tilot. (Star Trek: Communicatorissue 145,p.24) Braga was happy that this portrayal of the Romulans seemed to come at an appropriate time, commenting, "I think it's cool that on Star Trek Nemesis you can see the Romulans of Picard's time, and at the same time you're seeing the early encounters with them on Enterprise; there's great synergy there." The average life span is approximately 220-250 years, though for the last ten to fifteen of these years, the individual may be in a relatively weakened state. The construction of Romulan names varies by region and class, however, in general, formal names follow a standard format of: Given Name + Locative + House-Clan. The Romulan Republic was founded to create a more open society, but it is unclear exactly how dominant each ideology is. A Romulan mining ship, the Narada, survives and travels back in time to the 23rd century; its commander, Nero (Eric Bana), is committed to destroying the planet Vulcan to punish Spock for failing to save Romulus. Additionally, Piller and Rick Berman imagined that the story might be set against the threat of a new outbreak of hostilities between the two governments. (ENT: "Minefield"; TOS: "Balance of Terror"), After the Treaty of Algeron went into effect, the Romulans retreated into political and social isolation from the Federation. it Should be Easily Speak able and Readable Also. Names, as everyone should know, are of extreme importance in Rihannsu society, having a quasi-religions significance. tumaim. Note that the lists of names presented in the above paragraphs are by no means exhaustive, so feel free to consult with other Rihannsu if you would like to invent a name for your character. In the 21st century, as the Romulans rediscovered their origins they began a long term program of undermining Vulcan society and steering them away from Surak's . It is stated the Senate approved of Nero's actions. [6] "Contagion" was the first episode in the Star Trek franchise in which the Romulan ship was given a name, in this case the Haakona. And now there are Romulan fan clubs all over the place in Michigan, and Bakersfield, California, to name just a few." Valdore, a Romulan male in 2154 [8], Three episodes later, in "The Defector", written by Ronald D. Moore and first screened in January 1990, a Romulan admiral is presented as seeking to defect to the Federation. The Romulan language, or Rihannsu, is similar to the Vulcan language and is difficult to distinguish from Vulcan or other species. (Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion(3rd ed., p. 60)) Nonetheless, the reappearance of the Romulans in "The Neutral Zone" proved the species had lost none of its appeal. Type: History. Because Romulans were members of a militaristic civilization, who considered defending the Romulan Empire and their own personal honor of foremost importance, military service and its accompanying rank were decisive factors in determining social eminence. After all, they hadn't been developed all that much in The Original Series, and they were a glamorous, attractive enemy." (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident"; TNG: "Contagion", "Face Of The Enemy"; DS9: "Image in the Sand"), A street in the Krocton Segment on Romulus, The Romulans lacked the rigorous mental disciplines developed by the followers of Surak. In disgust, he retreated to his vineyard on Earth. (PIC: "The Impossible Box"), In the 24th century, a dissident movement began to gain momentum, based on the desire to learn about Vulcan and their ideals. They enjoy highly spiced or seasoned foods more than sweets. The Romulan language diverged enough from Vulcan that by the 22nd century it was an entirely separate language that most Vulcans were not fluent in. It was generally assumed that after the split, Romulans and Vulcans were unaware of their common ancestry until the 23rd century. Andrei. They produce at most two eggs per cyclic period from paired ovaries. Soon after their emergence from a century of isolation in the mid 2260s, they had established at least two embassies with the Federation. The Star Navy operated fleets of warbirds, birds-of-prey and other starships and was often at the forefront of the Star Empire's contacts with the Klingon Empire, United Federation . The Bird-of-Prey was originally built for service to the Tal'Shiar, but when the Praetor declared war on the Coalition of Planets, the ship was commandeered by Valdore's navy to raid Earth convoys. The Romulan nose is specifically adapted to filtering dust and conserving moisture, moreso than most humanoids. But since he was really plotting to execute her, this may have been a lie. In an early story outline that Harve Bennett wrote for the third film, the Romulans discovered that the Genesis Planet had extraordinarily rich dilithium deposits and found Spock's coffin on the planet's surface. The ears are less . [2] In the episode, which is set in the year 2364, the Starfleet ship USS Enterprise-Dwhose crew are the series' main protagonistsresponds to the disappearance of Federation colonies along the Neutral Zone, fearing that it reflects growing Romulan activity in the region. (PIC: "The Star Gazer"), The path of Zhal Makh meditation is outlined on the floor, The Zhal Makh was a traditional form of meditation practiced by the Romulans and considered taboo to non-Romulans. There have certainly been episodes that dealt with Romulans, but nothing like the Klingons, Cardassians, and Ferengi." During development of the 2009 film Star Trek, the writers of the movie's script, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, chose the Romulans as the villains because the film was a continuation of Spock's story from "Unification". This is sometimes used to dull the pain others among them feel. The Romulans have been the focus of a number of non-canon books, and have appeared or been mentioned in other non-canon media. The extermination of the Romulan people would have left a mystery for Picard as to how they had managed to defeat the Borg ship before it had wiped them all out. This makes it the perfect choice for those who want to sleep or relax after a stressful day. The Warbird was developed by Andrew Probert with the model built by Greg Jein. Physically, the Romulans were presented as humanoid, but the show's make-up department gave them pointed ears to distinguish them from humans. Enterprise supplied the Federation with their first look at a Romulan's face. Ambassador Spock was deeply involved in this movement. The prefix ei- has several different uses and is appended to a name placed between the locative and the house-clan. The story also brought the Romulans in conflict with the Enterprise and its senior officers. (Star Trek Magazineissue 146,p.24) On the other hand, according to Star Trek Magazineissue 146 (p. 24), the Romulans on set seemed distinctly intimidating. In Romulans however, its actual anatomical location is shifted more centrally back toward the stomach. "It's all going to have to do with his time he has three huge movies that he is working on now. (TNG: "Unification I"), Romulans had three names: one for outsiders, one for family, and a true name for the one they gave their hearts to. All Romulan names are assumed to be used in RIS Bouteina.However, other sources may have another name for a rank, in which . ( LUG RPG: The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon ) Enterprise NX-01 inadvertently encountered a Romulan minefield at one point, officially the first time Humanity became aware of the Romulans. 24K Gold is considered an indica-leaning hybrid but has balanced effects and physical sativa traits such as its long leaves and ability to reach exceptional heights outdoors. To avert civil war between the two factions, S'task leads his followers on a mass migration. (Star Trek: The MagazineVolume 1, Issue 23,pp. I've always liked them, from the time I saw Marc Lenard's face in 'Balance of Terror' and realized what they were swiping from." (PIC: "Remembrance", "The End is the Beginning"), After the destruction of Romulus, some of the surviving Romulans were politically organized as the Romulan Free State. (Star Trek Magazineissue 146,p.27), Romulan prosthetics for the film Star Trek were at first arranged to be the purview of Proteus FX Makeup Effects Supervisor Barney Burman. A high metabolic rate aids in the rapid healing of minor injuries. Putting together a script for the new film, the director J. J. Abrams stated that he wanted Romulans to be the antagonists because they had featured less than the Klingons in the original Star Trek series. As Romulans pass the varous ranks and titles of their lives, they sometimes choose or are assigned changes to the long form of their names. They were described as "those who march beneath the Raptor's wings", a symbol later to be used in the Romulan Star Empire, and eventually departed Vulcan after losing a nuclear war called the Time of Awakening. Writer Paul Schneider created the Romulans for the 1966 Star Trek episode "Balance of Terror". In the Vulcan's Soul trilogy, the Romulans' ancestors left Vulcan as a contingency plan approved by Surak, should the wars on Vulcan have completely destroyed their civilization. At least some Romulans believed that, one day, the Romulan Empire would rule the entire galaxy and that Humans would be extinct. In 2014, "Balance of Terror" was rated the best episode in the franchise by Io9.[1]. (TOS: "Balance of Terror"; Star Trek Nemesis) The Praetor headed the Continuing Committee, which was composed of the Empire's most elite individuals, who made decisions of the utmost importance. (TOS: "Balance of Terror") However, while the military played an important role in Romulan society, it was the Romulan Senate that controlled the government. ("Balance of Terror" Starfleet Access, TOS Season 1 Blu-ray) (Note that Gene Coon was not yet a member of the Star Trek creative staff when "Balance of Terror" was written and produced. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. In Duane's novel The Romulan Way, Vulcan society becomes polarized by their first encounter with an alien species Orion pirates attempting to invade their world. Romulan religious beliefs vary in non-canon sources. By the 24th century, the Romulan Star Empire was one of the major powers in the galaxy. He also noted about the exclusion of the Romulans, "I think that was a mistake." As an homage to Gene Roddenberry's original conception of the Romulans as Chinese Communists, Logan and the other writers of Nemesis made all the Romulan and Reman names in the film of ancient Chinese descent. This article describes the process of naming of persons, places and things in languages spoken by Romulans. The Romulans were a humanoid race from the planet Romulus. Someone born in a rural area of Menhei would use ir-Menhei as their locative. (Keroro and the Keronians are probably also puns on the word kerokero, which means "croak" or "ribbit". The shadings and connotations of a name go far beyond its simple dictionary definition. We can thank the iconic team of cannabis scientists at DNA Genetics in Amsterdam for blessing us with 24K Gold, also known as Kosher Tangie. (Star Trek Magazineissue 155,p.57), Casting Director April Webster was at first very puzzled as to how to cast the Romulans in the film. In the same interview, Berman went on to outrightly dismiss the chance that Romulans could show up in the first season. Romulan females are capable of procreation at any time after the age of sexual maturation, which is usually around fifteen years of age. They have appeared in most subsequent Star Trek releases, including The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise, Discovery, Picard, Strange New Worlds, and Lower Decks. The first, or proper name is generally given by one's parents. "Yeah, he would love to do that, and we would love to give him that chance," announced Rick Berman. The female Romulan commander whispers her name into Spock's ear as though it's a personal secret. Unofficially, affectionately known as "Baby V'Ger", shown with a Galaxy-class dreadnought for scale. (Star Trek: Communicatorissue 145,p.32), The Earth-Romulan War was, however, intended to be explored in the fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise and the film Star Trek: The Beginning, neither of which were produced. I usually tried to give them names in Romulan or name them after Romulan ships on the show, like the Khazara. A person named Hexce Firh would call himself Hexce i-Ra'tleihfi ei-Firh tr'Mrian. Usually, this happens through marriage, although occasionally adoption will require it. The Romulan government consists of at least two parts: The Imperial Senate is the main governing and legislative body that meets in a large chamber in the capital city on Romulus. The planet Romulus is inhabited by Romulans who are at the head of an empire of the same name. In keeping with their xenophobic attitudes, the Romulans tend to conquer species rather than form alliances with them, and individual Romulans tend to treat other species with varying degrees of disdain. (Star Trek: The MagazineVolume 2, Issue 2,pp. Romulan names are very personal, and are rarely used in their entirety in the company of outsiders to the society of the Romulan Star Empire. Despite Schneider alone being given on-screen credit for the writing of that particular episode, citation for the creator of the Romulans became somewhat muddied as the years went by. (TNG: "The Chase"), By the late 24th century, some Romulans believed that the story of Ganmadan predated the arrival of the ancestors of the Romulans and Vulcans on Vulcan. Deliberately, much less attention was paid to them in Voyager. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. 10,000's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like. (Star Trek: The MagazineVolume 3, Issue 8,pp. (DS9: "Image in the Sand") In addition, much like being an offshoot from their Vulcan cousins themselves, a race known as the Debrune were an ancient offshoot of the Romulans. [12] Three episodes later, the follow-on episodes "Improbable Cause" and "The Die Is Cast" again featured the Romulans, in this case portraying a joint mission by the Romulan Tal Shiar and Cardassian Obsidian Order to fatally cripple the Dominion by eradicating its leaders, the Founders. Yes, it will, Mister Spock. First and middle names are usually given with reservation, usually to friends and family. As such, they were written into the first draft script for the latter of those two episodes, then entitled "Mission Into Chaos". Males tend to have larger ears and more prominent points than females. Romulans in TNG rarely had more than one name, generally going for Vulcan-like, K-heavy names like Tomalak and Chulak, though eventually some were given two . ", The change to the newly invented Son'a was made "because nobody liked the idea of using the Romulans, ever," said Michael Piller. In cases of anonymity, they were known for commonly using hired assassins, such as the Flaxians, to conduct their off-world "justice" (DS9: "Improbable Cause"). You do know I have a first name. They can be anything you choose to say, such as: 5. The names for their homeworlds. However, an influence on overcoming this challenge was the fact that the rest of the movie's cast incorporated a wide variety of people, with different skin colors and ages. xvii-xviii) Logan also enthused, "I was delighted with the chance to get to play with the Romulans, and I don't think they've quite been explored enough [] For me the Communist Chinese is a really interesting world that was never fully explored, certainly in the movies, and not even as much as I would have liked in the series, except for individual episodes. [1], The Romulans finally made a physical reappearance in the third season outing "The Enterprise Incident", which had the working title "The Romulan Incident". Describing that, between the two, there were "subtle differences too many of them." By the time food reaches the second chamber, it is almost completely digested. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Romulan Dictionary An Introduction to the Romulan Language. Despite continuing in-fighting between the survivors, a new capital called Rihan is established on Rator III. In this episode, the Enterprise-D entered the Neutral Zone to answer a distress call and ends up in conflict with a Romulan vessel, with both spaceships being disabled by an alien computer virus. Although Romulan DNA is similar to those of other humanoids, Romulan blood structures are based on copper, not iron, hence the typical greenish cast to the skin in a healthy individual. So it is assumable that their physiology is nearly identical to the Vulcans, except in smaller aspects that are the result of evolutionary adaptation to Romulus conditions. He also stated that this did not exempt the species from appearing in that season, in which they nevertheless ultimately did not feature. Some Romulans believe that names carry a special power in the Elements that make up the universe, so they choose them very carefully to avoid bad fortune. Although the first name is bestowed by the parents before they know much about the character of their baby, children most often grow into their names, although not always in the way their parents had anticipated. In this case, the person changing their name would take their old family name as their locative name using the prefix e-, meaning 'of the family of.' One should always address a Romulan by their House-Clan name only unless given permission otherwise. 29-30), As Harve Bennett subsequently discussed the story with Leonard Nimoy, the Romulans were at the forefront of their thinking. Romulans are typically above the average height of most humanoids, with adult males ranging from 60 to 67, and adult females from 57 to 60. (Star Trek Monthlyissue 9,p.50). A Rihannha's third name determines the house they are affiliated with. This is an evolutionary adaptation from their distant ancestors lives in the deserts of Vulcan. Romulans have very little genetic or racial diversity. You might have heard many names that are already great. (Information provided by Mike Sussman). His name is Nniol i-Ra'tleihfi tr'Sahen. "It was a matter of developing a good Romanesque set of admirable antagonists that were worthy of Kirk," Schneider related. In season 4, the Romulans played a pivotal role in the episodes "Kir'Shara", "Babel One," "United" and "The Aenar." 118, pp. The station can build construction ships, cargo ships, and freighters, the basic units for establishing an outpost in the area. [9](X), Applying the Romulan prosthetics for Nemesis regularly took four hours. Romulan surnames were usually the official name of the family, or house, that a person belonged to. (TNG: "The Defector", "The Pegasus"), They were also well-known for fearing disgrace over death. This often occurs in adoptions or as part of a political alliance. The Enterprise must decide on its response when a Romulan ship makes a destructively hostile armed probe of Federation territory. Like with any new game, STFC has it's bugs. (Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission, p. 66), Star Trek novels scribe Susan Schwartz also approved of the Romulans. The need for costly actor-specific ears was negated via reusable helmets that were worn by the background Romulans. [3](X), One of the first concepts in the writing of Star Trek Nemesis was to centrally feature the Romulans. A mining vessel, the Narada, survived and was captained by Nero, who exploited the black hole's creation of a time warp into the past to attack Spock's home planet of Vulcan in revenge and planned to destroy all planets of the Federation so that Romulus could be "free" and possibly conquer everywhere else. Its script is distinct from occasional glimpses of Romulan writing in earlier series. The Romulans were devised for the episode "Balance of Terror". The line also promotes a taller more stretchy profile that stacks, to complement the lip-smacking Rainbow Belts #20 mother cuts, more bushy structure. For a list of some acceptable reheiin, refer again to the Rihannsu dictionary on this site. By the time a week of filming had gone by, Bana found the new Romulan facial appearance "began to look completely normal to me, and regular humans started to look weird!" The newly designed Romulan ship that appeared in "The Neutral Zone" was built as a miniature model by Greg Jein. Romulan skin is a more extensive moisture-proof barrier than the skin of most other humanoid species, and due to specialized skin cells, can absorb moisture directly from the environment. However, Berman made these statements without the writing staff of Enterprise having discussed the species appearing on the series nor the art department doing any design work related to the Romulans. (Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, p. 34) D.C. Fontana reckoned that Schneider basing the aliens on the pre-existing Roman civilization was the cause for the writer receiving insufficient credit for creating the Romulans. In the Star Trek: Discovery episode "Unification III", Ambassador Spock's dream of Vulcan/Romulan reunification has been achieved. They have a small, extra carpal bone at the base of the thumb, and so the bones of the Romulan wrist and hand number 28 in total. Physical appearance [] Due to their shared ancestry, Vulcans and Romulans possessed very similar physiology, including pointed ears, and arched eyebrows. The Romulans would have had a grander future had the animated series Star Trek: Final Frontier been produced instead of the film Star Trek: set in the 2460s, a war caused by Omega particle detonations (which was not actually the Romulans' fault) permitted them to conquer Qo'noS, destroy Andoria, and force the Vulcans to leave the Federation to negotiate reunification. We don't talk about the Romulans [] The sparks fly when the writers bring up the Romulans." Manage Settings [4], The Romulans were re-used for the second-season episode "Contagion", written by Steve Gerber and Beth Woods and first aired in March 1989. [8] It also further established the idea of a significant enmity between the Romulans and the Klingons, with the Enterprise's Klingon officer, Worf (Michael Dorn), refusing to donate blood to save the life of an injured Romulan; the scriptwriters had debated whether to include this, with Dorn initially reticent. Dold Digger 8. 2. Another person who was there at the time was D.C. Fontana, who was present when Schneider pitched the episode to Gene Roddenberry. This action led Starfleet to withdraw the rescue mission, thus betraying the Romulans in their hour of need. [13] For these episodes, new Tal Shiar outfits were designed; Moore related that this was partly his decision, for he "hated, underline hated, the Romulan costumes [introduced in the first season of The Next Generation]. For anyone who's playing the current build of the star trek armada 3 mod. At the time, John Logan rhetorically asked, "Why isn't anyone using them?" The deviousness, xenophobia, and practiced duplicity were notably rejected by the Qowat Milat, an order of warrior nuns that were ideologically (and sometimes martially) opposed to the Tal Shiar and the Zhat Vash. They are filled with interesting places, adventures, and characters. Andr Bormanis, a writing staffer who wrote that episode, explained, "I wondered whether they might be Romulans until we decided to do a CGI alien effect [for the aliens themselves]. A total of forty main Romulan characters were created to appear in the movie, a process that started with lifecasts for each actor. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} or {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old. The Borg are a civilization of cyborgs (hence the name "Borg") which seek to conquer or "perfect" all life, siezing other lifeforms, technology, vessels, planets, and even entire star systems by force, enslaving them. There were subtle alterations made to the Romulan prosthetics (at least for the Nero character) before filming, making it easier to perform on long shooting days. (TNG: "Face Of The Enemy"), Romulan society was based upon a highly structured caste system. Common usage of names is simply Given Name + House-Clan. Unlike most of the highly evolved species in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, Romulans still practiced slavery, in this case of the Remans, which they used for slave labor and as shock troops. Too many of them. ), Applying the Romulan Empire would the. Basic units for establishing an outpost in the area 1966 Star Trek 3. Describes the process of naming of persons, places and things in languages by. 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