This guide helps you to decide whether Silkie is a good chicken for you and your backyard or not. WebSilkie Standard. Face: Surface smooth, skin fine and soft in texture. Causes, Treatment & FAQs, Best 11 Tarps for Chicken Coop & Run: A Winter & Rain Proof Pen. Itll be good to keep one box for every chicken unless you increase your silkies as pets. He spoke of wool-bearing chickens, so those hairing such as the hair of a black cat.. They adore human enterprise or enjoy being overwhelmedwhich all makes them the ideal family pet. All Silkie varieties have bluish or black skin. Variations recognized: white, partridge, splash, gray, blue, buff, or black. Blue Silkies are an even-toned blue throughout their plumage, almost slate grey in color, without any barring of white or black. Silkie hens are extraordinarily broody too, and they care for their baby chicks very well. Toes: five, the three front straight, well and evenly spread, the hind toe double, the normal toe in natural position and the extra toe placed above, starting from close to the other toe, but well formed, longer than the other toes and curving upwards and backwards; the outer and middle toe well feathered. The breed has many other uncommon characteristics from each foot, different skin colors, bones, blue earlobes, or five toes, while the majority of chickens have only 4. There are also Silkie chickens in India. (Bare middle toe a serious defect in either sex). They are popular furry chickens with lovely shaded colors. According to the "recognized breeds" link on the website for the American Poultry Association, the splash color is only recognized in,, Forms/APA Recognized Breeds and Varieties Sept2012.pdf. Silkies feathers come in different colors and not all colors are recognized by the APA. A post shared by Blacksmith Farm (@blacksmithfarm). Silkies also come in a Bearded and Non-bearded variety, and can be found in many different colors. However, wild Silkies have a shorter lifespan than domestic Silkie chickens. Search our database of over 11517 posts with up-to-date information from our experts and veterinarians. Consider providing your Silkies chickens with layer crumbles instead of pellets, which are too large for the Silkies to swallow without choking. They can be bred by mixing blue and blue or blue and black varieties. In the female Silkie, the comb should be tiny and hidden by the crest (although the comb should not split the crest). Perfection guidelines recommend that all Silkies get a walnut-shaped comb, small, dark wattles, or turquoise-blue earlobes. The cuckoo Silkie is not a recognised variety and there are a few serious breeders working to improve them overall. This health problem affects both domestic and wild Silkies, although domestic Silkie hens are more vulnerable to the condition. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures. There are many challenges with breeding this variety, and they are one of the most difficult to develop. Special care is essential for silky chickens because silkie chickens are perhaps the most famous or adored ornamental breed of chicken. Furthermore, corn has excess calories, which makes Silkies, especially inactive Silkie chickens, obese. Bearded: small to nonexistent, concealed by beard. Unripe, Peel, Fruit Part, Best 17 White Chicken Breeds With Pictures, Info, Eggs, Weight, Best 11 Chicken Breeds with Feathered Feet (Info & Pictures), Red Ranger Chicken: Eggs, Height, Size, and Raising Tips, Chicken Comb: Types, Color, Benefits, Pictures, and FAQs, Chickens Laying Soft Shell Eggs? They consist of 1 splash rooster and blue hens and 1 blue rooster and splash hens. As a matter of fact, the Silkie seen in the showroom today has changed considerably in the last 30 to 40 years. They have turquoise earlobes, five- or six-toed feet, black muscles, and bones, with dark beaks, combs, and wattles. Nonetheless, the disease doesnt claim many Silkies, and it is pretty easy to detect and treat, unlike other health problems. The silica chicken is made with black skin or bones. For instance, Silkies with this condition can either experience wet pox or dry pox. In 1598, Ulisse Aldrovandi, the writer and naturalist at Bologna College, authored the comprehensive treatise on chickens that are still being read or praised today. Female - same as male except no spur. Its one of the purposes of why keeping Silkies outdoors is not suggested they have reduced vision, and also because of their feathers, they could not jump as large as other birds do. There are seven recognized colors of Silkies,. The silkie is famed for its distinctive and rather impressive look. The eyes are black in color. About Us My final question is the difference between red and buff silkies. Silkie chickens are simple for pets to maintain. They occasionally have white-tipped wings and white on their necks but are generally totally black, with a green sheen on their faces. The exception is that not every colour is accepted as standard. Silkie Bantams are some of the most charming and beguiling oddities of the Poultry Fancy. The silica is broad or stout; the back is short and the breast is full. White, black, blue, gold and partridge. Silkies are hardy, and they are also highly cold-tolerant birds, unlike other chicken breeds. You will hardly lose your Silkie chickens in winter due to freezing or frostbite. It is in the last few years that I have developed an appreciation for them and the challenge in breeding them.They come in a collection of colours: Black, Blue, Buff, Partridge, Red, White, and shades of all the above. The exact date and place of origin of the Silkies is not known, however Marco Polo wrote of the fur-covered fowl with black skin during his journeys to China in the 13th century. Wild aquatic birds carry these viruses and then spread them to domestic birds. The comb should not be a single type. It is amongst a poultrys most docile. It does have the overall appearance of gray vs lavender/self blue, but the way it looks also bears resemblance to a partridge silkie any ideas on this would be very helpful! Learn Poultry Chickens Chicken Breeds Silkie Chickens Breed Profile & Facts. The presence of Di means that the black of the silkie's skin colour can be lightened, as Di also affects expression of Fm. Their bones are also bluish or black, while their meat is grayish-black. Silkies are considered a bantam breed in some countries, but this varies according to region and many breed standards class them officially as large fowl; the bantam Silkie is actually a separate variety most of the time. Some of the tell signs that your Silkies could be having coccidiosis include diarrhea, sudden weight loss, loss of appetite, and ruffled feathers. A post shared by Kelly's Chicken Adventures (@ilovechookens). Is the splash a standard color for Silkies? From each side of the shaft comes the web which are tiny strands that are held together by small hooks or barbicels on the ends of the strands which gives the feather their typical appearance. Silkie roosters are relatively bigger than hens. Bearded: very small, almost concealed by muffs. Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. Account Login They have a pleasant and calm temperament, unlike larger chicken breeds that can be rather unfriendly and aggressive. Although they can be found in Asian cuisine and several restaurants pay money for Silkie meat, increasing them for meat through your backyard is not a magnificent idea. Silkies are definitely one of the most unique and unusual chicken breeds, and in addition to their unique coloring, they have an extra fifth toe and blue earlobes! Silkies have a good life expectancy. A male with 2 copies is represented as (B,B).A male with one copy is represented as (B, b+) where lower case b+ indicates a lack of the barring gene. Silkies make good mothers. While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. I am Bijaya Kumar and I have been raising chickens for the last 10 years. All be it with the wrong comb. Deactivate the Youzify Membership System to use the theme's login form, Officers, Directors and State Representatives. The bacterial disease usually affects young Silkies. Eggs production in Silkies can also stop during winter due to cold. Silkies are definitely one of the most unique and unusual chicken breeds, and in addition to their unique coloring, they have an extra fifth toe and blue earlobes! Silkies have multiple recognized color varieties: Partridge, Red, Splash, Self-blue, Black, Blue, Buff, White, and then all the colors above, though variants do not Free-range Silkie chickens have access to protein from bugs, although you can sprinkle some fish meal on your yard for the chickens to pick them up while they are roaming outdoors. WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY ARISING FORM SUCH ERRORS, OMISSIONS, LOST OF DATA, INTERRUPTIONS OR DELAYS OR ANY ONGOING OBLIGATION OR RESPONSIBILITY TO OPERATE THIS WEBSITE OR IN THE PROVISION OF ITS SERVICES. Silkies with this disease also lose weight over time. The wattles in the male are small and neat and a It took years of work and development by breeders to keep the color going. Alternatively, you can raise Silkie chickens for either eggs or meat. The Silkie mini and bantam-These are small, with males filling the measurements at 600 g (22 Ozs) or 500 g (18 Ozs) of hens. Cold Hardiness:Hardy in winterHeat Tolerance:Tolerates heat wellBears Confinement:Bears confinement wellEspecially Docile:YesSetter/Broody:YesPersonality:Sweet, tame, mothering. Other areas through Southeast Asia, like India or Java, were named as potentialities. Silkie chickens are categorized according to color. Silkie chickens are decent layers, notwithstanding their tiny size. Pet Keen is reader-supported. When you have in your flock a range of chicken breeds, you have to pay a few other extra attentions and make sure bullying does not really happen. They possess many characteristics that set them apart from the other breeds of chickens; the most obvious being the texture of their feathers which is almost fur or silk-like in appearance hence their name. The pure white Silkie is one of the most common Silkie variations available, and like all Silkies, they have a black face and skin. Silkie chickens are native to Asia, specifically Japan and China. Although they are good layers of themselves, laying only around 2-3 eggs each week, owing to their broody natural environment. Non Bearded Silkie Chickens are full of character, they are sweet, docile birds. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Also, Chick #4 was supposedly a gray silkie when we ordered him/her. Primaries: medium length, well shredded, tapering convexly to stern, tips concealed by saddle feathers. The bearded Silkie chicken has a muff of feathers beneath its beak area. WebSilkies appear in two distinct varieties: Bearded and Non-bearded. Black Silkies can be bred by breeding a blue and a splash Silkie, a blue and a black Silkie, and of course, two black Silkies. Since the American Silkie is a bantam (small breed) the eggs are not huge - about medium in size ranging in colors from white to light brown. Buffs is one of my favourite coloured Silkie varieties. Grey Silkies are more silver than grey, with a sheen over their plumage when viewed in sunlight. Spurs: medium size and length, set just above the 5th toe. Silkie chickens are fantastic meat producers, although they dont produce large chunks of meat like other larger chicken breeds. A female with barring is represented as (B, _).A female without barring is represented as (b+, _). Silkies are among the few other breeds of chickens that possess five toes instead of the usual four. Hens weigh between 1 and 1.4 kg. Silkie cockerels are also docile and less aggressive than other breeds and make fine, caring fathers to young, even helping mum with her duties. Silkie chickens were known to lay about 100 to 120 eggs per year, and it is not many eggs annually considering other chicken breeds. Red Silkies are a rare variation and not recognized. Female: very small, rest of description the same as the male. They can grow between 8 and 14 inches tall. I was looking up Partidge Silkie to see if it was accepted and stumbled on this thread. Their skin, beaks, toes, and legs are all black too. Black Silkies can be bred by breeding a blue and a splash Silkie, a blue and a black Silkie, and of course, two black Silkies. 2. Blue/Splash Blue Silkies are an even-toned blue throughout their plumage, almost slate grey in color, without any barring of white or black. * Shanks not feathered down outer sidesSee APA Standard for Other DQs and cuts. They can cease laying eggs during the hot summer months. WebThe Silkie (also known as the Silky or Chinese silk chicken) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. Silkie chickens are easy to recognize. Silkies ~ Colors and Gender Guide {May need tweaks}. Feathers have several parts to them; the main part being the quill that grows from beneath the skin which tapers off up the center of the feather to become the shaft. I have only ever seen them in white. These chickens require similar care to other chickens. Help! If perfected, they make for one of the most beautiful Silkie variations. STANDARD eWh/eWh Pg/pg+ or pg+/pg+ Mh/Mh Db/Db and recessive blackI believe there are some people working on red Silkies in Australia. These Silkies are a uniform light grey-lavender across their plumage. Head: Moderately small, short, carried so that a line drawn parallel with tip of the tail will bisect the comb. What You Need To Know. 'If you are a masochist, raise buffs as there is a lot of culling involved.If you are a die hard for punishment, raise partridge as this is one of the hardest patterns and colours to get right.Greys are a patterned bird; blues are essentially solid coloured.Grey is partridge with silver rather than gold. This disease can spread rapidly among your Silkie chickens, and it helps to isolate the sick birds before the contagious illness extends to the healthy birds. Silkie Bantams are some of the most charming and beguiling oddities of the Poultry Fancy. 14 Ways Cats Show Their Love, Cute Frogs: 9 Pictures That Will Make You Happy. Of all the ornamental chicken breeds, the Silkie Bantam is one of the most popular and beloved, and certainly one of the most entertaining to watch. Silkies are known for their black and delicious meat. What gets me is that splash is recognized in silkiesbut not in Langshans! Silkie Chickens are divided into two categories, bearded and non-bearded. That's why the male cuckoo is so important. The average lifespan of a Silkie chicken is around 7-9 years. Furthermore, Silkie chicken eggs are delicious and taste awesome like the eggs from other larger chicken breeds. Bearded Silkies get an additional feather muffle beneath a beak area that covers earlobes. Bedding Bedding and silkie chickens will be a must. What are your frugal and sustainable tips and tricks? Silkie chickens are likely to cost more in areas where there arent many people raising these chickens. Silkie baby chicks are more likely to get wet than adult Silkies since they dont have thick feathers like their adult counterparts. Besides entertainment or affection, Silkies can offer tangible advantages to their owners, making it even more rewarding to keep Silkies as pets. Is this a real color? The underscore indicates her short chromosome lacks the location of that gene.When a barred female (B,_) is crossed with a non-barred male, (b+, b+) results in all the male offspring being barred and the females are non-barred. Silkie chickens come in two distinct varieties, namely non-bearded and bearded Silkies. For other DQs and cuts temperament, unlike larger chicken breeds Silkie chickens, so those hairing such as male. 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