With my big groups, I'll only ask 3 or 4 to share. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. In a PPP lesson plan, the teacher presents the new language structure. The PPP Teaching framework consist of four main stages: Warm-up, Presentation, Practice and Production and is used to teach speaking and writing lessons. Afterwards, students match sentence halves together that use diplomatic language for dealing with complaints and match each sentence with its function. Your group will be given a worksheet packet and lesson material. Put students in pairs (A + B). Next, students take turns reading out their complaints, adding a suitable introductory phrase, e.g., 'Excuse me, but.', 'I'm sorry, but.'. View All Posts. 9 classroom requests exercises (PDF) Travel problems vocabulary and speaking exercise with pictures (PDF) Talking about restaurant problems - worksheet with pictures (PDF) A collection of consumer . Donec aliquet. I usually just do ThinkPairShare with a partner. 1. He or she then introduces a controlled practice activity, meaning that the only language used will be the target language (here it would be complaining). The two students then compare their numbers to see if they match or not. Phonology is a language system, no less so than grammar or vocabulary, so it can very easily fit into the PPP model. You have an important business meeting at 9am. As controlled Practice tasks centre on building learners accuracy, tasks should focus on learners using the target language and have a clear answer. THIS IS A PPP LESSON PLAN SAMPLE IN ENGLISH dorothy joy nadela teaching and assessment of grammar tth bsed english 3c level and 20 high beginner students number. What kinds of things do you complain about? If necessary you can have another look at Unit 2 for a . When they have finished each group takes it in turns to tell the rest of the class each complaining story. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I wish you all the best in your future journeys as you explore the possibilities of lesson planning, and the delivery of those plans in the classroom. Lesson Plan 3 is from The PWP Model which compares how this model is similar and different to the PPP model. If a strong part of the class was focussed on learning and using new vocabulary that comes from the song, the PPP model becomes a more viable option. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. In giving directions we do use some set phrases such as go straight, turn left, you cant miss it, but we also use imperatives. An advantage of this Presentation stage, is that it enables you to focus leaners attention on the study of a specific language point or set of vocabulary. How would you go about it? https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/phoneticsymbolsforenglish.htm, https://koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/EClinic-%20Phonetic%20Symbols.pdf. Please could you tell me what previous knowledge is required for students to be at this level? If that is the case, work on a different aspect of pronunciation (ex: word stress, sentence stress, consonant clusters, difficult sounds for your students). Frequently the target language is the use of expressions typical for those situations, but it can also involve some grammar. Just invest tiny epoch to right of entry this on-line revelation ppp lesson plan making . The Practice stage of a PPP lesson gives learners the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled way this focuses on them developing their accuracy in using the new language. Pairs take it in turns to choose an item at random from their worksheet and role-play a complaint to another pair with one student being the customer and the other the shop assistant. However, if you are new to teaching, then you may not be ready for this. In pairs, students look at their cards that each show a picture, a complaint and a request. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Give me ideas to create a PPP lesson plan on making a complaint. To elicit the meaning of new vocabulary or grammar, you might choose to describe a situation, use eliciting questions, gestures, as well visual aids (such as flashcards, gifs or props) to establish the meaning. . 11. Teachers Name Sue Jones Date of Lesson 28th October 2013 Time and length of lesson 40 minutes (12:50pm 1:30pm) Elementary Level of Class (eg Beginner) Number of Students 4 Mixed Korean and Brazilian Makeup of the class: (ie age, nationalities, mixed abilities?) Any recommendations on how I can pass it? I hope this has been helpful. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Remember that the PPP model is best designed for a language focus, not directly on skills development. In this complaining and apologizing activity, students practice making complaints and giving apologies using prompts. Barcelona based English Teacher, blogger and sometime actor and director. Whatever helps you feel comfortable and directed during the class should by the notes you follow while teaching. Whether a top-down or bottom-up approach is adopted in Presenting the target language, this stage of a PPP lesson needs to be well-planned for the Practice and Produce stages to follow on. 50 mp3 files for 50 lessons (each lesson lasts for about 1-2 minutes). Give the class 5-10 minutes to swap stories. We offer variety in daily planning, weekly planning, and subject wise planning to monthly planning templates. Choose one (elementary, pre-intermediate or intermediate) and base your lesson plan on that perspective. As you probably already know, there isnt only one British accent or one American accent, but it has been decided that these versions are to be used as a standard reference. Provide examples and details when it will add to clarity or help define what is being said. For that matter, it might not be clear to the teacher either, so it is a good exercise to get accustomed to including those extra details. It will not waste your time. ipiscing elit. On the other hand, if you miscalculate learners needs and plan a PPP lesson on a language point they know well, they can quickly become disengaged during the Presentation stage and youre left having to think on your feet on how to make the lesson more challenging. Tell students to read through the sheet briefly in pairs. Sometimes teachers want to get their students speaking more. The PWP model would be easier to work with in this regard, for example. Teacher asks pairs to tell their partner 3 things they did that weekend. Teachers may feel that they do not get to know their students as well as they would like to. https://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/wells/phoneticsymbolsforenglish.htm, This site is basically the same as the previous one but has the American accent in mind: You might use a short text or an audio clip to present a grammar point in context to learners. Working alone, students complete complaints with the words provided. Or if you just want to approach the song as a quick activity and not go through the whole process of following a complete model, it is still recommended to have a clear objective on how the song would work to help your students in some way. PPP time pyramid Developing PPP structure can also be time sensitive. Pellentesque, ur laoreet. Click on Download below the description to have a look at the lesson plan. Then build onto that in the following class. Any advice on lead ins for large classes would be greatly appreciated - thanks. Equally, this type of step-by-step lesson staging can help to build learners and teachers confidence alike. Here are some links to lesson plans already presented in this article. Rooted in the Behaviourist learning theory from the 1960s, PPP centres on the notion that practice makes perfect. Lesson Plan 2 is from The PPP Model Explained, Section D where the concepts are explored further, providing more details and insights on how the model can be used. In this fast-paced making complaints game, students role-play complaints using expressions on cards in order to score points. At the start of the lesson, learners are presented with the target language this could be a grammar point or a set of vocabulary. In my early years of teaching, I also wasnt sure what to do with it, but now connected speech has become one of my favourite aspects of teaching. Click on the number or description to have a look at the lesson plan. In groups, students then discuss questions that relate to complaints they receive at their company. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie con, nec facilisis. making complaints lessons 1 lesson 45 min Problems Upper-intermediate (B2-C1) In this lesson, students study several nouns used for describing different types of mistake. It is difficult to find a universally perfect lesson plan that would always be suitable for a certain level at a certain point in a course. What complaints do you have at the moment? Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, ipiscing elit. L1: Money where does it come from, where does it go? Many thanks. In spite of the criticism PPP receives for its linear approach to learning, there is still value in using this type of lesson staging to introduce challenging and or new language points to your learners. When you are also on this assignment and completely stuck, anyone have a second to help? Rated Helpful Answered by EarlRabbitPerson597 1. Next, students take turns reading out their complaints, adding a suitable introductory phrase, e.g., 'Excuse me, but', 'I'm sorry, but'. Presentation Learners need time to process all the points that are presented to them. Lead-in. The teacher can play with how to approach it, like breaking it up into smaller components and deal with them over several different classes, for example. They really don't teach this part well enough. And if there are official forms, then you can do them in the expected way to give to the proper people. Learners at this stage are expected to produce the target language in context, whether this is in their speaking or writing. PPP represents presentation, practice and production and is a common type of ESL lesson plan. The pair with the most points at the end of the game wins. The Practice stage of a PPP lesson gives learners the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled way - this focuses on them developing their accuracy in using the new language. Student B: You are the receptionist in a 5 star hotel, it is 3am a guest has come to complain about noise, there is a famous rock group staying in the hotel, they have paid 1million to have a party in their room. A freer Practice task can be as simple as learners noting a few sentences that use the target language. a PPP lesson plan, based on the PAST CONTINUOUS INTERRUPTED, with the information below. (T-S). Next, in pairs, students read two complaint dialogues and write where they think each complaint occurred. 1) If youre having an official observation or have to fill out your lesson plan using a certain form, make another version for yourself that you can easily follow while you are actually teaching. To complete the Design Challenge activity, create at least one post on the Padlet by following one of the recommended options. 3. Once the structure is learned, we can more easily return to it when it can serve our purpose such as providing direction for how students can work on certain elements. Other models include TTT (Test, Teach, Test), ARC (Authentic use, Restricted use, Clarification and focus) and ESA (Engage, Study, Activate). Our formats can serve as a starting point to your syllabus. Our students could also work on their own speaking skills, particularly in the area of relaxed speech where the sounds seem to merge together. The lesson plan will deal with all three of the above changes occurring during connected speech, but if you prefer to focus on just one or two of them, then do so. 2. First, students brainstorm six situations in which people make complaints. Some would argue that it is impossible. Students then write down the language the speaker uses in the complaint to make polite requests. This process is repeated for all six situations. As this post is two years old, you'll be very unlikely to get a response. Reflect a little on why they were handled differently. It is simply one version. If you wish to make some changes to the list, that would be fine.) Essential in any good hotel room. See below for ideas for each stage of the lesson. 2- introducing & emphasizing points (This isnt immediately clear to many teachers so a list is provided here. And sometimes its best to step out of the box and do something that you feel is appropriate, even if it isnt formally presented and labelled as a particular kind of approach or methodology. The course doesn't actually give any examples on how to apply the PPP to a large class so I'm at a bit of a loss on how to engage 60 students, grab their attention and find out what they already know about the TL. StructurePassive Voicesubject auxiliary verbmain verb (verb to be) (past participle) 9. Controlled Practice tasks can include matching activities, fill in the gaps, organising words into the correct order, or a memory card game to name just a few. Use them, share them, comment on them, and share my link in return. Many teachers will encounter this acronym within the first few days of a training course when they start to explore how to plan a lesson. It is not the job of the teacher to keep the students entertained or amused during class hours, but to let them learn something so that their parents money may actually be put to good use. Questions and discussion about everything related to Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) around the world. Their partner then checks their worksheet to find a suitable apology and says it with an appropriate phrase, e.g. Lets imagine that our advanced students have difficulty understanding people when they speak quickly or not very carefully. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. The customer does this without saying what the item is or where they bought it. Feel free to approach your goals in a variety of ways and decide on those that you feel have the benefits you are looking for. Pairs score one point for choosing the correct shop and two points if they guess the correct product. Another recommendation: Sometimes you are teaching something new and there might be a lot of details that you feel important to include. Record student feedback on the white/blackboard. Different interpretations would lead to very different classes being taught. In either model you still want to get your students talking (and perhaps writing) about the theme and the input. What I think is The various stages involved will be explained and examples will be provided throughout the article. This is the part of the lesson where the students do a more controlled practice exercise like a worksheet or listening or reading activity. NOTE: In this challenge there is a range of levels. You think that it might be a good idea to teach them expressions that would be useful while engaging in a discussion or even an argument with someone. -Have CCQs ready and undertaken in groups. Whats important to realize is that unless you have imposed limits placed on you, you have a great amount of freedom to create a lesson plan suitable for you and your students. NOTE: There is a website that allows you to type out those symbols (and its good for languages other than English): https://ipa.typeit.org/, This is another good site because it gives you many examples. Another is to accept THE CHALLENGE. I have lived in a few different cultures, starting with Canada (Flin Flon, Manitoba), where I grew up, went to university (Winnipeg) and worked for many years. Ask the class to brainstorm the types of things they found were covered by multi-trip/annual travel insurance (e.g. Especially if they got some good freebies out of it! By setting well-designed tasks, learners can be guided to discover the target language in the text or audio and then explore meaning, form and use with the support of the teacher - this is known as a top-down approach. Politely interrupting on the telephone Dealing with a telephone complaint Now you need to write your lesson plan. Donec aliquet. Part 1: Understanding the PPP Model The PPP Model Explained Section A: Introduction / Outline of the basic lesson plan Section B: A brief look at a PPP lesson plan Section C: A. We offer you samples of pre-designed blank Lesson Planning formats. Feedback then board notes. Well I originally put this plan together about 4-5 years ago for a group conversation class I was teaching. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lets imagine there are a couple good expressions in the chorus and a couple more in the rest of the song. Speaking or writing is also part of the objective and the Production stage, but it is not the language focus. Having weekly PPP reports at hand can save hours of time from useless meetings. But do check it out after you have done yours, partly for curiositys sake, and partly to see if you can find some ideas that might complement yours, or stimulate other ideas for you. It is still not the only way to do things, but it is one possibility. Similarly, if the language and context of the lesson lends to developing learners writing skills, they may write a recipe, a film review, a synopsis of a book, a description of an item for sale onlinethe list is endless. If you want to see any of them, click on Download below the image: A FEW FINAL WORDS: There are a few other words or expressions that would be helpful to learn as well, especially in understanding some important parts of the song, so these could be dealt with in the Introduction activity. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, , ultrices ac magna. It's then the other student's turn to read out a complaint. Read the Before You Start for a little more orientation Your links for the complaining discussion dont open on my mac. Invite a selection of students to present their 160-character text message to Lucy. Remember that the following provided version is not the perfect standard to gauge yours by. This can be done in many ways but to demonstrate how this model might be applied, a clear objective is recommended and building the students up to that end constitutes the bulk of the class. The first stage is the presentation of an aspect of language in a context that students are familiar with, much the same way that a swimming instructor would . This can be especially useful in the EFL classroom. If you prefer something simpler, choose one of the two themes and develop your lesson plan around that. By the end of the class, the students will be able to organize their ideas and use some appropriate expressions in a formal letter requesting information about living in a campus residence for the next university year. To help you in planning your next lesson using PPP, download the example lesson plan here. Distribute one copy ofStudent Worksheet: Letter of complaintto each student. When you encounter differences between the two versions (yours and the one here), look at them as different options and consider the benefits of each one. Hi, I don't have an example plan, but this is a guideline I passed with - every tutor is different though so take this all with a grain of salt please. Its good to take on the challenge of how to communicate something that involves much structure to students. All models have their advantages and disadvantages and I, like many other teachers I know, use different models depending on the lesson, class, level and learner . Writing in standard font and colour, you just need to take a print of our sample and put in your class. Where a teacher has flexibility and interest, it is recommended to experiment and explore ideas that might contribute to a richer level of appreciation of the teaching/learning environment and ones place in it. Next, students swap roles and repeat the same procedure for a second complaint based on a flight. -Teacher has students in their groups to discuss the phrases. The PWP model has a greater focus on reading or listening. If you're having trouble, the best person to talk to is probably your course administrator. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Here are a few more examples. 'I'm very sorry', 'I'm so sorry' If the other student agrees the apology matches the complaint, they ask for the letter of the apology and write it next to the complaint. The PPP method could be characterized as a common-sense approach to teaching as it consists of 3 stages that most people who have learnt how to do anything will be familiar with. Therefore, if you want your students to engage in a debate, that is fine, and if you approach it using the PPP model, you have to include some language focus. The PPP Teaching Framework is a model to describe the typical stages of language teaching lesson. Read through the worksheet and ensure all students understand the terminology and task. One thing is to go over the plan several times in your mind so you feel better prepared. Do you like to watch when other people complain? You might like to see what kind of lesson plan you can come up with. It is also a possibility to change that into a discussion or a conversation of some kind, but consider the challenge of preparing your students to engage in a debate. You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. You can download teachers notes to accompany them from our Facebook page or from this blog. I wanted to include something that is a little different, but could still fit into our look at lesson planning using the PPP model. I also decided on agreeing and disagreeing, however, I have since been sat here trying to come up with something have you got any pointers/ can you help me out?Thank you in advance!SF. -Feedback on correcting any errors in groups. I could use your assistance if so, would you be willing to help me? Hi Carmykins, I'm doing that exact same assignment now, and like you said, they don't give any examples which is frustrating. Hi there. 4. -The groups to come up with 1 specific phrase each. For example, if youre introducing the third conditional for the first time to a class, then a PPP approach can save time in clarifying the meaning, form and use and thus set learners up for success. By being observant on how well they are dealing with the Present Perfect, you can make better decisions on what needs more work and where to challenge them further. Complete the lesson plan by addressing each of the sections (context, input gist task, etc introduction is optional). View or Download lesson plan 3 Distribute one scenario fromStudent Worksheet: Role play scenariosto each group. Conclude by sharing information fromTeacher Resource Sheet: Making a complaint. Thank you for this. The PPP model offers you one way, and you can play with it to best reach your ends, or choose other approaches if they seem more worthwhile. Your students requested a few songs to do in class and you decide that one of them could be possible to cover at that level. Lesson 2: Know your rights if things go wrong in shops, Lesson 3: Your rights when shopping online, Lesson 5: Know your rights shopping in the sales, Lesson 6: Know your rights concert tickets and gift vouchers, A product or service did not fit the description, You complained already and didnt get a response, You paid for something but didnt receive it, They have a complaint about customer service or the way they were treated. Potential production activities are Bingo, Debates, Quescussion and Speed Discussions. -Teacher elicits the TL phrases using G/W. Pelle, cing elit. OPTION ONE: So, if you want to simply view the examples, click on those that catch your eye. Think of how you would make your lesson plan and draft it out following the points in THE CHALLENGE L8: Giant Steps needs and wants in action, L14: Using a budget to plan for a holiday, L2: Know your rights if things go wrong in shops, L5: Know your rights shopping in the sales, L6: Know your rights concert tickets and gift vouchers, Teacher Resource Sheet: Role play scenarios, www.ccpc.ie/consumers/how-to-complain/complaint-letter-templates. Lor. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Sometimes you may want to dedicate only one or two activities and a short time to exploring some language aspect, and dont want to go through all the different stages. Careful planning is needed in order to set the learners up for success in the following Practice tasks, and thus prevent backpedalling to the Presentation stage because learners are unclear on what the target language means, or how it is used. PPP allows you to develop a structured, graded and time efficient lesson plan that conveys the material in an understandable way for your students. When deciding whether to adopt a top-down or bottom-up approach for the Presentation of the target language, take into consideration learners needs, the target language, and the appropriateness of the teaching materials. The Production activity in these examples has been for speaking, but writing could be another end to strive for, and you follow the same procedure (Context Input Presentation Practice Production) to get the students orientated and using the target language in the way defined in your objectives. For example, it is normal, when making a complaint, to start by saying sorry or excuse me, even though you havent done anything wrong. And the reader is reminded that the PPP model is only one of many possible approaches to teaching a language class. Whether youre getting your learners to Produce via a speaking or writing task, allow sufficient time for them to plan, participate and receive feedback before wrapping up the lesson. The suggestion is to focus on teaching connected speech following the PPP model, and that is the challenge set to you. Excuse me, I think youve given me the wrong change., Sorry, I think this change is wrong, I gave you 10 not 5., Excuse me, but theres a problem with the heating in my room, Sorry to bother you, but I think theres something wrong with the air-conditioning., Im afraid I have to make a complaint. This lesson structure is aligned with a scaffolded approach to teaching as the PPP template encourages increased autonomy for the ELL student. Functional language is often the theme for a chapter or part of a unit in a student book so after going through it, the students are more capable of functioning in that situation. Also, the suggestion is to have a debate for the Production activity. For my TEFL course, I'm currently drafting a PPP Lesson Plan for a large class of 60 pre-intermediate teens on functional English - specifically agreeing & disagreeing. -One student in the group then tells the class about discussion. The sheet covers language and phrases for making a complaint, apologizing, giving reasons, calming someone down, asking for specifics, taking action, checking back and making promises. Do you think complaining relieves stress? flight cancellation in the event of illness, loss or damage of baggage during trip, medical expenses while away etc). (For example, listening: three people at a meeting at work arguing about the location of the coffee machine.) You may want to have a look at Before You Start and A Few Thoughts as well. Because engaging in a debate can be viewed as a function or a situation which often uses particular kinds of language, our target language could be one or more groups of expressions that would be useful in carrying out that speaking activity. It's funny ppl are still having the same frustrations that were expressed here 2 yrs ago. recognize me, the e-book will unquestionably ventilate you extra situation to read. Students start by answering questions about their own experiences of making and handling complaints. When youre done, read A Few Thoughts and check out the provided plan. Group conversation class I was teaching the information below students practice making complaints game, students then write the... However, if you wish to make polite requests production stage, but can... Get their students as well is not the language the speaker uses in the way! 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