So now Im trying to learn to tolerate them looking in my back door and hanging out all friendly like on the porch with my cats. The horse ranches around me would not hesitate to shoot them. have a mechanism to attach solid lures (improves the catch rate by luring possums to your trap). Yes IN CALIFORNIA IT IS FEDERAL OFFENSE TO TRANSPORT WILDLIFE. It safely captures the pest without hurting it, giving it a second chance at life - somewhere other than on your property. Top quality, strong but lightweight, leg hold traps, designed for the professional NZ hunter.These are Pestgard #1 type possum leg hold traps. That is true its in their poo , we relocate them. Possums are reported to dislike the smell of blood and bone, so you can try spreading that around the base of plants. Really good answer! The good news is the vet said he is going to make a full recovery. pow pow pow DEAD. You should go to websites where people like them so you can see another viewpoint. What does having children have to do with your hatred? I AM GOING TO TRY PICKING UP ALL THE FOOD BEFORE I RETIRE EACH NIGHT AND HOPE THEY GET DISCOURAGED. Make 'em a business, not a problem. If it is dangerous to your children or animals then I would dispose of it quickly and permanently. I have one of those vicous beasts in my backyard. We can here it growling and jumping on the roof in one of the bedrooms. Also they dont carry rabies. I think Ive lost about $15,000 over the last 3 years. I have a particular young female opossum that after she eats and drinks goes between the extensions of the back of the house that are constructed brick walls that are obviously warmed by the use of the chimneys to take a food induced coma nap. Its your property, you paid for it. I think Id rather have possums than rats, moles, and gophers! Ah ha.. This is classic. I dont go out of my way to kill these creatures. they multiply like like rabbits, and will overrun your property if you leave anything in your trash or have food out for pets or livestock. Use single quotes (') for phrases. Theyve been dropping chewed lemons under the tree. Animal pro will come caught it and clean up they cause histplasmoses in your lung get rid of them fast. If you disagree with how someone else handles a problem on their own property, shut your mouth and do it your own way on your property. Prevention is a perfect approach. Sorry but gtfo of my house and my 2 year old child! Ok so, im reading all of these replies and some are funny some are not, some are helpful some are not. The bark contains a very bitter resin, which the plant uses as an insect repellant, but if you boil the bark chips, you end up with a very bitter liquid you can use as a spray which will make your plants taste horrible to a possum, or pretty much an other sentient being. Are they in your head? I have a wooden privacy fence which they love and use as a gateway to a neighbors yard hoping to find a spot to enter their attic. When my son was little we lived in an old farmhouse and there was 1 opossum that would run towards him everytime he used the back door, trying to bite him!! Antifreeze kills animals. My home sits on 1 1/3 acres of land while not in the woods I have a small section of woods separating my property from neighbors on 3sides. So stop blaming Opossums on everything that goes wrong at your house, there are other more invasive creatures ruining your things, Raccoons are more invasive, after the destroyed my duct work they got into my attack then couldnt find their way back out and destroyed all the wood under my roof where normally gutters are, to get out How do I know this? I think you are mistaken. So yeah, dont try telling ME theyre harmless. It wont get rid of anything and the smell with permeate your house and make you sick as well. Its ridiculous. No kill them. I never see them but the damage is in the thousands and my maltese dog has injured leg and cant run.. Ive hired a trapper, put fox urine, placed traps but only caught one, I have lights on timers, Ive removed everything they could live in or around.. Im exhausted. Oh my! There are over 15 million homeless dogs and cats on the streets and another 15 million and euthanized yearly because of people like you who do not spay their animals. The possum enters the trap, walks to the back to get the bait / lure, and stands on the footplate which then releases the spring loaded door. Looks like there s a couple bags of quickrite in my immediate future but I agree, theyre a terrible nuisance. TB is hardly non threatening it can be lethal and can be passed to others before diagnosis is confirmed. They are TOXIC, will poisin the environment, will seep into the ground and contaminate the water. 1 shot; 1 kill. I can tell you one thing that doesn't work - those plastic owls. They kill off snakes because they are immune to its poison!!! these things have been here 3 years! They are. When we let our new dog use the dog door at will, she brought a possum in the house and put it in the tent my outdoorsy child was sleeping in. My cat and the neighbors cat sometimes are out on the patio too and often there is a young skunk in the mix with no issues at all. Choose the solution that is optimal for you and try it out to discourage these animals from penetrating your property one more time. How would you feel if that were done to you? He walks down the fence row and I have even put it at the end of the Fencerow where he comes off to get in my yard every day it hasnt worked I tried it under the bushes he goes through that hasnt worked. So apparently her baby was still under the house and has yet again chewed my cable down to the bare copper. look for any possum sign, e.g. However, the back door also can be opened if desired. The possum trap should now be ready to connect the trap-door to the foot plate using the long Trip Plate Rod on the inside of the trap. Btw trailers are easy for them to get into and I dont leave food sources anywhere bc ive had mice. I read this, I dont know how true it is. My new video surveillance cameras have shown many possums active late at night on my property. anybody who tells you different is ignorant or after your money to kill a totally harmless animal. Kill ticks, kill bugs, eat dead animals, help control snake numbers, and only come out at night so you rarely know they are there. If its dead that would suck ! I just have done tons of research on REAL sites, after walking out to find those 2 babies(whos mother got hit in the road), in my cats kennel, guess what THEY HARMED NO ONE, they did not bother the cats, they did not try to hurt them, they did not destroy nothing under or around my house, they did not do anything wrong, they ate and they left! Can someone tell me what to do please!! Connect the U shaped end of the Trip Plate Rod to the door release mechanism at the front of the possum trap above the trap door. check around your house to see where hes coming in at and block it or he will do more than visit they will tear up whatevers under your house like your duct and installation! Id like to strangle the jerk who shared that with us. All you people who want to save the possums need to start a fund to reimburse the livestock owners for sickness and death of horses and cattle. And leave them where they lay. BS low raniatolity high! You realize it used to be their property! Lets see if you post this. I dont even own a cat; but wanna be know it alls are annoying. I tried the moth balls and amonomia and thought it worked. Fortunately, I'm sure the Workshop community can come to the rescue of anyone struggling with neighbourhood possums. I thought I had gotten ride of him I covered every hole leading under my house but he has found another one this week . They have to have calcium- and a LOT of it. How about you come over here and explain to Mr. Or Mrs. Possum that i would appreciate it if it would take its ass to the woods down the street and rough it instead of trying to live off me like all of the other obama lovers. Exploding mice? NEVER! Problem solved, These traps are also known as raccoon traps. I dont know how to get rid of them , someone please help ? I saw the possum just walking on top of the fence. Hilarious how little you know. Im not sure how these people that like opossums can. Re-read the section above to make sure you know what possums are attracted by most of all. Reviews. when full grown they are immune to pit viper venom and kill and eat those snakes. So whilst it is strong and sturdy it is still lightweight and easy to handle. Whats wrong with these people? Hedgehogs By no means should they be in your home from some way that their smart little minds have figured out but guess whose fault it is that they got in-yours! Cuz I got a cat and dont want her hurt but hate the possum. The bathroom is on the 2nd floor of my 2 story house. I have watched mating rituals of the opossums which in case you didnt know are North Americas only marsupial. Not too hot and not too cold. Use box or cage traps (7-inch x 7-inch x 24-inch) and bait them with cat food, fish, fruit, or marshmallows. I need help..Im raking every day to clean up the mess and so I can try to find where they ate the night before with hoprs of setting trap in that spot. However, they are known to carry diseases like leptospirosis, tuberculosis, relapsing fever, tularemia, spotted fever, toxoplasmosis, coccidiosis, and trichomoniasis. I had $5000 worth of damage from them getting into insulation took a year to get rid of the smell. There is nothing here for them to eat, no where to shelter. I thought two nights ago my husband fought one for about 40minutes broke my broom bit the broom and was coming for more. Cats There is a CHILD where I live that is PERMANENTLY disabled.. ruined for life. An excellent cat trap, possum trap, animal trap, magpie trap and pest trap for hu 1 As for these godly remarks, should we keep still water around in the spring to help the lords mosquitoes to thrive? They are worse than liberal democrats. Make sure all garages, woodsheds and boathouses are properly closed. I have the same issue u do/did? What is wrong with you people, how would you like to be treated and killed like thus website says? I do not have a dog and would not let run free if I did. You dont have the first clue what youre talking about, lady. because YOU are wrong, Anybody that posts a photograph of their oversized phat cat with two baby possums might be called a Phossum Whisperer. In fact, their actual role in transmission of diseases is not certain. Take them to the closest woods and drop off it takes a little more effort but they deserve a life just like we do. upsets my dog. I dont want to keep attracting new ones by the bait I put out but if there is an end in sight I will keep going. I was wondering if u tried the moth balls or ammonia and if anything worked. Second- an opossum has an extremely high need for calcium, and will attack small animals if no carcasses are available from which to retrieve it. I caught two last night in a live cage and the nasty thing tried to attack me wen I tried to open the cage to get rid it! Get away for 12 hours. These WILD animals would still have a place to live in the wild, theyre not coming on to our property, weve came onto theirs! Spicy Peppers - Like garlic, hot peppers produce a taste and scent opossums dislike. They are poison and are supposed to be used in a closed container [like a cedar chest or closet]. cats arent the problem and if it is a cat then lock your trash up and they will stop. Oh yes, one more thing. Use: spray it on the tree where you've placed the trap. As for today, there are three basic types of traps that help those, who want to learn how to get rid of numerous possums under your house or around it: While choosing a trap, opt for a live capture one. Note: These are general possum trapping tips. I have a nice bridge for sell in New York if youre interested. My Greenie mates bag me for this stance, but still don't have an answer to the problem. The smell is horrible. We need to share the earth! BIG mistake! There are protective sprays that can help deter possums from browsing on your plants. They also provide excellent clean-up service. I hunt and kill possum. I have one under my house as we speak and Im trying to move him to another area but you are correct, they were here first! Fuck possums. Use of a humane, live catch possum trap will ensure you capture troublesome possums without hurting or killing them. So do the skunks even though Pete killed one of them cause it fought back. But, deal with getting rid of rodents OR any other animals in a thoughtful manor. They carry alot of deseaces. TRAP SHOULD BE CHECKED REGULARLY FOR CAUGHT ANIMALS - AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. To do that to any living thing and post it like its OK and normal? belive me i have had mine replaced soooo many times! I would like to know how effective some of these remedies work without hurting my strays. yes, all Gods creatures do have a right to live. In my case, I have a few acres and I trap (live trap) and take take raccoons, Possums, etc. "Possums are even left in roofs or dropped in the bottom of swimming pools." A "mass poisoner" killed an unknown number of possums around The Basin and Upper Ferntree Gully earlier this year. Help. You apparently dont have chickens. You just need to ensure you wash the fruit and vegies before you eat them! Yes, the poop of a possum is very dangerous owing to the presence of many diseases causing bacteria's and viruses in it. Please, log in or register, Check items to add to the cart orselect all, Regular Price: Stunck up our house so bad we had to move out. I will have to call my landlord to get tide of them. I have heard people say they wont eat them because of some of the things the possum dines on. RATS?? shoot the dog. Read through some of these comments, I actually had to just kill one. They do have a fight or flight response just as we do. Since I dont want to sleep in a cold bed at night, Im going to kill it. I live in S.E. Amen to that Jennifer. Why in the world is your cat outside, especially at night? The Timms traps has been available for at least 30 years as a possum kill trap and has become a household name in New Zealand. Place the bait in a position that will force the animal to step on the Trip Plate. I dont care what the law is that possum is the walking dead. Its a case of they MAY become extinct is more important than the fact that were giving these creatures an advantage they never would have had in a natural ecosystem. I call them oversized RATS! Why cant everyone just co-exist with nature and not have such fears of those living beings that do not look like us? My dogs go crazy after it. Can be used on ornamental and edible plants and has only a 1 day withholding period. I then add this to a 5 litre(even an american can do the maths here!) Possums live EVERYWHERE and ANYWHERE and they LOVE sleeping under homes. How to construct your Possum Trap from Pestrol - Humane, catch and release. I also sprayed it up tree trunks to try to defer them going up into their tree nests. Its someone elses pet give them the opportunity to deal with the problem unless they refuse and then its up to you. They dont attack and their natural defense is to hiss while showing their gnarly teeth. They are immune to the venom of pit vipers and work as wonderful control agents. I had another one in my roof recently, running in a frenzy, it got its claws caught in my roofs electrical wiring taking two ceiling lights out. Shoot it in the face. He ate it up with no problem as I watched and that was last night. I see some good advice but are these remedies safe to use around cats. It finally got caught under the dishwasher & died yuck but found out that pouring amonia heavily around the premimeter of the house repells the rest of the family. When following our advice in our D.I.Y. I have 2 dogs that sit there and bark at them because possums dont move when confronted. So you think only the beautiful should be allowed to live? Chipmunks or gophers are probably destroying the duct work under your house and not opossums. It needs to COME DOWN! Please dont put rat poison! Suggestions will appear below the field as you type, Please sign inor create an accountto use Project Lists. , how would you like to be used on ornamental and edible plants and only! Immediate future but i agree, theyre a terrible nuisance i did case i! Can tell you one thing that does n't work - those plastic owls them, someone please?. By most of all replaced soooo many times having children have to do that to living. Of them re-read the section above to make a full recovery transmission diseases... It a second chance at life - somewhere other than on your plants do not look like?... Histplasmoses in your lung get rid of anything and the smell seep into the ground and contaminate water... It is still lightweight and easy to handle shown many possums active late at night optimal for and! 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