind of God really exists, and what we can know for sure about who or what God is? I like the fruit of this way of knowingeverything from electricity and medicine to electron-microscopesand radio telescopes. Or Osama bin Ladin or Warren Jeffs for that matter. What should be the impact? Those are all things that can be looked at. But is that version of a Messiah a bringer of healing to all? The realm of the elohim and the realm of the seen (1 sam 28.13). The good news is that those who humble themselves and say yes when He calls do experience Him in an undeniable complete way. Im all for that. As is our collaborative aspects of the scientific method. Polls, Statistics and other Data Thanks for this post. 2 Peter 1:15 and following say For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty. What religion, denomination, sect or cult doesnt seek to also inculcate an acceptance of mystery and paradox?. God is just another word for magic. Instead it looks like people have a wide variety of reality tunnels and interpretations. April 2015 am Universal-museum Joanneum in Graz (Schild von Steier, Beiheft 8 / Forschungen zur geschichtlichen Landeskunde der Steiermark 79) Archologie in sterreich 1938 1945 Danner Salzburg. How sure are you that those are eyewitness accounts. In passing, he also makes a very interesting observation about contemporary Protestant theology: "I live in an ecclesial world in which those who value Christian orthodoxy as a concept seem invariably to drift towards either Rome or Constantinople or some amalgamation of the two which is represented by no existing church. and Ph.D. Harvard University Perhaps less than that, I would be more arrogant, less loving, poorer, and have no progeny. He is also co-founder and chief data scientist at Verasight. With this, I think wed not only find less conflict but more hope realized. Again, while it takes a God-given faith to believe the substance of Peter and Johns testimonies, are we to take from your article that we should not put trust in the authenticity of their writings? ". Peter Enns is an American theologian, author, professor, and Biblical scholar. You just need to go a little further, Peter. With the exact same merit. It is into this "cross-pressured" situation that Peter Enns wades with this new book, The . ". He has written numerous books, including The Bible Tells Me So, The Sin of Certainty, and How the Bible Actually Works. Dr. Peter Enns (PhD, Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University, St. Davids, PA. When people insist that the Apostles Creed is where you have to start, its no wonder that you wind up with some people who dont believe in God and other people who dont believe in the World. The Quran Chapter 112, Things are compound elements atoms etc, made of parts. Another mans spiritual experience cannot be denied. (2 Peter 3:9), he does not force his love on anyone. Proud men who reject His call are incredibly stupid and foolish beyond measure. 298 . Though I certainly dont want to edge into Edwards post to restate it here. Their experiences of the numinous, or visions or miracles also range far and wide, including the claims of Catholics who see the sun dance, or claim saints cured them or just the saints bones, or the visionary experiences of native Americans, New Agers, UFO abductees (whatever they are experiencing), and wide range of different NDE experiences that dont seem to point in the direction of any one religion being the only true one. Their work involves moving from the phenomenon through the perceptual equipment to the physical biology that makes subjective states objectively real. Great Value. Ed, these posts are certainly charging you up. Per the books blurb, The Sin of Certainty models an acceptance of mystery and paradox that all believers can follow and why God prefers this path because it is only this way by which we can become mature disciples who truly trust God.. That your mind cannot stretch to embrace a perspective that seems to transcend all of existence. An Atheist Evolutionist Asks a Good Question of Dr. Peter Enns October 22, 2012 It seems that Young Earth Creationists are not the only ones who find BioLogos' attempt to "reconcile science and faith" lacking. That is a blessing from God. I find cultural differences to be fascinating and rich sources in discovering what is possible within the human experience. Download Free PDF View PDF. Peter Enns does it again!' Richard Rohr, author of Falling Upward For many Christians, the Bible is a how-to manual filled with literal truths about belief that must be strictly followed. One of the things about the Western way of knowing is that it isnt really a Western way of knowing. . How have we regressed so far in 56 years? He is also co-founder and chief . And I also can grok the paradoxical Essence of a Triune God, the kind of God allowing himself to be humbled and broken in kenotic sacrifice as an example of a new Way of Being, in hope of bringing forth a Kingdom. What gives? The only reason I could see us being worried about being wrong about a certain path/religion/idea/concept would be because God (our Creator) might reject us if we chose the wrong path. And there seems to be a bit of a one-way mirror phenomenon going on. The human mind cannot think alone. And if Peter didnt write it and the author was not present; is it still considered an eyewitness testimony? immediacy. Biblical scholar and author Dr. Peter Enns will be in Lynchburg for a series of "Evolution Weekend" events February 15-16, joining with many other such efforts nationwide under the umbrella of the Clergy Letter Project.. I think it is safe to say that much of my academic journey has been a process of synthesizing these (and other) influences in my life. Then once that person starts walking with God God (should) will reveal the truth to them. One task that gives me great joy is to introduce students to the big picture of the biblical story and to develop insight and respect for how the Old and New Testaments are in conversation with each other. Not really. Westminster Theological Seminary One of the things Ive yet to see in Dr Enns and other Evangelicals take up of evolution is a robust address of its implications to thinking. 185-ca. Now one can doubt that the man, Peter ever lived, but there are extra-biblical references to him as being the head of the church. As Read Post The Evangelical Mind February 5, 2013 Category: General Tags: Doubt, Peter Enns, The Mind, The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, Theology, Wisdom Im not sure the world would be a better place if more people thought like me, though do you mind if I out this on my resume? Because of the differences in interpreting Adam by biblical scholars, Dr. Enns believes that it is unwise to "cling too rigidly to any one approach" (107). I think you are conflating your own journey with mine. (Isnt this another example of a way of knowing?). Folks could believe, and demonstrate how what they believe causes them to live, and treat their fellow men and women. even if our lack of understanding gives us a sense that our existence is meaningless and that, if one could, one would not choose existence. Having beliefs was like always clinging tightly to something in the water to keep one afloat, always being afraid of letting go and learning to swim in the sea of faith. Were two thousand years in. Depending on how you interpret Gods word, I hope He is not good to it in the sense of damning nonbelievers to an eternity of torment. . God means many different things to people. I use the words intelligent and basis. The question presumes that belief in God is something to be settled on the basis of intelligence, education, knowledge of facts, etc. I think that if the objective is to free people from reifying and trusting their own beliefs rather than trusting the living God, invoking the word sin frequently, which is an evangelical habit, is counterproductive. Not if hes using evidence in the sense Ive advocated for in this thread Pete. What do you think of people like George Mller? God, our creator cannot be perceivable by the five senses for, He is not a thing-which is compound elements etc or created. Agnostics cant figure it out. Maybe even online? I realize that there is a long and rich history of discussion over difficult philosophical issues concerning the existence of God. While specific sins against a particular God, prophet, holy book, holy place, or sacrament, are as diverse as could be. Fideism is a rich and credible approach to knowing God. What should be the impact? It is better for you to enter life crippled than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. You can experience a spiritual longing, connectedness, peace, transformation, serenity, boundless compassion, and so on. Peter K. Enns' research and teaching focus on public opinion and political representation, mass incarceration and the legal system, and data science. The social architecture of the church, from leadership to prayer groups, all functions along protocols and vetting systems based on doctrinal beliefs, trust-building with leaders, participation in activities, meetings and conferences, etc. If we raise it all today (or tomorrow or Wednesday tbh) we're going to make. The western way of knowing privileges the observation and analysis/testingofexternal evidence by knowledgable, experienced, and educated people who make arguments and defend them. Ive spent a lot of time thinking about subjectivity, hermeneutics, revelation, and Jesus as mediator (in the sense that Jesus is the medium through which God is known does the Spirit now occupy that space? D. Modl, Archologie zwischen Mur und . These are ideals that I subjectively value. Honestly and looking ahead, my mind is more centered on the significance of the sixth extinction, climate change, the forth-coming dissipation of petroleum energy, a huge human population, limited supply of fresh water for all, and need for compassion for and collaboration with others to existentially address all this. Yet since these experiences come across as transcendent many put a higher truth value on them than anything else in life. Then here you go! You can although quite innadequately (as with so many other things in life), still put them on the table. And I also can grok the paradoxical Essence of a Triune God, the kind of God allowing himself to be humbled and broken in kenotic sacrifice as an example of a new Way of Being, in hope of bringing forth a Kingdom. This is very simple. The rule that clarity is the standard of truth subsequently achieved dominance in the Enlightenment (Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, 1 vol edition, 486). But you can deny that my experience reflects actual motion in reality. Combining sophisticated quantitative analysis and compelling case studies, Hijacking the Agenda sets a new standard for research on inequality and American democracyand sounds a loud warning that all scholars and citizens should hear." JACOB HACKER, Stanley Resor Professor of Political Science, Yale University Incarceration Nation Good concepts of God and faiths are ripe with irony and paradox in their making the world right. Evidence: The heavens declare the glory of God. Some people really hate what I say--and I've lost a couple of jobs because of my views. Do you know many others like yourselves? Dr. Peter Enns (PhD, Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of Biblical Studies at Eastern University, St. Davids, PA. As is our deference in religious spheres to authorities revelations. Write it and the one thing that every single wisdom tradition or religious group is. Have we regressed so far in 56 years moderate to liberal Christian cocoon like people have wide! In parts and women relationship is key, whether we are thinking about non-living parts of the peaceful and deities... In fact believes Him to exist in parts all we need to on... And be thrown into hell then once that person starts walking with God God ( should ) reveal! Ability to converge on what is true are all things that can be reflected upon both with and special. We can exercise some examples Warren Jeffs for that matter on the authority the... 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