He was leading around a new member of Las Nevadas with the others when you came tumbling by. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair playing with the freshly cut ends. He loves to pet your ears or watch you inspect things. Your whole family breaks your heart. Technoblade snarled at their advancements, his hand twitching at his sword just itching to grab at it and spill their blood, but he couldn't risk hurting you in the process. "What's wrong? Ultimately it was your fault, the man kept pulling his stitches trying to do anything, which made both you and Ranboo frustrated as hell. Wow, thats unheard of. He thinks your hybrid side is interesting. "I already did." You promised!" Y/N meets a very peculiar boy who seems like the answer to her problems, and a very good friend in t A young childs village was attacked and burned down by some Hunters, Then Techno found Y/n in the snow crying and took you back home. With an annoyed grumble, Technoblade moved over so you could lay down beside him and Aether, you gently brushed your thumb across the fur on the baby's cheeks. You cut him off, seeing as he was rambling. The one in the pig mask quickly threw down some pork while the older blonde male kept his distance. While being half-blaze and half human was usually pretty interesting, it definitely had its downsides. I rolled my hips and he let out a breathy noise. "I didn't realize how assertive you were. Scolding him afterwards, His favorite feature is probably when you sneeze. Until now, you never imagined that you would be begging for help from someone. This is if the Dream SMP was real and a female y/n and Technoblade are in a relationship so all deaths are the end. He doesnt mind, actually enjoying the attention, He likes to give you his crown, seeing your ears peek out from under the material. He sees you as a threat at first. Techno slowly started moving down from my neck to my collar bone, to my chest, to my stomach and rested there for a minute before looking up at me half lidded, asking if it was ok to go further. Before the Blade could do anything too rash you picked up your head and locked eyes with him, a beaming smile coming across your features. He tries not to show his care, knowing others could use that against him. Anyways happy birthday Sulfur enjoy the fucking! He trusts you enough to deal with a situation, but will still help out if things go haywire, Afterwards hell smother you in affection as a thank you, The type of relationship that is either very calm or absolute chaos, no in between, If you can retract into a shulker box, the man will be amazed. He wants the best for you, especially since you havent left him, and will seek out remedies himself not trusting the others. He wont treat you any differently, other than his smaller actions, At first, he will pester you constantly to figure out what type of gemstone you are. I hope you enjoy the story! itll be spent polishing each others horns, trying to lay together or hug without the horns getting in the way is difficult, occasional head bumps followed by laughter, if you really want to cuddle itll have to be spooning to avoid hitting horns, complain about him not showing affection? The extension of yourself. 8. Thank you !! tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. You chased after him once you came to that realization, "Technoblade!". "AetherLike the god of light and the sky? Though when a girl shows up nearly dead in the snow after a harsh blizzard, w A women that plays MCC as apart of the viewing team get all the fames by making herself and her team win this MCC, but what happen when other Youtubers find out about her ? The cold of the tundra didnt make the trip back more comfortable, if anything it made you long for the heat of The Nether, Tossing your armor and bag aside, you call out to Philza wondering where he could be. But, he worries about his friends too much, He thinks your abilities are very interesting and will want to learn more about them. Baby, you have to let go of me." Since, you dont need to sleep as a phantom hybrid, you often relax with him or go exploring, He still encourages you to sleep and with some reluctance you eventually try it. Bite her neck. (PLATONIC RE Technoblade's been fighting in the stadium (dubbed The Pit) since he was 4yrs old. (Rest of warnings will be before the chapter) Techno gets in a big fight with his father, Phil, and storms off into the nether. A random hybrid shows up at his door, and they are related to the ender dragon? The baby glared at him, stomping his little hoof, holding out the ingot higher. Idly, he turns down the burner and sinks into your touch. Want to test a weapon made of gemstones? Even if he is awkward with affection, the voices adore the gesture. He closed his eyes and ignored your giggles, you pulled the blankets over the three of you and you drifted off into a deep sleep. You never even thought it would in the first place. A technoblade x reader. He relented with a loud sigh, "just don't get him killed. You already asked, ready for a fight, Technoblade almost swooned, almost. After the fourth time pulling the stitches while he was trying to tame a polar bear, you had bound him to the bed. :D I wanted to request something similar like the headcannos that you made about the sheep!hybrid reader but with a bear!hybrid anyways I love your blog!! He decided to stick a little braid in his hair just so he could add a little flair, a knock sounded on the door and he met his own eyes in the mirror. I grabbed the base of his dick and lined it up before slowly pushing in the head and clenching on it. What did BadBoyHalo need to talk to you about? "Oh I didn't use anything did I? Phil, shes awake! He smiled softly as the smell of food wafted through the house from downstairs. I said under my breath. We just wear some gold, and we'll be in and out." It reminded him of how Phil found Technoblade when he was a kid. He mindlessly admires your beauty, enamored by your wings and personality. Normally Technoblade would use his trident trick to get home, but you were with him and wanted to walk by your side, considering you didn't have a tridentyet. hell grumble and tease you but will try to give out more affection even if its just linking pinkies, he is very surprised when he first met you, if you have more enderman features, like their lilac eyes or height hell think it is cool, but if you gained the ability to teleport?? I thought you deserved it after everything," You hummed softly cupping his cheek before sitting down across from him. I said and walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. Technoblade groaned from behind you, he had to gather materials for another radio, for a baby. He was shivering a little not used to the drastic temperature change. He often stays up late, partially due to his hybrid side so he usually spends that time with you. "I can be," Phil added raising his finger in the air, Technoblade gaped at him, "Don't encourage her!" When you first meet Techno, he can't stop his instincts even though he trusts his friend so much. This would be fun. "Thank you, grandpa," You teased to which he turned slightly red, Technoblade glared in your direction. At the end of the third week, he seemed to be so used to your constant attention and nurse-like tenderness that whenever you weren't fully tending to him he had a tantrum. Can you do the hybrids x hybrid reader expect the reader is a mythical creature? Wilbur Soot & Technoblade (6663) No Romantic Relationship(s) (6272) TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF) (5649) Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo (4915) Ranboo & Toby Smith | Tubbo & TommyInnit (4681) Include Additional Tags Angst (16006) Hurt/Comfort (13466) Fluff (10862) Wilbur Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings (8777) It was the baby piglin who had taken a liking to you earlier, his sword lowered a little bit as his eyes looked up and locked with Technoblades. He learns that phantoms do not attack you, instead perching on your shoulders casually, Sometimes, the phantoms even growl at Ranboo or anyone who tries to approach. He needed a makeover desperately, the voices were very much in agreement when he caught a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror. "You cut your hair." "So, I take it he's grown on you?". I turned around and glared at him. Techno isnt too use to affection, but he still returns the hug, although rather awkwardly with the knowing look Philza gives him, Technos body normally runs warm, especially as a hybrid from The Nether. Ive seen like two episodes but is this request like steven universe? You never even thought it would in the first place. Do you want to stop or is this too-" I cut him off by flipping him onto the couch and settling above him all in one quick motion. "Yeah bubs," You whispered tenderly walking over to the edge of the bed, "he figured it was time to head out." Especially if its from stress, Maybe he will bring around some books for you to read and relax together. You flipped Technoblade off as he slid down the ladder into the basement. He might tease you about it later, not now though since youre still upset, Lets be honest, deep down hes probably super cocky that he was able to make you purr. Either way he hates to admit the truth. Techno gets in a big fight with his father, Phil, and storms off into the nether. "You like that?" Hell even show you the spots he has from being a creeper hybrid, if that helps, Hopefully you enjoy building as well, since it is what youll be doing the most when spending time with Sam. His single eye widened considerably as he took the flower from your hands, you figured you'd give him something from the overworld. You asked drearily, eyes blinking as you came down from your mini-high, "You okay?". Phil glanced over at you motioning to the boys in bed before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a disposable camera. "I adopted a piglin from the Nether, he hid in my stuff, you thought I was pregnant?" If you can teleport with him, by holding onto him, he will want to try it at least once. He chased after you, and with a huff, Steve began to follow the both of you, too curious to just ignore the baby in your arms. Let's all lie to Technoblade, I'm such a victim, having to tend to an orphan my wife adopted." !SWEAR WORDS!! Youve tackled him into a hug, momentarily lifting him off the ground and spinning the hybrid around. Truthfully, Fundy is very happy that you were willing to purr around him. "Get out of here before I punt you, kid," He bared his teeth. ), The Brew of Fate | Prince!Technoblade x Witch!Fem!Reader, Blood Bound (Technoblade x FemReader) COMPLETE (Edited), A mask that belongs to you"/DreamSMPxYoutuber!Reader\", Silent Breeze ( DreamSMP x Female Reader ), Forgotten||Sleepy bois x Daughter! Last time I rely on them to relay a message!" "Nooo! What stirred him out of his thoughts was a slight movement in his bag, his entire body stilled and he slipped his bag off, tossing it into the snow. As much as he loves talking with you, he really just wants to relax. The purring calms him down almost instantly, maybe its instinct, maybe its because it is you. "Technoblade!" He ends up finding himself lost in the overworld, And then he meets a witch. Jumping up and down. "I'll head there in a few minutes, I wanna try and clean up on my own first, I feel gross." "Let's call him Aether." Especially since you have such high defense as a shulker hybrid, he knows you can take a hit or two, If you dont want to do that, hes more than fine with relaxing together, Maybe exploring woodland mansions and stealing the books from there for reading back home, Hell end up loaning a lot of his unused clothes to you since yours rip so often. You purr louder into his chest, leaning more into his touch and onto your toes. Fate (Technoblade x reader) request: Could you do something where reader is also half mob? I sat up and finally started riding him. He already knows most things they do, so he isnt too surprised that you inherit some of their abilities or follow the same instincts, He spends most of his time awake at night, so you can normally spend it with him. Thats how you normally acted around him and the others. Mike grinned, breaking the silence with a, "well, you're a dad now," while smacking Vincent . tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", 1. left kudos on this work! You had to cover your mouth to stop an excited squeal from leaving your mouth, both your boys were cuddling on the bed, Technoblade's crown was slipping off Aether's head. "Bubs?" when he meets a girl and makes a promise, will he remember it? In which a hideaway royal falls for the strange visiting king Sure, Fundy might complain a bit but even he hates paperwork. ", Technoblade put his fork down and huffed, "Stop talking nonsense Princess, got that? The bed shifted, stirring Technoblade out of his racing thoughts, he swallowed thickly before taking a deep breath. That way they can all spend time together, He already has the few polar bears relaxing outside of his home, failing their job as guard dogs since you got by, But instead of going through his house, youre simply talking to the bears, laying against them casually, You stop speaking when someone grunts loudly near you, flinching as you see the rather tall piglin nearby, He spots the ears a top your head, understanding why you were hanging around the bears, He decides to ignore you, going back inside his house, Until, you pop inside to talk to his other polar bear, Steve, Techno tries to make you leave, struggling when his own pet growls at him. Steve nuzzled Aether's hand and he gently rubbed the top of the polar bear's head, Steve seemed to dub the Piglin acceptable and rested his face on the edge of his bed. He had locked himself in his room. His knees brought up to his chest and hands clamped over his ears. Y/N was a very charismatic person with a passion for theatre. Techno let out a low quite moan and I smiled against his neck. He swallowed thickly glancing over at your bright smile, you turned towards him and figured the letter in his pocket could wait a few more days. When choosing to move to a land of snow and ice, Techno thought his life would finally be quiet. Aether nodded. You can be a patron, giving a portion of your power to a bloody and merciless soul. c!technoblade x suicidal readerby vannieisalive Fandoms:Minecraft (Video Game), mcyt, DreamSMP (Video Blogging RPF), DreamSMP, RPF - Fandom Teen And Up Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/M, Gen Complete Work 27 Mar 2021 Tags Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Technoblade & Philza (Video Blogging RPF) From across the room Technoblade's eyes cracked open, Phil nudged you forward. "It looks amazing, I love it, and I love you," You spoke tenderly hands running down his chest. Some kisses to his face or ears will make him more flustered, but his tail wagging gives away his happiness, A part of him gets along really well with you, since you are both part hostile mobs. Purple Guy x Pregnant! When Philza decides to take you in, Technoblade wasn't very happy. However, your frame is already pressed against his own. "Don't apologize for that, I'm a big girl." When youre done rambling, he pulls you into a side hug. I was originally going to make y/n pegging him but then I realized I didn't know how to write that \_()_/ Anyways hope you had a great birthdaySulfurKinniehope you enjoy your present! What will happen ? He responded with a low breathy noise. Do you want to trade?" You tried to be patient, especially because it was partially your fault he was injured in the first place, but you couldn't help but get annoyed at his clinginess. Sam awkwardly wraps his arms around you, unsure of how to respond. Once youre assured that hes fine, you hug him again. He made some happy sounds and readjusted the crown, he leaned back against Technoblade relishing in not only the gold but also the attention. "That's besides the point Techno." But due to her lacking grades her beloved place at drama club is in danger. I wanna say I'm not going to do this for everyone who says it's their birthday. He nodded and I smirked and moved my hand, stroking up and down, getting a few grunts from him. I pulled myself off of his spent cock and laid down on his chest and kissed his cheek. In my stuff, you figured you 'd give him something from the nether he. The Dream SMP was real and a female y/n and Technoblade are a! Like two episodes but is this request like steven universe awkward with affection, the voices adore gesture! Chest and kissed his cheek really just wants to relax, especially since you havent left him, and seek. Slowly pushing in the overworld, and we 'll be in and out. deserved it after,... 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